Source code for treecorr.nncorrelation

# Copyright (c) 2003-2024 by Mike Jarvis
# TreeCorr is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

.. module:: nncorrelation

import numpy as np

from . import _treecorr
from .corr2base import Corr2
from .util import make_writer, make_reader, lazy_property
from .config import make_minimal_config

[docs]class NNCorrelation(Corr2): r"""This class handles the calculation and storage of a 2-point count-count correlation function. i.e. the regular density correlation function. Ojects of this class holds the following attributes: Attributes: nbins: The number of bins in logr bin_size: The size of the bins in logr min_sep: The minimum separation being considered max_sep: The maximum separation being considered In addition, the following attributes are numpy arrays of length (nbins): Attributes: logr: The nominal center of the bin in log(r) (the natural logarithm of r). rnom: The nominal center of the bin converted to regular distance. i.e. r = exp(logr). meanr: The (weighted) mean value of r for the pairs in each bin. If there are no pairs in a bin, then exp(logr) will be used instead. meanlogr: The mean value of log(r) for the pairs in each bin. If there are no pairs in a bin, then logr will be used instead. weight: The total weight in each bin. npairs: The number of pairs going into each bin (including pairs where one or both objects have w=0). tot: The total number of pairs processed, which is used to normalize the randoms if they have a different number of pairs. If `calculateXi` has been called, then the following will also be available: Attributes: xi: The correlation function, :math:`\xi(r)` varxi: An estimate of the variance of :math:`\xi` cov: An estimate of the full covariance matrix. If ``sep_units`` are given (either in the config dict or as a named kwarg) then the distances will all be in these units. .. note:: If you separate out the steps of the `Corr2.process` command and use `process_auto` and/or `Corr2.process_cross`, then the units will not be applied to ``meanr`` or ``meanlogr`` until the `finalize` function is called. The typical usage pattern is as follows: >>> nn = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config) >>> nn.process(cat) # For auto-correlation. >>> nn.process(cat1,cat2) # For cross-correlation. >>> rr.process... # Likewise for random-random correlations >>> dr.process... # If desired, also do data-random correlations >>> rd.process... # For cross-correlations, also do the reverse. >>> nn.write(file_name,rr=rr,dr=dr,rd=rd) # Write out to a file. >>> xi,varxi = nn.calculateXi(rr=rr,dr=dr,rd=rd) # Or get correlation function directly. Parameters: config (dict): A configuration dict that can be used to pass in kwargs if desired. This dict is allowed to have addition entries besides those listed in `Corr2`, which are ignored here. (default: None) logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.) Keyword Arguments: **kwargs: See the documentation for `Corr2` for the list of allowed keyword arguments, which may be passed either directly or in the config dict. """ _cls = 'NNCorrelation' _letter1 = 'N' _letter2 = 'N' _letters = 'NN' _builder = _treecorr.NNCorr _calculateVar1 = lambda *args, **kwargs: None _calculateVar2 = lambda *args, **kwargs: None _sig1 = None _sig2 = None # The angles are not important for accuracy of NN correlations. _default_angle_slop = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None, *, logger=None, **kwargs): """Initialize `NNCorrelation`. See class doc for details. """ super().__init__(config, logger=logger, **kwargs) self.tot = 0. self._xi1 = self._xi2 = self._xi3 = self._xi4 = np.array([]) self._rr_weight = None # Marker that calculateXi hasn't been called yet. self._rr = None self._dr = None self._rd = None self._write_rr = None self._write_dr = None self._write_rd = None self._write_patch_results = False self.logger.debug('Finished building NNCorr')
