# Copyright (c) 2003-2024 by Mike Jarvis
# TreeCorr is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.. module:: nnncorrelation
import numpy as np
from . import _treecorr
from .catalog import calculateVarK, calculateVarG
from .corr3base import Corr3
[docs]class KGGCorrelation(Corr3):
r"""This class handles the calculation and storage of a 3-point scalar-shear-shear correlation
With this class, point 1 of the triangle (i.e. the vertex opposite d1) is the one with the
scalar value. Use `GKGCorrelation` and `GGKCorrelation` for classes with the scalar in the
other two positions.
For the shear projection, we follow the lead of the 3-point shear-shear-shear correlation
functions (see `GGGCorrelation` for details), which involves projecting the shear values
at each vertex relative to the direction to the triangle's centroid. Furthermore, the
GGG correlations have 4 relevant complex values for each triangle:
.. math::
\Gamma_0 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_1 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_2 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_3 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}^*) \rangle \\
With a scalar value at vertex 1, :math:`\Gamma_0 = \Gamma_1` and :math:`\Gamma_2 = \Gamma_3^*`.
So there are only two independent values. However, you may access these values using whichever
names you find most convenient: ``gam0``, ``gam1``, ``gam2`` and ``gam3`` are all valid
attributes, which return the corresponding value.
See the doc string of `Corr3` for a description of how the triangles are binned along
with the attributes related to the different binning options.
In addition to the attributes common to all `Corr3` subclasses, objects of this class
hold the following attributes:
gam0: The 0th "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_0`.
gam1: The 1st "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_1`.
gam2: The 2nd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_2`.
gam3: The 3rd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_3`.
vargam0: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`, only including the shot noise.
vargam1: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_1`, only including the shot noise.
vargam2: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_2`, only including the shot noise.
vargam3: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_3`, only including the shot noise.
The typical usage pattern is as follows::
>>> kgg = treecorr.KGGCorrelation(config)
>>> kgg.process(cat1, cat2) # Compute cross-correlation of two fields.
>>> kgg.process(cat1, cat2, cat3) # Compute cross-correlation of three fields.
>>> kgg.write(file_name) # Write out to a file.
>>> gam0 = kgg.gam0, etc. # Access gamma values directly.
>>> gam0r = kgg.gam0r # Or access real and imag parts separately.
>>> gam0i = kgg.gam0i
config (dict): A configuration dict that can be used to pass in kwargs if desired.
This dict is allowed to have addition entries besides those listed
in `Corr3`, which are ignored here. (default: None)
logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case
one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.)
Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs: See the documentation for `Corr3` for the list of allowed keyword
arguments, which may be passed either directly or in the config dict.
_cls = 'KGGCorrelation'
_letter1 = 'K'
_letter2 = 'G'
_letter3 = 'G'
_letters = 'KGG'
_builder = _treecorr.KGGCorr
_calculateVar1 = staticmethod(calculateVarK)
_calculateVar2 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_calculateVar3 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_sig1 = 'sig_k'
_sig2 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
_sig3 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None, *, logger=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, logger=logger, **kwargs)
shape = self.data_shape
# z0,1 holds gamma_0
# z2,3 holds gamma_2
self._z[0:4] = [np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) for _ in range(4)]
self.logger.debug('Finished building KGGCorr')
def gam0(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam1(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam2(self):
return self._z[2] + 1j * self._z[3]
def gam3(self):
return self._z[2] - 1j * self._z[3]
def gam0r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam0i(self):
return self._z[1]
def gam1r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam1i(self):
return self._z[1]
def gam2r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam2i(self):
return self._z[3]
def gam3r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam3i(self):
return -self._z[3]
[docs] def finalize(self, vark, varg1, varg2):
"""Finalize the calculation of the correlation function.
vark (float): The variance of the scalar field.
varg1 (float): The variance per component of the first shear field.
varg2 (float): The variance per component of the second shear field.
self._var_num = 2 * vark * varg1 * varg2
if self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']:
self._var_num *= 2
def vargam0(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[0]
def vargam1(self):
return self.vargam0
def vargam2(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[1]
def vargam3(self):
return self.vargam2
[docs] def getStat(self):
"""The standard statistic for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, the concatenation of gam0.ravel() and gam2.ravel().
