# Copyright (c) 2003-2024 by Mike Jarvis
# TreeCorr is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.. module:: corr3base
import math
import numpy as np
import sys
import coord
from . import _treecorr
from .config import merge_config, setup_logger, get, make_minimal_config
from .util import parse_metric, metric_enum, coord_enum, set_omp_threads, lazy_property
from .util import make_reader
from .corr2base import estimate_multi_cov, build_multi_cov_design_matrix, Corr2
from .catalog import Catalog
class Namespace(object):
[docs]class Corr3(object):
r"""This class stores the results of a 3-point correlation calculation, along with some
ancillary data.
This is a base class that is not intended to be constructed directly. But it has a few
helper functions that derived classes can use to help perform their calculations. See
the derived classes for more details:
- `NNNCorrelation` handles count-count-count correlation functions
- `KKKCorrelation` handles scalar-scalar-scalar correlation functions
- `GGGCorrelation` handles shear-shear-shear correlation functions
Three-point correlations are a bit more complicated than two-point, since the data need
to be binned in triangles, not just the separation between two points.
There are currenlty three different ways to quantify the triangle shapes.
1. The triangle can be defined by its three side lengths (i.e. SSS congruence).
In this case, we characterize the triangles according to the following three parameters
based on the three side lengths with d1 >= d2 >= d3.
.. math::
r &= d2 \\
u &= \frac{d3}{d2} \\
v &= \pm \frac{(d1 - d2)}{d3} \\
The orientation of the triangle is specified by the sign of v.
Positive v triangles have the three sides d1,d2,d3 in counter-clockwise orientation.
Negative v triangles have the three sides d1,d2,d3 in clockwise orientation.
.. note::
We always bin the same way for positive and negative v values, and the binning
specification for v should just be for the positive values. E.g. if you specify
min_v=0.2, max_v=0.6, then TreeCorr will also accumulate triangles with
-0.6 < v < -0.2 in addition to those with 0.2 < v < 0.6.
2. The triangle can be defined by two of the sides and the angle between them (i.e. SAS
congruence). The vertex point between the two sides is considered point "1" (P1), so
the two sides (opposite points 2 and 3) are called d2 and d3. The angle between them is
called phi, and it is measured in radians.
The orientation is defined such that 0 <= phi <= pi is the angle sweeping from d2 to d3
Unlike the SSS definition where every triangle is uniquely placed in a single bin, this
definition forms a triangle with each object at the central vertex, P1, so for
auto-correlations, each triangle is placed in bins three times. For cross-correlations,
the order of the points is such that objects in the first catalog are at the central
vertex, P1, objects in the second catalog are at P2, which is opposite d2 (i.e.
at the end of line segment d3 from P1), and objects in the third catalog are at P3,
opposite d3 (i.e. at the end of d2 from P1).
3. The third option is a multipole expansion of the SAS description. This idea was initially
developed by Chen & Szapudi (2005, ApJ, 635, 743) and then further refined by
Slepian & Eisenstein (2015, MNRAS, 454, 4142), Philcox et al (2022, MNRAS, 509, 2457),
and Porth et al (arXiv:2309.08601). The latter in particular showed how to use this
method for non-spin-0 correlations (GGG in particular).
The basic idea is to do a Fourier transform of the phi binning to convert the phi
bins into n bins.
.. math::
\zeta(d_2, d_3, \phi) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_n \mathcal{Z}_n(d_2,d_3) e^{i n \phi}
Formally, this is exact if the sum goes from :math:`-\infty .. \infty`. Truncating this
sum at :math:`\pm n_\mathrm{max}` is similar to binning in theta with this many bins
for :math:`\phi` within the range :math:`0 <= \phi <= \pi`.
The above papers show that this multipole expansion allows for a much more efficient
calculation, since it can be done with a kind of 2-point calculation.
We provide methods to convert the multipole output into the SAS binning if desired, since
that is often more convenient in practice.
The constructor for all derived classes take a config dict as the first argument,
since this is often how we keep track of parameters, but if you don't want to
use one or if you want to change some parameters from what are in a config dict,
then you can use normal kwargs, which take precedence over anything in the config dict.
There are three implemented definitions for the ``metric``, which defines how to calculate
the distance between two points, for three-point corretions:
- 'Euclidean' = straight line Euclidean distance between two points. For spherical
coordinates (ra,dec without r), this is the chord distance between points on the
unit sphere.