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy""" ret = super().copy() # True is possible during read before we finish reading in these attributes. if self._rr is not None and self._rr is not True: ret._rr = self._rr.copy() if self._dr is not None and self._dr is not True: ret._dr = self._dr.copy() if self._rd is not None and self._rd is not True: ret._rd = self._rd.copy() return ret
@lazy_property def _zero_array(self): # An array of all zeros with the same shape as self.weight (and other data arrays) z = np.zeros_like(self.weight) z.flags.writeable=False # Just to make sure we get an error if we try to change it. return z def _zero_copy(self, tot): # A minimal "copy" with zero for the weight array, and the given value for tot. ret = NNCorrelation.__new__(NNCorrelation) ret._ro = self._ro ret.coords = self.coords ret.metric = self.metric ret.config = self.config ret.meanr = self._zero_array ret.meanlogr = self._zero_array ret.weight = self._zero_array ret.npairs = self._zero_array ret.tot = tot ret._corr = None ret._rr = ret._dr = ret._rd = None ret._write_rr = ret._write_dr = ret._write_rd = None ret._write_patch_results = False ret._cov = None ret._logger_name = None # This override is really the main advantage of using this: setattr(ret, '_nonzero', False) return ret
[docs] def process_auto(self, cat, *, metric=None, num_threads=None): """Process a single catalog, accumulating the auto-correlation. This accumulates the auto-correlation for the given catalog. After calling this function as often as desired, the `finalize` command will finish the calculation of meanr, meanlogr. Parameters: cat (Catalog): The catalog to process metric (str): Which metric to use. See `Metrics` for details. (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) num_threads (int): How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation. (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) """ super()._process_auto(cat, metric, num_threads) self.tot += 0.5 * cat.sumw**2
[docs] def process_cross(self, cat1, cat2, *, metric=None, num_threads=None): """Process a single pair of catalogs, accumulating the cross-correlation. This accumulates the cross-correlation for the given catalogs. After calling this function as often as desired, the `finalize` command will finish the calculation of meanr, meanlogr. Parameters: cat1 (Catalog): The first catalog to process cat2 (Catalog): The second catalog to process metric (str): Which metric to use. See `Metrics` for details. (default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) num_threads (int): How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation. (default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) """ super().process_cross(cat1, cat2, metric=metric, num_threads=num_threads) self.tot += cat1.sumw * cat2.sumw
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finalize the calculation of the correlation function. The `process_auto` and `Corr2.process_cross` commands accumulate values in each bin, so they can be called multiple times if appropriate. Afterwards, this command finishes the calculation of meanr, meanlogr by dividing by the total weight. """ self._finalize()
@lazy_property def _nonzero(self): # The lazy version when we can be sure the object isn't going to accumulate any more. return self.nonzero def _clear(self): """Clear the data vectors """ super()._clear() self.tot = 0.
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): """Add a second Correlation object's data to this one. .. note:: For this to make sense, both objects should not have had `finalize` called yet. Then, after adding them together, you should call `finalize` on the sum. """ super().__iadd__(other) self.tot += other.tot return self
