Getting Started Guide
Jupyter Tutorial
The below page covers many of the same points as the Jupyter notebook tutorial available in the TreeCorr repo. You may find it useful to work through that as well as, or instead of, reading this guide.
Shear-shear auto-correlation
Let’s start with how to calculate a shear-shear two-point auto-correlation. It’s not necessarily the simplest choice of correlation, but this specific calculation was the original reason I wrote TreeCorr, so it’s close to my heart. The basic pattern is as follows:
cat = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)
Here file_name
is the name of some input file, which has the shear and position
data of your galaxies. config
is a dictionary with all the configuration
parameters about how to load the data and define the binning. We’ll expand that
out shortly. Finally, out_file_name
is some output file to write the results.
You can do a cross-correlation between two sets of galaxies very similarly:
cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name1, config1)
cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name2, config2)
gg.process(cat1, cat2)
If you would rather not write the results to an output file, but maybe plot them up or do some further calculation with them, you can access the resulting fields directly as numpy arrays:
xip = gg.xip # The real part of xi+
xim = gg.xim # The real part of xi-
logr = gg.logr # The nominal center of each bin
meanlogr = gg.meanlogr # The mean <log(r)> within the bins
varxi = gg.varxi # The variance of each xi+ or xi- value
# taking into account shape noise only
See the doc string for GGCorrelation
for other available attributes.
Other Two-point Correlation Classes
The other kinds of correlations each have their own class:
= count-count (normal LSS correlation)
= count-scalar (i.e. <kappa>(R), where kappa is any scalar field)
= scalar-scalar
= count-shear (i.e. <gamma_t>(R))
= scalar-shear
= shear-shear (e.g. cosmic shear)
= count-vector
= scalar-vector
= vector-vector
You should see their doc strings for details, but they all work similarly. For the cross-type classes (e.g. NK, KG, etc.), there is no auto-correlation option, of course, just the cross-correlation.
The other main difference between these other correlation classes from GG is that there is only a
single correlation function, so it is called xi
rather than xip
and xim
Also, NN does not have any kind of xi
attribute. You need to perform an additional
calculation involving random catalogs for that.
See Using random catalogs below for more details.
Loading a Catalog
OK, now let’s get into some of the details about how to load data into a Catalog
To specify the names of the columns in the input file, as well as other details about
how to interpret the columns, you can either use a config
dict, as we did above,
or specify keyword arguments. Either way is fine, although to be honest, the keywords
are probably more typical, so we’ll use that from here on.
For a shear catalog, you need to specify the position of each galaxy and the shear values, g1 and g2. You do this by stating which column in the input catalog corresponds to each value you need. For example:
cat = treecorr.Catalog(file_name='input_cat.fits',
x_col='X_IMAGE', y_col='Y_IMAGE', g1_col='E1', g2_col='E2')
For FITS files, you specify the columns by name, which correspond to the column name in the FITS table. For ASCII input files, you specify the column number instead:
cat = treecorr.Catalog(file_name='input_cat.dat',
x_col=2, y_col=3, g1_col=5, g2_col=6)
where the first column in numbered 1, not 0.
When the positions are given as right ascension and declination on the celestial sphere, rather than x and y on a flat projection (like an image), you also need to specify what units the angles use:
cat = treecorr.Catalog(file_name='input_cat.fits',
ra_col='RA', dec_col='DEC', g1_col='E1', g2_col='E2',
ra_units='hours', dec_units='degrees')
For the catalog of the N part of a calculation, you can skip the g1_col
and g2_col
Those only need positions. For a K correlation, you should specify k_col
cat = treecorr.Catalog(file_name='input_cat.fits',
ra_col='RA', dec_col='DEC', k_col='KAPPA',
ra_units='hours', dec_units='degrees')
See the documentation for Catalog
for more options, such as how to flip the sign of
g1 or g2 (unfortunately not everyone follows the same conventions), use weights,
skip objects with specific flags, and more.
Building a Catalog from numpy arrays
If the provided tools for reading in the data from an input file are insufficient, or if
the data you want to use are being generated in Python natively, so there is no file
to read, then you can instead build the Catalog
directly from numpy arrays:
x = numpy.array(x_values) # These might be the output of
y = numpy.array(y_values) # some calculation...
g1 = numpy.array(g1_values)
g2 = numpy.array(g2_values)
cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2)
You always need to include either x
and y
or ra
and dec
Which other columns you need depends on what kind of correlation function you want to calculate
from the data. For GG, you need g1
and g2
, but for K correlations, you would use
You can optionally provide a weight column as well with w
if desired.