- 'Arc' = the true great circle distance for spherical coordinates.
- 'Periodic' = Like Euclidean, but with periodic boundaries.
.. note::
The triangles for three-point correlations can become ambiguous if a triangle
side length d > period/2, which means for the SSS triangle definition, max_sep
(the maximum d2) should be less than period/4, and for SAS, max_sep should be less
than period/2. This is not enforced.
There are three allowed value for the ``bin_type`` for three-point correlations.
- 'LogRUV' uses the SSS description given above converted to r,u,v. The bin steps will be
uniform in log(r) from log(min_sep) .. log(max_sep). The u and v values are binned
linearly from min_u .. max_u and min_v .. max_v.
- 'LogSAS' uses the SAS description given above. The bin steps will be uniform in log(d)
for both d2 and d3 from log(min_sep) .. log(max_sep). The phi values are binned
linearly from min_phi .. max_phi. This is the default.
- 'LogMultipole' uses the multipole description given above. The bin steps will be uniform
in log(d) for both d2 and d3 from log(min_sep) .. log(max_sep), and the n value range
from -max_n .. max_n, inclusive.
config (dict): A configuration dict that can be used to pass in the below kwargs if
desired. This dict is allowed to have addition entries in addition
to those listed below, which are ignored here. (default: None)
logger: If desired, a logger object for logging. (default: None, in which case
one will be built according to the config dict's verbose level.)
Keyword Arguments:
nbins (int): How many bins to use. (Exactly three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep,
max_sep are required. If nbins is not given or set to None, it will be
calculated from the values of the other three, rounding up to the next
highest integer. In this case, bin_size will be readjusted to account
for this rounding up.)
bin_size (float): The width of the bins in log(separation). (Exactly three of nbins,
bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If bin_size is not given or
set to None, it will be calculated from the values of the other three.)
min_sep (float): The minimum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant. (Exactly
three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If min_sep is
not given or set to None, it will be calculated from the values of the
other three.)
max_sep (float): The maximum separation in units of sep_units, if relevant. (Exactly
three of nbins, bin_size, min_sep, max_sep are required. If max_sep is
not given or set to None, it will be calculated from the values of the
other three.)
sep_units (str): The units to use for the separation values, given as a string. This
includes both min_sep and max_sep above, as well as the units of the
output distance values. Valid options are arcsec, arcmin, degrees,
hours, radians. (default: radians if angular units make sense, but for
3-d or flat 2-d positions, the default will just match the units of
x,y[,z] coordinates)
bin_slop (float): How much slop to allow in the placement of triangles in the bins.
If bin_slop = 1, then the bin into which a particular pair is placed
may be incorrect by at most 1.0 bin widths. (default: None, which
means to use a bin_slop that gives a maximum error of 10% on any bin,
which has been found to yield good results for most application.
angle_slop (float): How much slop to allow in the angular direction. This works very
similarly to bin_slop, but applies to the projection angle of a pair
of cells. The projection angle for any two objects in a pair of cells
will differ by no more than angle_slop radians from the projection
angle defined by the centers of the cells. (default: 0.1)
brute (bool): Whether to use the "brute force" algorithm. (default: False) Options
- False (the default): Stop at non-leaf cells whenever the error in
the separation is compatible with the given bin_slop and angle_slop.
- True: Go to the leaves for both catalogs.
- 1: Always go to the leaves for cat1, but stop at non-leaf cells of
cat2 when the error is compatible with the given slop values.
- 2: Always go to the leaves for cat2, but stop at non-leaf cells of
cat1 when the error is compatible with the given slop values.
nphi_bins (int): Analogous to nbins for the phi values when bin_type=LogSAS. (The
default is to calculate from phi_bin_size = bin_size, min_phi = 0,
max_u = np.pi, but this can be overridden by specifying up to 3 of
these four parametes.)
phi_bin_size (float): Analogous to bin_size for the phi values. (default: bin_size)
min_phi (float): Analogous to min_sep for the phi values. (default: 0)
max_phi (float): Analogous to max_sep for the phi values. (default: np.pi)
phi_units (str): The units to use for the phi values, given as a string. This
includes both min_phi and max_phi above, as well as the units of the
output meanphi values. Valid options are arcsec, arcmin, degrees,
hours, radians. (default: radians)
max_n (int): The maximum value of n to store for the multipole binning.