def _sum(self, others): # Equivalent to the operation of: # self._clear() # for other in others: # self += other # but no sanity checks and use numpy.sum for faster calculation. tot = np.sum([c.tot for c in others]) # Empty ones were only needed for tot. Remove them now. others = [c for c in others if c._nonzero] if len(others) == 0: self._clear() else: np.sum([c.meanr for c in others], axis=0, out=self.meanr) np.sum([c.meanlogr for c in others], axis=0, out=self.meanlogr) np.sum([c.weight for c in others], axis=0, out=self.weight) np.sum([c.npairs for c in others], axis=0, out=self.npairs) self.tot = tot def _add_tot(self, ij, c1, c2): # When storing results from a patch-based run, tot needs to be accumulated even if # the total weight being accumulated comes out to be zero. # This only applies to NNCorrelation. For the other ones, this is a no op. tot = c1.sumw * c2.sumw self.tot += tot # We also have to keep all pairs in the results dict, otherwise the tot calculation # gets messed up. We need to accumulate the tot value of all pairs, even if # the resulting weight is zero. But use a minimal copy with just the necessary fields # to save some time. self.results[ij] = self._zero_copy(tot) def _mean_weight(self): mean_np = np.mean(self.npairs) return 1 if mean_np == 0 else np.mean(self.weight)/mean_np
[docs] def getStat(self): """The standard statistic for the current correlation object as a 1-d array. This raises a RuntimeError if calculateXi has not been run yet. """ if self._rr is None: raise RuntimeError("You need to call calculateXi before calling estimate_cov.") return self.xi.ravel()
[docs] def getWeight(self): """The weight array for the current correlation object as a 1-d array. This is the weight array corresponding to `getStat`. In this case, it is the denominator RR from the calculation done by calculateXi(). """ if self._rr_weight is not None: return self._rr_weight.ravel() else: return self.tot
[docs] def calculateXi(self, *, rr, dr=None, rd=None): r"""Calculate the correlation function given another correlation function of random points using the same mask, and possibly cross correlations of the data and random. The rr value is the `NNCorrelation` function for random points. For a signal that involves a cross correlations, there should be two random cross-correlations: data-random and random-data, given as dr and rd. - If dr is None, the simple correlation function :math:`\xi = (DD/RR - 1)` is used. - if dr is given and rd is None, then :math:`\xi = (DD - 2DR + RR)/RR` is used. - If dr and rd are both given, then :math:`\xi = (DD - DR - RD + RR)/RR` is used. where DD is the data NN correlation function, which is the current object. .. note:: The default method for estimating the variance is 'shot', which only includes the shot noise propagated into the final correlation. This does not include sample variance, so it is always an underestimate of the actual variance. To get better estimates, you need to set ``var_method`` to something else and use patches in the input catalog(s). cf. `Covariance Estimates`. After calling this method, you can use the `Corr2.estimate_cov` method or use this correlation object in the `estimate_multi_cov` function. Also, the calculated xi and varxi returned from this function will be available as attributes. Parameters: rr (NNCorrelation): The auto-correlation of the random field (RR) dr (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the data with randoms (DR), if desired, in which case the Landy-Szalay estimator will be calculated. (default: None) rd (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the randoms with data (RD), if desired. (default: None, which means use rd=dr) Returns: Tuple containing: - xi = array of :math:`\xi(r)` - varxi = an estimate of the variance of :math:`\xi(r)` """ # Each random weight value needs to be rescaled by the ratio of total possible pairs. if rr.tot == 0: raise ValueError("rr has tot=0.") # rrf is the factor to scale rr weights to get something commensurate to the dd density. rrf = self.tot / rr.tot # Likewise for the other two potential randoms: if dr is not None: if dr.tot == 0: raise ValueError("dr has tot=0.") drf = self.tot / dr.tot if rd is not None: if rd.tot == 0: raise ValueError("rd has tot=0.") rdf = self.tot / rd.tot # Calculate xi based on which randoms are provided. denom = rr.weight * rrf if dr is None and rd is None: self.xi = self.weight - denom elif rd is not None and dr is None: self.xi = self.weight - 2.*rd.weight * rdf + denom elif dr is not None and rd is None: self.xi = self.weight - 2.