return np.concatenate([self.gam0.ravel(), self.gam2.ravel()])
[docs] def getWeight(self):
"""The weight array for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, 2 copies of self.weight.ravel().
return np.concatenate([np.abs(self.weight.ravel())] * 2)
[docs] def write(self, file_name, *, file_type=None, precision=None, write_patch_results=False,
super().write(file_name, file_type=file_type, precision=precision,
write_patch_results=write_patch_results, write_cov=write_cov)
write.__doc__ = Corr3.write.__doc__.format(
gam0r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam0i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam2r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_2`
gam2i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_2`
sigma_gam0 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`
sigma_gam2 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_2`
def _write_class_col_names(self):
return ['gam0r', 'gam0i', 'gam2r', 'gam2i', 'sigma_gam0', 'sigma_gam2']
def _write_class_data(self):
return [self.gam0r, self.gam0i, self.gam2r, self.gam2i,
np.sqrt(self.vargam0), np.sqrt(self.vargam2)]
def _read_from_data(self, data, params):
super()._read_from_data(data, params)
s = self.data_shape
self._z[0] = data['gam0r'].reshape(s)
self._z[1] = data['gam0i'].reshape(s)
self._z[2] = data['gam2r'].reshape(s)
self._z[3] = data['gam2i'].reshape(s)
vargam0 = data['sigma_gam0'].reshape(s)**2
vargam2 = data['sigma_gam2'].reshape(s)**2
self._varzeta = [vargam0, vargam2]
[docs]class GKGCorrelation(Corr3):
r"""This class handles the calculation and storage of a 3-point shear-scalar-shear correlation
With this class, point 2 of the triangle (i.e. the vertex opposite d2) is the one with the
shear value. Use `KGGCorrelation` and `GGKCorrelation` for classes with the shear in the
other two positions.
For the shear projection, we follow the lead of the 3-point shear-shear-shear correlation
functions (see `GGGCorrelation` for details), which involves projecting the shear values
at each vertex relative to the direction to the triangle's centroid. Furthermore, the
GGG correlations have 4 relevant complex values for each triangle:
.. math::
\Gamma_0 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_1 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_2 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_3 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}^*) \rangle \\
With a scalar value at vertex 2, :math:`\Gamma_0 = \Gamma_2` and :math:`\Gamma_1 = \Gamma_3^*`.
So there are only two independent values. However, you may access these values using whichever
names you find most convenient: ``gam0``, ``gam1``, ``gam2`` and ``gam3`` are all valid
attributes, which return the corresponding value.
See the doc string of `Corr3` for a description of how the triangles are binned along
with the attributes related to the different binning options.
In addition to the attributes common to all `Corr3` subclasses, objects of this class
hold the following attributes:
gam0: The 0th "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_0`.
gam1: The 1st "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_1`.
gam2: The 2nd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_2`.
gam3: The 3rd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_3`.
vargam0: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`, only including the shot noise.
vargam1: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_1`, only including the shot noise.
vargam2: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_2`, only including the shot noise.
vargam3: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_3`, only including the shot noise.
The typical usage pattern is as follows::
>>> gkg = treecorr.GKGCorrelation(config)
>>> gkg.process(cat1, cat2, cat1) # Compute cross-correlation of two fields.
>>> gkg.process(cat1, cat2, cat3) # Compute cross-correlation of three fields.
>>> gkg.write(file_name) # Write out to a file.
>>> gam0 = gkg.gam0, etc. # Access gamma values directly.
>>> gam0r = gkg.gam0r # Or access real and imag parts separately.
>>> gam0i = gkg.gam0i
config (dict): A configuration dict that can be used to pass in kwargs if desired.
This dict is allowed to have addition entries besides those listed
in `Corr3`, which are ignored here. (default: None)
logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case
one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.)
Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs: See the documentation for `Corr3` for the list of allowed keyword
arguments, which may be passed either directly or in the config dict.