(required if bin_type=LogMultipole)
nubins (int): Analogous to nbins for the u values when bin_type=LogRUV. (The default
is to calculate from ubin_size = bin_size, min_u = 0, max_u = 1, but
this can be overridden by specifying up to 3 of these four parametes.)
ubin_size (float): Analogous to bin_size for the u values. (default: bin_size)
min_u (float): Analogous to min_sep for the u values. (default: 0)
max_u (float): Analogous to max_sep for the u values. (default: 1)
nvbins (int): Analogous to nbins for the positive v values when bin__type=LogRUV.
(The default is to calculate from vbin_size = bin_size, min_v = 0,
max_v = 1, but this can be overridden by specifying up to 3 of these
four parametes.)
vbin_size (float): Analogous to bin_size for the v values. (default: bin_size)
min_v (float): Analogous to min_sep for the positive v values. (default: 0)
max_v (float): Analogous to max_sep for the positive v values. (default: 1)
verbose (int): If no logger is provided, this will optionally specify a logging level
to use:
- 0 means no logging output
- 1 means to output warnings only (default)
- 2 means to output various progress information
- 3 means to output extensive debugging information
log_file (str): If no logger is provided, this will specify a file to write the logging
output. (default: None; i.e. output to standard output)
output_dots (bool): Whether to output progress dots during the calcualtion of the
correlation function. (default: False unless verbose is given and >= 2,
in which case True)
split_method (str): How to split the cells in the tree when building the tree structure.
Options are:
- mean = Use the arithmetic mean of the coordinate being split.
- median = Use the median of the coordinate being split.
- middle = Use the middle of the range; i.e. the average of the minimum
and maximum value.
- random: Use a random point somewhere in the middle two quartiles of
the range.
min_top (int): The minimum number of top layers to use when setting up the field.
(default: :math:`\max(3, \log_2(N_{\rm cpu}))`)
max_top (int): The maximum number of top layers to use when setting up the field.
The top-level cells are where each calculation job starts. There will
typically be of order :math:`2^{\rm max\_top}` top-level cells.
(default: 10)
precision (int): The precision to use for the output values. This specifies how many
digits to write. (default: 4)
metric (str): Which metric to use for distance measurements. Options are listed
above. (default: 'Euclidean')
bin_type (str): What type of binning should be used. Options are listed above.
(default: 'LogSAS')
period (float): For the 'Periodic' metric, the period to use in all directions.
(default: None)
xperiod (float): For the 'Periodic' metric, the period to use in the x direction.
(default: period)
yperiod (float): For the 'Periodic' metric, the period to use in the y direction.
(default: period)
zperiod (float): For the 'Periodic' metric, the period to use in the z direction.
(default: period)
var_method (str): Which method to use for estimating the variance. Options are:
'shot', 'jackknife', 'sample', 'bootstrap', 'marked_bootstrap'.
(default: 'shot')
num_bootstrap (int): How many bootstrap samples to use for the 'bootstrap' and
'marked_bootstrap' var_methods. (default: 500)
rng (RandomState): If desired, a numpy.random.RandomState instance to use for bootstrap
random number generation. (default: None)
num_threads (int): How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
(default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given in
the constructor in the config dict.)
.. note::
This won't work if the system's C compiler cannot use OpenMP
(e.g. clang prior to version 3.7.)