*dr.weight * drf + denom else: self.xi = self.weight - dr.weight * drf - rd.weight * rdf + denom # Divide by RR in all cases. if np.any(rr.weight == 0): self.logger.warning("Warning: Some bins for the randoms had no pairs.") denom[rr.weight==0] = 1. # guard against division by 0. self.xi /= denom # Set up necessary info for estimate_cov # First the bits needed for shot noise covariance: ddw = self._mean_weight() rrw = rr._mean_weight() if dr is not None: drw = dr._mean_weight() if rd is not None: rdw = rd._mean_weight() # Note: The use of varxi_factor for the shot noise varxi is semi-empirical. # It gives the increase in the variance over the case where RR >> DD. # I don't have a good derivation that this is the right factor to apply # when the random catalog is not >> larger than the data. # When I tried to derive this from first principles, I get the below formula, # but without the **2. So I'm not sure why this factor needs to be squared. # It seems at least plausible that I missed something in the derivation that # leads to this getting squared, but I can't really justify it. # But it's also possible that this is wrong... # Anyway, it seems to give good results compared to the empirical variance. # cf. if dr is None and rd is None: varxi_factor = 1 + rrf*rrw/ddw elif rd is not None and dr is None: varxi_factor = 1 + 2*rdf*rdw/ddw + rrf*rrw/ddw elif dr is not None and rd is None: varxi_factor = 1 + 2*drf*drw/ddw + rrf*rrw/ddw else: varxi_factor = 1 + drf*drw/ddw + rdf*rdw/ddw + rrf*rrw/ddw self._var_num = ddw * varxi_factor**2 self._rr_weight = rr.weight * rrf # Now set up the bits needed for patch-based covariance self._rr = rr self._dr = dr self._rd = rd if len(self.results) > 0: # Check that rr,dr,rd use the same patches as dd if rr.npatch1 != 1 and rr.npatch2 != 1: if rr.npatch1 != self.npatch1 or rr.npatch2 != self.npatch2: raise RuntimeError("If using patches, RR must be run with the same patches " "as DD") if dr is not None and (len(dr.results) == 0 or dr.npatch1 != self.npatch1 or dr.npatch2 not in (self.npatch2, 1)): raise RuntimeError("DR must be run with the same patches as DD") if rd is not None and (len(rd.results) == 0 or rd.npatch2 != self.npatch2 or rd.npatch1 not in (self.npatch1, 1)): raise RuntimeError("RD must be run with the same patches as DD") # If there are any rr,dr,rd patch pairs that aren't in results (because dr is a cross # correlation, and dd,rr may be auto-correlations, or because the d catalogs has some # patches with no items), then we need to add some dummy results to make sure all the # right pairs are computed when we make the vectors for the covariance matrix. add_ij = set() if rr.npatch1 != 1 and rr.npatch2 != 1: for ij in rr.results: if ij not in self.results: add_ij.add(ij) if dr is not None and dr.npatch2 != 1: for ij in dr.results: if ij not in self.results: add_ij.add(ij) if rd is not None and rd.npatch1 != 1: for ij in rd.results: if ij not in self.results: add_ij.add(ij) if len(add_ij) > 0: for ij in add_ij: self.results[ij] = self._zero_copy(0) self.__dict__.pop('_ok',None) # If it was already made, it will need to be redone. # Now that it's all set up, calculate the covariance and set varxi to the diagonal. self._cov = self.estimate_cov(self.var_method) self.varxi = self.cov_diag return self.xi, self.varxi
def _calculate_xi_from_pairs(self, pairs): self._sum([self.results[ij] for ij in pairs]) self._finalize() if self._rr is None: return dd = self.weight if len(self._rr.results) > 0: # This is the usual case. R has patches just like D. # Calculate rr and rrf in the normal way based on the same pairs as used for DD. pairs1 = [ij for ij in pairs if self._rr._ok[ij[0],ij[1]]] self._rr._sum([self._rr.results[ij] for ij in pairs1]) dd_tot = self.tot else: # In this case, R was not run with patches. # This is not necessarily much worse in practice it turns out. # We just need to scale RR down by the relative area. # The approximation we'll use is that tot in the auto-correlations is # proportional to area**2. # So the sum of tot**0.5 when i==j gives an estimate of the fraction