_cls = 'GKGCorrelation'
_letter1 = 'G'
_letter2 = 'K'
_letter3 = 'G'
_letters = 'GKG'
_builder = _treecorr.GKGCorr
_calculateVar1 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_calculateVar2 = staticmethod(calculateVarK)
_calculateVar3 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_sig1 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
_sig2 = 'sig_k'
_sig3 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None, *, logger=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, logger=logger, **kwargs)
shape = self.data_shape
self._z[0:4] = [np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) for _ in range(4)]
self.logger.debug('Finished building GKGCorr')
def gam0(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam1(self):
return self._z[2] + 1j * self._z[3]
def gam2(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam3(self):
return self._z[2] - 1j * self._z[3]
def gam0r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam0i(self):
return self._z[1]
def gam1r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam1i(self):
return self._z[3]
def gam2r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam2i(self):
return self._z[1]
def gam3r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam3i(self):
return -self._z[3]
[docs] def finalize(self, varg1, vark, varg2):
"""Finalize the calculation of the correlation function.
varg1 (float): The variance per component of the first shear field.
vark (float): The variance of the scalar field.
varg2 (float): The variance per component of the second shear field.
self._var_num = 2 * varg1 * vark * varg2
if self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']:
self._var_num *= 2
def vargam0(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[0]
def vargam1(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[1]
def vargam2(self):
return self.vargam0
def vargam3(self):
return self.vargam1
[docs] def getStat(self):
"""The standard statistic for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, the concatenation of gam0.ravel() and gam1.ravel().
return np.concatenate([self.gam0.ravel(), self.gam1.ravel()])
[docs] def getWeight(self):
"""The weight array for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, 2 copies of self.weight.ravel().
return np.concatenate([np.abs(self.weight.ravel())] * 2)
[docs] def write(self, file_name, *, file_type=None, precision=None, write_patch_results=False,
super().write(file_name, file_type=file_type, precision=precision,
write_patch_results=write_patch_results, write_cov=write_cov)
write.__doc__ = Corr3.write.__doc__.format(
gam0r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam0i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam1r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_1`
gam1i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_1`
sigma_gam0 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`
sigma_gam1 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_1`
def _write_class_col_names(self):
return ['gam0r', 'gam0i', 'gam1r', 'gam1i', 'sigma_gam0', 'sigma_gam1']
def _write_class_data(self):
return [self.gam0r, self.gam0i, self.gam1r, self.gam1i,
np.sqrt(self.vargam0), np.sqrt(self.vargam1)]
def _read_from_data(self, data, params):
super()._read_from_data(data, params)
s = self.data_shape
self._z[0] = data['gam0r'].reshape(s)
self._z[1] = data['gam0i'].reshape(s)
self._z[2] = data['gam1r'].reshape(s)
self._z[3] = data['gam1i'].reshape(s)
vargam0 = data['sigma_gam0'].reshape(s)**2
vargam1 = data['sigma_gam1'].reshape(s)**2
self._varzeta = [vargam0, vargam1]
[docs]class GGKCorrelation(Corr3):
r"""This class handles the calculation and storage of a 3-point shear-shear-scalar correlation
With this class, point 1 of the triangle (i.e. the vertex opposite d1) is the one with the
shear value. Use `GKGCorrelation` and `KGGCorrelation` for classes with the shear in the
other two positions.
For the shear projection, we follow the lead of the 3-point shear-shear-shear correlation
functions (see `GGGCorrelation` for details), which involves projecting the shear values
at each vertex relative to the direction to the triangle's centroid. Furthermore, the
GGG correlations have 4 relevant complex values for each triangle:
.. math::
\Gamma_0 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_1 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_2 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2})^* \gamma(\mathbf{x3}) \rangle \\
\Gamma_3 &= \langle \gamma(\mathbf{x1}) \gamma(\mathbf{x2}) \gamma(\mathbf{x3}^*) \rangle \\
With a scalar value at vertex 3, :math:`\Gamma_0 = \Gamma_3` and :math:`\Gamma_1 = \Gamma_2^*`.
So there are only two independent values. However, you may access these values using whichever
names you find most convenient: ``gam0``, ``gam1``, ``gam2`` and ``gam3`` are all valid
attributes, which return the corresponding value.
See the doc string of `Corr3` for a description of how the triangles are binned along
with the attributes related to the different binning options.
In addition to the attributes common to all `Corr3` subclasses, objects of this class
hold the following attributes:
gam0: The 0th "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_0`.
gam1: The 1st "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_1`.
gam2: The 2nd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_2`.
gam3: The 3rd "natural" correlation function, :math:`\Gamma_3`.
vargam0: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`, only including the shot noise.
vargam1: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_1`, only including the shot noise.
vargam2: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_2`, only including the shot noise.
vargam3: The variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_3`, only including the shot noise.
