# Copyright (c) 2003-2024 by Mike Jarvis
# TreeCorr is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.. module:: corr3
from .catalog import Catalog, read_catalogs
from .corr3base import Corr3
from .config import setup_logger, check_config, print_params
from .util import set_omp_threads
from .nnncorrelation import NNNCorrelation
from .kkkcorrelation import KKKCorrelation
from .gggcorrelation import GGGCorrelation
# Dict describing the valid parameters, what types they are, and a description:
# Each value is a tuple with the following elements:
# type
# may_be_list
# default value
# list of valid values
# description
corr3_valid_params = {
# Parameters about the input catlogs
'file_name' : (str, True, None, None,
'The file(s) with the galaxy data.'),
'rand_file_name' : (str, True, None, None,
'For NNN correlations, a list of random files.'),
'file_list' : (str, False, None, None,
'A text file with file names in lieu of file_name.'),
'rand_file_list' : (str, False, None, None,
'A text file with file names in lieu of rand_file_name.'),
# Parameters about the output file(s)
'nnn_file_name' : (str, False, None, None,
'The output filename for point-point correlation function.'),
'nnn_statistic' : (str, False, 'compensated', ['compensated','simple'],
'Which statistic to use for omega as the estimator fo the NN correlation function. '),
'kkk_file_name' : (str, False, None, None,
'The output filename for scalar-scalar-scalar correlation function.'),
'ggg_file_name' : (str, False, None, None,
'The output filename for shear-shear-shear correlation function.'),
# Derived output quantities
'm3_file_name' : (str, False, None, None,
'The output filename for the aperture mass skewness.'),
# Add in the valid parameters for the relevant classes
for c in [ Catalog, Corr3 ]:
corr3_aliases = {
[docs]def corr3(config, logger=None):
"""Run the full three-point correlation function code based on the parameters in the
given config dict.
The function `print_corr3_params` will output information about the valid parameters
that are expected to be in the config dict.
Optionally a logger parameter maybe given, in which case it is used for logging.
If not given, the logging will be based on the verbose and log_file parameters.
:param config: The configuration dict which defines what to do.
:param logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case
one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.)
# Setup logger based on config verbose value
if logger is None:
logger = setup_logger(config.get('verbose',1), config.get('log_file',None))
# Check that config doesn't have any extra parameters.
# (Such values are probably typos.)
# Also convert the given parameters to the correct type, etc.
config = check_config(config, corr3_valid_params, corr3_aliases, logger)
import pprint
logger.debug('Using configuration dict:\n%s',pprint.pformat(config))
if ('output_dots' not in config
and config.get('log_file',None) is None
and config['verbose'] >= 2):
config['output_dots'] = True
# Set the number of threads
num_threads = config.get('num_threads',None)
logger.debug('From config dict, num_threads = %s',num_threads)
set_omp_threads(num_threads, logger)
# Read in the input files. Each of these is a list.
cat1 = read_catalogs(config, 'file_name', 'file_list', num=0, logger=logger)
# TODO: when giving file_name2, file_name3, should now do the real CrossCorrelation process.
rand1 = read_catalogs(config, 'rand_file_name', 'rand_file_list', num=0, logger=logger)
if len(cat1) == 0:
raise TypeError("Either file_name or file_list is required")
if len(rand1) == 0: rand1 = None
logger.info("Done creating input catalogs")
# Do GGG correlation function if necessary
if 'ggg_file_name' in config or 'm3_file_name' in config:
logger.warning("Performing GGG calculations...")
ggg = GGGCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
logger.info("Done GGG calculations.")
if 'ggg_file_name' in config:
logger.warning("Wrote GGG correlation to %s",config['ggg_file_name'])
if 'm3_file_name' in config:
logger.warning("Wrote Map3 values to %s",config['m3_file_name'])
# Do NNN correlation function if necessary
if 'nnn_file_name' in config:
logger.warning("Performing DDD calculations...")
ddd = NNNCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
logger.info("Done DDD calculations.")
drr = None
rdd = None
if rand1 is None:
logger.warning("No random catalogs given. Only doing ntri calculation.")
rrr = None
logger.warning("Performing RRR calculations...")
rrr = NNNCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
logger.info("Done RRR calculations.")
if rrr is not None and config['nnn_statistic'] == 'compensated':
logger.warning("Performing DRR calculations...")
drr = NNNCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
drr.process(cat1,rand1, ordered=False)
logger.info("Done DRR calculations.")
logger.warning("Performing DDR calculations...")
rdd = NNNCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
rdd.process(rand1,cat1, ordered=False)
logger.info("Done DDR calculations.")
ddd.write(config['nnn_file_name'], rrr=rrr, drr=drr, rdd=rdd)
logger.warning("Wrote NNN correlation to %s",config['nnn_file_name'])
# Do KKK correlation function if necessary
if 'kkk_file_name' in config:
logger.warning("Performing KKK calculations...")
kkk = KKKCorrelation(config, logger=logger)
logger.info("Done KKK calculations.")
logger.warning("Wrote KKK correlation to %s",config['kkk_file_name'])
[docs]def print_corr3_params():
"""Print information about the valid parameters that may be given to the `corr3` function.