_default_angle_slop = 0.1
# A dict pointing from _letters to cls. E.g. _lookup_dict['GGG'] = GGGCorrelation
_lookup_dict = {}
_valid_params = {
'nbins' : (int, False, None, None,
'The number of output bins to use for sep dimension.'),
'bin_size' : (float, False, None, None,
'The size of the output bins in log(sep).'),
'min_sep' : (float, False, None, None,
'The minimum separation to include in the output.'),
'max_sep' : (float, False, None, None,
'The maximum separation to include in the output.'),
'sep_units' : (str, False, None, coord.AngleUnit.valid_names,
'The units to use for min_sep and max_sep. Also the units of the output '
'bin_slop' : (float, False, None, None,
'The fraction of a bin width by which it is ok to let the triangles miss the '
'correct bin.',
'The default is to use 1 if bin_size <= 0.1, or 0.1/bin_size if bin_size > 0.1.'),
'angle_slop' : (float, False, None, None,
'The maximum difference in the projection angle for any pair of objects relative '
'to that of the pair of cells being used for an accumulated triangle'),
'nubins' : (int, False, None, None,
'The number of output bins to use for u dimension.'),
'ubin_size' : (float, False, None, None,
'The size of the output bins in u.'),
'min_u' : (float, False, None, None,
'The minimum u to include in the output.'),
'max_u' : (float, False, None, None,
'The maximum u to include in the output.'),
'nvbins' : (int, False, None, None,
'The number of output bins to use for positive v values.'),
'vbin_size' : (float, False, None, None,
'The size of the output bins in v.'),
'min_v' : (float, False, None, None,
'The minimum |v| to include in the output.'),
'max_v' : (float, False, None, None,
'The maximum |v| to include in the output.'),
'nphi_bins' : (int, False, None, None,
'The number of output bins to use for phi dimension.'),
'phi_bin_size' : (float, False, None, None,
'The size of the output bins in phi.'),
'min_phi' : (float, False, None, None,
'The minimum phi to include in the output.'),
'max_phi' : (float, False, None, None,
'The maximum phi to include in the output.'),
'phi_units' : (str, False, None, coord.AngleUnit.valid_names,
'The units to use for min_phi and max_phi.'),
'max_n' : (int, False, None, None,
'The maximum n to store for multipole binning.'),
'brute' : (bool, False, False, [False, True],
'Whether to use brute-force algorithm'),
'verbose' : (int, False, 1, [0, 1, 2, 3],
'How verbose the code should be during processing. ',
'0 = Errors Only, 1 = Warnings, 2 = Progress, 3 = Debugging'),
'log_file' : (str, False, None, None,
'If desired, an output file for the logging output.',
'The default is to write the output to stdout.'),
'output_dots' : (bool, False, None, None,
'Whether to output dots to the stdout during the C++-level computation.',
'The default is True if verbose >= 2 and there is no log_file. Else False.'),
'split_method' : (str, False, 'mean', ['mean', 'median', 'middle', 'random'],
'Which method to use for splitting cells.'),
'min_top' : (int, False, None, None,
'The minimum number of top layers to use when setting up the field.'),
'max_top' : (int, False, 10, None,
'The maximum number of top layers to use when setting up the field.'),
'precision' : (int, False, 4, None,
'The number of digits after the decimal in the output.'),
'metric': (str, False, 'Euclidean', ['Euclidean', 'Arc', 'Periodic'],
'Which metric to use for the distance measurements'),
'bin_type': (str, False, 'LogSAS', ['LogRUV', 'LogSAS', 'LogMultipole'],
'Which type of binning should be used'),
'period': (float, False, None, None,
'The period to use for all directions for the Periodic metric'),
'xperiod': (float, False, None, None,
'The period to use for the x direction for the Periodic metric'),
'yperiod': (float, False, None, None,
'The period to use for the y direction for the Periodic metric'),
'zperiod': (float, False, None, None,
'The period to use for the z direction for the Periodic metric'),
'var_method': (str, False, 'shot',
['shot', 'jackknife', 'sample', 'bootstrap', 'marked_bootstrap'],
'The method to use for estimating the variance'),
'num_bootstrap': (int, False, 500, None,
'How many bootstrap samples to use for the var_method=bootstrap and '
'num_threads' : (int, False, None, None,
'How many threads should be used. num_threads <= 0 means auto based on num cores.'),
def __init__(self, config=None, *, logger=None, rng=None, **kwargs):
self._corr = None # Do this first to make sure we always have it for __del__
self.config = merge_config(config,kwargs,Corr3._valid_params)
if logger is None:
self._logger_name = 'treecorr.Corr3'
self.logger = setup_logger(get(self.config,'verbose',int,1),
self.config.get('log_file',None), self._logger_name)