of the total area. area_frac = np.sum([self.results[ij].tot**0.5 for ij in pairs if ij[0] == ij[1]]) area_frac /= np.sum([cij.tot**0.5 for ij,cij in self.results.items() if ij[0] == ij[1]]) # First figure out the original total for all DD that had the same footprint as RR. dd_tot = np.sum([self.results[ij].tot for ij in self.results]) # The rrf we want will be a factor of area_frac smaller than the original # dd_tot/rr_tot. We can effect this by multiplying the full dd_tot by area_frac # and use that value normally below. (Also for drf and rdf.) dd_tot *= area_frac rr = self._rr.weight rrf = dd_tot / self._rr.tot if self._dr is not None: if self._dr.npatch2 == 1: # If r doesn't have patches, then convert all (i,i) pairs to (i,0). pairs2 = [(ij[0],0) for ij in pairs if ij[0] == ij[1]] else: pairs2 = [ij for ij in pairs if self._dr._ok[ij[0],ij[1]]] self._dr._sum([self._dr.results[ij] for ij in pairs2]) dr = self._dr.weight drf = dd_tot / self._dr.tot if self._rd is not None: if self._rd.npatch1 == 1 and not all([p[0] == 0 for p in pairs]): # If r doesn't have patches, then convert all (i,i) pairs to (0,i). pairs3 = [(0,ij[1]) for ij in pairs if ij[0] == ij[1]] else: pairs3 = [ij for ij in pairs if self._rd._ok[ij[0],ij[1]]] self._rd._sum([self._rd.results[ij] for ij in pairs3]) rd = self._rd.weight rdf = dd_tot / self._rd.tot denom = rr * rrf if self._dr is None and self._rd is None: xi = dd - denom elif self._rd is not None and self._dr is None: xi = dd - 2.*rd * rdf + denom elif self._dr is not None and self._rd is None: xi = dd - 2.*dr * drf + denom else: xi = dd - dr * drf - rd * rdf + denom denom[denom == 0] = 1 # Guard against division by zero. self.xi = xi / denom self._rr_weight = denom
[docs] def write(self, file_name, *, rr=None, dr=None, rd=None, file_type=None, precision=None, write_patch_results=False, write_cov=False): r"""Write the correlation function to the file, file_name. rr is the `NNCorrelation` function for random points. If dr is None, the simple correlation function :math:`\xi = (DD - RR)/RR` is used. if dr is given and rd is None, then :math:`\xi = (DD - 2DR + RR)/RR` is used. If dr and rd are both given, then :math:`\xi = (DD - DR - RD + RR)/RR` is used. Normally, at least rr should be provided, but if this is also None, then only the basic accumulated number of pairs are output (along with the separation columns). The output file will include the following columns: ========== ========================================================== Column Description ========== ========================================================== r_nom The nominal center of the bin in r meanr The mean value :math:`\langle r\rangle` of pairs that fell into each bin meanlogr The mean value :math:`\langle \log(r)\rangle` of pairs that fell into each bin xi The estimator :math:`\xi` (if rr is given, or calculateXi has been called) sigma_xi The sqrt of the variance estimate of xi (if rr is given or calculateXi has been called) DD The total weight of pairs in each bin. RR The total weight of RR pairs in each bin (if rr is given) DR The total weight of DR pairs in each bin (if dr is given) RD The total weight of RD pairs in each bin (if rd is given) npairs The total number of pairs in each bin ========== ========================================================== If ``sep_units`` was given at construction, then the distances will all be in these units. Otherwise, they will be in either the same units as x,y,z (for flat or 3d coordinates) or radians (for spherical coordinates). Parameters: file_name (str): The name of the file to write to. rr (NNCorrelation): The auto-correlation of the random field (RR) dr (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the data with randoms (DR), if desired. (default: None) rd (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the randoms with data (RD), if desired. (default: None, which means use rd=dr) file_type (str): The type of file to write ('ASCII' or 'FITS'). (default: determine the type automatically from the extension of file_name.) precision (int): For ASCII output