This will then perform a weighted correlation using those weights.
Again, see the doc string for Catalog
for more information.
Defining the binning
For the default bin_type, "Log"
, the correlation function is binned
in equally spaced bins in \(\log(r)\). where \(r\) represents the separation
between two points being correlated.
Typically you would specify the minimum and
maximum separation you want accumulated as min_sep
and max_sep
along with nbins
to specify how many bins to use:
gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=1., max_sep=100., nbins=10)
When the positions are given as (ra, dec), then the separations are also angles, so you need to specify what units to use. These do not have to be the same units as you used for either ra or dec:
gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=1., max_sep=100., nbins=10, sep_units='arcmin')
Most correlation functions of interest in astronomy are roughly power laws, so log
binning puts similar signal-to-noise in each bin, making it often a good choice.
However, for some use cases, linear binning is more appropriate. This is possible
using the bin_type
gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=10., max_sep=15., nbins=5, bin_type='Linear')
See Binning for more details about this option and the "TwoD"
as well as some other options related to binning.
Finally, the default way of calculating separations is a normal Euclidean metric. However, TreeCorr implements a number of other metrics as well, which are useful in various situations. See Metrics for details.
Three-point Correlation Classes
TreeCorr can also do three-point correlations, to measure how the product of three fields depends on the size and shape of the triangle connecting three points. So far, we have only implemented the auto-correlation three-point functions:
# count-count-count
# shear-shear-shear
# scalar-scalar-scalar
These classes are significantly more complicated than the two-point ones, since they have to deal with the geometry of the triangles being binned. See their doc strings for more details.
Using random catalogs
For the NN and NNN correlations, the raw calculation is not sufficient to produce the real correlation function. You also need to account for the survey geometry (edges, mask, etc.) by running the same calculation with a random catalog (or several) that have a uniform density, but the same geometry:
data = treecorr.Catalog(data_file, config)
rand = treecorr.Catalog(rand_file, config)
dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
dr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
This calculates xi = (DD-2DR+RR)/RR for each bin. This is the Landy-Szalay estimator, which is the most widely used estimator for count-count correlation functions. However, if you want to use a simpler estimator xi = (DD-RR)/RR, then you can omit the dr parameter. The simpler estimator is slightly biased though, so this is not recommended.
After calling calculateXi
, the dd
object above will have xi
and varxi
attributes, which store the results of this calculation.
The NG and NK classes also have a calculateXi
method to allow
for the use of compensated estimators in those cases as well.
Calling this function updates the xi
attribute from the uncompensated value to the
compensated value.
These correlations do not suffer as much from masking effects,
so the compensation is not as necessary. However, it does produce a slightly better estimate
of the correlation function if you are able to use a random catalog.
Furthermore, the process
functions can take lists of Catalogs if desired,
in which case it will
do all the possible combinations. This is especially relevant for doing randoms,
since the statistics get better if you generate several randoms and do all the correlations to beat down the noise:
rand_list = [ treecorr.Catalog(f,config) for f in rand_files ]
dr.process(data, rand_list)
The corresponding three-point NNN calculation is even more complicated, since there are 8 total
combinations that need to be computed: zeta = (DDD-DDR-DRD-RDD+DRR+RDR+RRD-RRR)/RRR.
Because of the triangle geometry, we don’t have DRR = DRD = RDD, so all 8 need to be computed.
See the docstring for calculateZeta
for more details.
Manually accumulating the correlation function
For even more control over the calculation, you can break up the steps in the
functions. There are typically three steps:
Calculate the variance of the field as needed (i.e. for anything but NN correlations).
Accumulate the correlations into the bins for each auto-correlation and cross-correlation desired.
Finalize the calculation.
If you have several pairs of catalogs that you want to accumulate into a single correlation function, you could write the following:
lens_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(f,config) for f in lens_files ]
source_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(f,config) for f in source_files ]
ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(config)
varg = treecorr.calculateVarG(source_cats)
for c1, c2 in zip(lens_cats, source_cats):
In addition to process_cross
classes that allow auto-correlations have a
method for manually processing
auto-correlations. See the doc strings for these methods for more information.
Breaking up the calculation manually like this is probably not often necessary anymore. It used to be useful for dividing a calculation among several machines, which would each save their results to disk. These results could then be reassembled and finalized after all the results were finished.
However, this work mode is now incorporated directly into TreeCorr via the use of “patches”. See Patches for details about how to automatically divide up your input catalog into patches and to farm the calculation out to multiple machines using MPI.