self.logger = logger
self._logger_name = logger.name
# We'll make a bunch of attributes here, which we put into a namespace called _ro.
# These are the core attributes that won't ever be changed after construction.
# This is an efficiency optimization (both memory and flops), since it will allow
# copy() to just copy a pointer to the _ro namespace without having to copy each
# individual attribute separately.
# The access of these attributes are all via read-only properties.
self._ro = Namespace()
if 'output_dots' in self.config:
self._ro.output_dots = get(self.config,'output_dots',bool)
self._ro.output_dots = get(self.config,'verbose',int,1) >= 2
self._ro.bin_type = self.config.get('bin_type', 'LogSAS')
self._ro.sep_units = self.config.get('sep_units','')
self._ro._sep_units = get(self.config,'sep_units',str,'radians')
self._ro._log_sep_units = math.log(self._sep_units)
if self.config.get('nbins', None) is None:
if self.config.get('max_sep', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter max_sep")
if self.config.get('min_sep', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter min_sep")
if self.config.get('bin_size', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter bin_size")
self._ro.min_sep = float(self.config['min_sep'])
self._ro.max_sep = float(self.config['max_sep'])
if self.min_sep >= self.max_sep:
raise ValueError("max_sep must be larger than min_sep")
bin_size = float(self.config['bin_size'])
self._ro.nbins = int(math.ceil(math.log(self.max_sep/self.min_sep)/bin_size))
# Update self.bin_size given this value of nbins
self._ro.bin_size = math.log(self.max_sep/self.min_sep)/self.nbins
# Note in this case, bin_size is saved as the nominal bin_size from the config
# file, and self.bin_size is the one for the radial bins. We'll use the nominal
# bin_size as the default bin_size for u and v below.
elif self.config.get('bin_size', None) is None:
if self.config.get('max_sep', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter max_sep")
if self.config.get('min_sep', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter min_sep")
self._ro.min_sep = float(self.config['min_sep'])
self._ro.max_sep = float(self.config['max_sep'])
if self.min_sep >= self.max_sep:
raise ValueError("max_sep must be larger than min_sep")
self._ro.nbins = int(self.config['nbins'])
bin_size = self._ro.bin_size = math.log(self.max_sep/self.min_sep)/self.nbins
elif self.config.get('max_sep', None) is None:
if self.config.get('min_sep', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter min_sep")
self._ro.min_sep = float(self.config['min_sep'])
self._ro.nbins = int(self.config['nbins'])
bin_size = self._ro.bin_size = float(self.config['bin_size'])
self._ro.max_sep = math.exp(self.nbins*bin_size)*self.min_sep
if self.config.get('min_sep', None) is not None:
raise TypeError("Only 3 of min_sep, max_sep, bin_size, nbins are allowed.")
self._ro.max_sep = float(self.config['max_sep'])
self._ro.nbins = int(self.config['nbins'])
bin_size = self._ro.bin_size = float(self.config['bin_size'])
self._ro.min_sep = self.max_sep*math.exp(-self.nbins*bin_size)
if self.sep_units == '':
self.logger.info("r: nbins = %d, min,max sep = %g..%g, bin_size = %g",
self.nbins, self.min_sep, self.max_sep, self.bin_size)
self.logger.info("r: nbins = %d, min,max sep = %g..%g %s, bin_size = %g",
self.nbins, self.min_sep, self.max_sep, self.sep_units,
# The underscore-prefixed names are in natural units (radians for angles)
self._ro._min_sep = self.min_sep * self._sep_units
self._ro._max_sep = self.max_sep * self._sep_units
self._ro._bin_size = self.bin_size # There is no Linear, but if I add it, need to apply
# units to _bin_size in that case as well.
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
for key in ['min_phi', 'max_phi', 'nphi_bins', 'phi_bin_size',
if key in self.config:
raise TypeError("%s is invalid for bin_type=LogRUV"%key)
self._ro._bintype = _treecorr.LogRUV
self._ro.min_u = float(self.config.get('min_u', 0.))
self._ro.max_u = float(self.config.get('max_u', 1.))
if self.min_u < 0. or self.max_u > 1.:
raise ValueError("Invalid range for u: %f - %f"%(self.min_u, self.max_u))
if self.min_u >= self.max_u:
raise ValueError("max_u must be larger than min_u")
self._ro.ubin_size = float(self.config.get('ubin_size', bin_size))
if 'nubins' not in self.config:
self._ro.nubins = int(math.ceil((self.max_u-self.min_u-1.e-10)/self.ubin_size))
elif 'max_u' in self.config and 'min_u' in self.config and 'ubin_size' in self.config:
raise TypeError("Only 3 of min_u, max_u, ubin_size, nubins are allowed.")
self._ro.nubins = self.config['nubins']
# Allow min or max u to be implicit from nubins and ubin_size
if 'ubin_size' in self.config:
if 'min_u' not in self.config:
self._ro.min_u = max(self.max_u - self.nubins * self.ubin_size, 0.)
if 'max_u' not in self.config:
self._ro.max_u = min(self.min_u + self.nubins * self.ubin_size, 1.)