catalogs, the desired precision. (default: 4; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) write_patch_results (bool): Whether to write the patch-based results as well. (default: False) write_cov (bool): Whether to write the covariance matrix as well. (default: False) """'Writing NN correlations to %s',file_name) # Temporary attributes, so the helper functions can access them. precision = self.config.get('precision', 4) if precision is None else precision self._write_rr = rr self._write_dr = dr self._write_rd = rd self._write_patch_results = write_patch_results with make_writer(file_name, precision, file_type, self.logger) as writer: self._write(writer, None, write_patch_results, write_cov=write_cov, zero_tot=True) if write_patch_results: # Also write out rr, dr, rd, so covariances can be computed on round trip. rr = rr or self._rr dr = dr or self._dr rd = rd or self._rd if rr: rr._write(writer, '_rr', write_patch_results, zero_tot=True) if dr: dr._write(writer, '_dr', write_patch_results, zero_tot=True) if rd: rd._write(writer, '_rd', write_patch_results, zero_tot=True) self._write_rr = None self._write_dr = None self._write_rd = None self._write_patch_results = False
@property def _write_col_names(self): col_names = [ 'r_nom','meanr','meanlogr' ] rr = self._write_rr dr = self._write_dr rd = self._write_rd if rr is None: if hasattr(self, 'xi'): col_names += [ 'xi','sigma_xi' ] col_names += [ 'DD', 'npairs' ] else: col_names += [ 'xi','sigma_xi','DD','RR' ] if dr is not None and rd is not None: col_names += ['DR','RD'] elif dr is not None or rd is not None: col_names += ['DR'] col_names += [ 'npairs' ] return col_names @property def _write_data(self): data = [ self.rnom, self.meanr, self.meanlogr ] rr = self._write_rr dr = self._write_dr rd = self._write_rd if rr is None: if hasattr(self, 'xi'): data += [ self.xi, np.sqrt(self.varxi) ] data += [ self.weight, self.npairs ] if dr is not None: raise TypeError("rr must be provided if dr is not None") if rd is not None: raise TypeError("rr must be provided if rd is not None") else: xi, varxi = self.calculateXi(rr=rr, dr=dr, rd=rd) data += [ xi, np.sqrt(varxi), self.weight, rr.weight * (self.tot/rr.tot) ] if dr is not None and rd is not None: data += [ dr.weight * (self.tot/dr.tot), rd.weight * (self.tot/rd.tot) ] elif dr is not None or rd is not None: if dr is None: dr = rd data += [ dr.weight * (self.tot/dr.tot) ] data += [ self.npairs ] data = [ col.flatten() for col in data ] return data @property def _write_params(self): params = super()._write_params params['tot'] = self.tot if self._write_patch_results: params['_rr'] = bool(self._rr) params['_dr'] = bool(self._dr) params['_rd'] = bool(self._rd) return params
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name, *, file_type=None, logger=None, rng=None): """Create an NNCorrelation instance from an output file. This should be a file that was written by TreeCorr. Parameters: file_name (str): The name of the file to read in. file_type (str): The type of file ('ASCII', 'FITS', or 'HDF'). (default: determine the type automatically from the extension of file_name.) logger (Logger): If desired, a logger object to use for logging. (default: None) rng (RandomState): If desired, a numpy.random.RandomState instance to use for bootstrap random number generation. (default: None) Returns: An NNCorrelation object, constructed from the information in the file. """ if logger:'Building NNCorrelation from %s',file_name) with make_reader(file_name, file_type, logger) as reader: name = 'main' if 'main' in reader else None params = reader.read_params(ext=name) letters = params.get('corr', None) if letters not in Corr2._lookup_dict: raise OSError("%s does not seem to be a valid treecorr output file."%file_name) if params['corr'] != cls._letters: raise OSError("Trying to read a %sCorrelation output file with %s"%( params['corr'], cls.__name__)) kwargs = make_minimal_config(params, Corr2._valid_params) corr = cls(**kwargs, logger=logger, rng=rng)'Reading NN correlations from %s',file_name) corr._do_read(reader, name=name, params=params) return corr