The typical usage pattern is as follows::
>>> ggk = treecorr.GGKCorrelation(config)
>>> ggk.process(cat1, cat2) # Compute cross-correlation of two fields.
>>> ggk.process(cat1, cat2, cat3) # Compute cross-correlation of three fields.
>>> ggk.write(file_name) # Write out to a file.
>>> gam0 = ggk.gam0, etc. # Access gamma values directly.
>>> gam0r = ggk.gam0r # Or access real and imag parts separately.
>>> gam0i = ggk.gam0i
config (dict): A configuration dict that can be used to pass in kwargs if desired.
This dict is allowed to have addition entries besides those listed
in `Corr3`, which are ignored here. (default: None)
logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case
one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.)
Keyword Arguments:
**kwargs: See the documentation for `Corr3` for the list of allowed keyword
arguments, which may be passed either directly or in the config dict.
_cls = 'GGKCorrelation'
_letter1 = 'G'
_letter2 = 'G'
_letter3 = 'K'
_letters = 'GGK'
_builder = _treecorr.GGKCorr
_calculateVar1 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_calculateVar2 = staticmethod(calculateVarG)
_calculateVar3 = staticmethod(calculateVarK)
_sig1 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
_sig2 = 'sig_sn (per component)'
_sig3 = 'sig_k'
[docs] def __init__(self, config=None, *, logger=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, logger=logger, **kwargs)
shape = self.data_shape
self._z[0:4] = [np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) for _ in range(4)]
self.logger.debug('Finished building GGKCorr')
def gam0(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam1(self):
return self._z[2] + 1j * self._z[3]
def gam2(self):
return self._z[2] - 1j * self._z[3]
def gam3(self):
return self._z[0] + 1j * self._z[1]
def gam0r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam0i(self):
return self._z[1]
def gam1r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam1i(self):
return self._z[3]
def gam2r(self):
return self._z[2]
def gam2i(self):
return -self._z[3]
def gam3r(self):
return self._z[0]
def gam3i(self):
return self._z[1]
[docs] def finalize(self, varg1, varg2, vark):
"""Finalize the calculation of the correlation function.
varg1 (float): The variance per component of the first shear field.
varg2 (float): The variance per component of the second shear field.
vark (float): The variance of the scalar field.
self._var_num = 2 * varg1 * varg2 * vark
if self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']:
self._var_num *= 2
def vargam0(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[0]
def vargam1(self):
if self._varzeta is None:
return self._varzeta[1]
def vargam2(self):
return self.vargam1
def vargam3(self):
return self.vargam0
[docs] def getStat(self):
"""The standard statistic for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, the concatenation of gam0.ravel() and gam1.ravel().
return np.concatenate([self.gam0.ravel(), self.gam1.ravel()])
[docs] def getWeight(self):
"""The weight array for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
In this case, 2 copies of self.weight.ravel().
return np.concatenate([np.abs(self.weight.ravel())] * 2)
[docs] def write(self, file_name, *, file_type=None, precision=None, write_patch_results=False,
super().write(file_name, file_type=file_type, precision=precision,
write_patch_results=write_patch_results, write_cov=write_cov)
write.__doc__ = Corr3.write.__doc__.format(
gam0r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam0i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_0`
gam1r The real part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_1`
gam1i The imag part of the estimator of :math:`\Gamma_1`
sigma_gam0 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_0`
sigma_gam1 The sqrt of the variance estimate of :math:`\Gamma_1`
def _write_class_col_names(self):
return ['gam0r', 'gam0i', 'gam1r', 'gam1i', 'sigma_gam0', 'sigma_gam1']
def _write_class_data(self):
return [self.gam0r, self.gam0i, self.gam1r, self.gam1i,
np.sqrt(self.vargam0), np.sqrt(self.vargam1)]
def _read_from_data(self, data, params):
super()._read_from_data(data, params)
s = self.data_shape
self._z[0] = data['gam0r'].reshape(s)
self._z[1] = data['gam0i'].reshape(s)
self._z[2] = data['gam1r'].reshape(s)
self._z[3] = data['gam1i'].reshape(s)
vargam0 = data['sigma_gam0'].reshape(s)**2
vargam1 = data['sigma_gam1'].reshape(s)**2
self._varzeta = [vargam0, vargam1]