[docs] def read(self, file_name, *, file_type=None): """Read in values from a file. This should be a file that was written by TreeCorr, preferably a FITS or HDF5 file, so there is no loss of information. .. warning:: The `NNCorrelation` object should be constructed with the same configuration parameters as the one being read. e.g. the same min_sep, max_sep, etc. This is not checked by the read function. Parameters: file_name (str): The name of the file to read in. file_type (str): The type of file ('ASCII' or 'FITS'). (default: determine the type automatically from the extension of file_name.) """'Reading NN correlations from %s',file_name) with make_reader(file_name, file_type, self.logger) as reader: self._do_read(reader)
def _do_read(self, reader, name=None, params=None): self._read(reader, name, params) if self._rr: rr = self.copy() rr._read(reader, name='_rr') self._rr = rr if self._dr: dr = self.copy() dr._read(reader, name='_dr') self._dr = dr if self._rd: rd = self.copy() rd._read(reader, name='_rd') self._rd = rd def _read_from_data(self, data, params): super()._read_from_data(data, params) s = self.logr.shape self.weight = data['DD'].reshape(s) self.tot = params['tot'] if 'xi' in data.dtype.names: self.xi = data['xi'].reshape(s) self.varxi = data['sigma_xi'].reshape(s)**2 # Note: "or None" turns False -> None self._rr = params.get('_rr', None) or None self._dr = params.get('_dr', None) or None self._rd = params.get('_rd', None) or None
[docs] def calculateNapSq(self, *, rr, R=None, dr=None, rd=None, m2_uform=None): r"""Calculate the corrollary to the aperture mass statistics for counts. .. math:: \langle N_{ap}^2 \rangle(R) &= \int_{0}^{rmax} \frac{r dr}{2R^2} \left [ T_+\left(\frac{r}{R}\right) \xi(r) \right] \\ The ``m2_uform`` parameter sets which definition of the aperture mass to use. The default is to use 'Crittenden'. If ``m2_uform`` is 'Crittenden': .. math:: U(r) &= \frac{1}{2\pi} (1-r^2) \exp(-r^2/2) \\ T_+(s) &= \frac{s^4 - 16s^2 + 32}{128} \exp(-s^2/4) \\ rmax &= \infty cf. Crittenden, et al (2002): ApJ, 568, 20 If ``m2_uform`` is 'Schneider': .. math:: U(r) &= \frac{9}{\pi} (1-r^2) (1/3-r^2) \\ T_+(s) &= \frac{12}{5\pi} (2-15s^2) \arccos(s/2) \\ &\qquad + \frac{1}{100\pi} s \sqrt{4-s^2} (120 + 2320s^2 - 754s^4 + 132s^6 - 9s^8) \\ rmax &= 2R cf. Schneider, et al (2002): A&A, 389, 729 This is used by `NGCorrelation.writeNorm`. See that function and also `GGCorrelation.calculateMapSq` for more details. Parameters: rr (NNCorrelation): The auto-correlation of the random field (RR) R (array): The R values at which to calculate the aperture mass statistics. (default: None, which means use self.rnom) dr (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the data with randoms (DR), if desired. (default: None) rd (NNCorrelation): The cross-correlation of the randoms with data (RD), if desired. (default: None, which means use rd=dr) m2_uform (str): Which form to use for the aperture mass. (default: 'Crittenden'; this value can also be given in the constructor in the config dict.) Returns: Tuple containing - nsq = array of :math:`\langle N_{ap}^2 \rangle(R)` - varnsq = array of variance estimates of this value """ if m2_uform is None: m2_uform = self.config.get('m2_uform', 'Crittenden') if m2_uform not in ['Crittenden', 'Schneider']: raise ValueError("Invalid m2_uform") if R is None: R = self.rnom # Make s a matrix, so we can eventually do the integral by doing a matrix product. s = np.outer(1./R, self.meanr) ssq = s*s if m2_uform == 'Crittenden': exp_factor = np.exp(-ssq/4.) Tp = (32. + ssq*(-16. + ssq)) / 128. * exp_factor else: Tp = np.zeros_like(s) sa = s[s<2.] ssqa = ssq[s<2.] Tp[s<2.] = 12./(5.*np.pi) * (2.-15.*ssqa) * np.arccos(sa/2.) Tp[s<2.] += 1./(100.*np.pi) * sa * np.sqrt(4.-ssqa) * ( 120. + ssqa*(2320. + ssqa*(-754. + ssqa*(132. - 9.*ssqa)))) Tp *= ssq xi, varxi = self.calculateXi(rr=rr, dr=dr, rd=rd) # Now do the integral by taking the matrix products. # Note that dlogr = bin_size Tpxi = nsq = Tpxi * self.bin_size varnsq = (Tp**2).dot(varxi) * self.bin_size**2 return nsq, varnsq