# Adjust ubin_size given the other values
self._ro.ubin_size = (self.max_u-self.min_u)/self.nubins
self.logger.info("u: nbins = %d, min,max = %g..%g, bin_size = %g",
self._ro.min_v = float(self.config.get('min_v', 0.))
self._ro.max_v = float(self.config.get('max_v', 1.))
if self.min_v < 0 or self.max_v > 1.:
raise ValueError("Invalid range for |v|: %f - %f"%(self.min_v, self.max_v))
if self.min_v >= self.max_v:
raise ValueError("max_v must be larger than min_v")
self._ro.vbin_size = float(self.config.get('vbin_size', bin_size))
if 'nvbins' not in self.config:
self._ro.nvbins = int(math.ceil((self.max_v-self.min_v-1.e-10)/self.vbin_size))
elif 'max_v' in self.config and 'min_v' in self.config and 'vbin_size' in self.config:
raise TypeError("Only 3 of min_v, max_v, vbin_size, nvbins are allowed.")
self._ro.nvbins = self.config['nvbins']
# Allow min or max v to be implicit from nvbins and vbin_size
if 'vbin_size' in self.config:
if 'max_v' not in self.config:
self._ro.max_v = min(self.min_v + self.nvbins * self.vbin_size, 1.)
else: # min_v not in config
self._ro.min_v = max(self.max_v - self.nvbins * self.vbin_size, -1.)
# Adjust vbin_size given the other values
self._ro.vbin_size = (self.max_v-self.min_v)/self.nvbins
self.logger.info("v: nbins = %d, min,max = %g..%g, bin_size = %g",
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
for key in ['min_u', 'max_u', 'nubins', 'ubin_size',
'min_v', 'max_v', 'nvbins', 'vbin_size']:
if key in self.config:
raise TypeError("%s is invalid for bin_type=LogSAS"%key)
self._ro._bintype = _treecorr.LogSAS
# Note: we refer to phi as u in the _ro namespace to make function calls easier.
self._ro.phi_units = self.config.get('phi_units','')
self._ro._phi_units = get(self.config,'phi_units',str,'radians')
self._ro.min_u = float(self.config.get('min_phi', 0.))
self._ro.max_u = float(self.config.get('max_phi', np.pi / self._phi_units))
self._ro.min_u = self.min_phi * self._phi_units
self._ro.max_u = self.max_phi * self._phi_units
if self.min_phi < 0 or self.max_phi > np.pi:
raise ValueError("Invalid range for phi: %f - %f"%(
self.min_phi/self._phi_units, self.max_phi/self._phi_units))
if self.min_phi >= self.max_phi:
raise ValueError("max_phi must be larger than min_phi")
self._ro.ubin_size = float(self.config.get('phi_bin_size', bin_size))
if 'nphi_bins' not in self.config:
self._ro.nubins = (self.max_phi-self.min_phi-1.e-10)/self.phi_bin_size
self._ro.nubins = int(math.ceil(self._ro.nubins))
elif ('max_phi' in self.config and 'min_phi' in self.config
and 'phi_bin_size' in self.config):
raise TypeError("Only 3 of min_phi, max_phi, phi_bin_size, and nphi_bins are "
self._ro.nubins = self.config['nphi_bins']
# Allow min or max phi to be implicit from nphi_bins and phi_bin_size
if 'phi_bin_size' in self.config:
if 'max_phi' not in self.config:
self._ro.max_u = self.min_phi + self.nphi_bins * self.phi_bin_size
self._ro.max_u = min(self._ro.max_u, np.pi)
else: # min_phi not in config
self._ro.min_u = self.max_phi - self.nphi_bins * self.phi_bin_size
self._ro.min_u = max(self._ro.min_u, 0.)
# Adjust phi_bin_size given the other values
self._ro.ubin_size = (self.max_phi-self.min_phi)/self.nphi_bins
self._ro.min_v = self._ro.max_v = self._ro.nvbins = self._ro.vbin_size = 0
elif self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
for key in ['min_u', 'max_u', 'nubins', 'ubin_size',
'min_v', 'max_v', 'nvbins', 'vbin_size',
'min_phi', 'max_phi', 'nphi_bins', 'phi_bin_size']:
if key in self.config:
raise TypeError("%s is invalid for bin_type=LogMultipole"%key)
self._ro._bintype = _treecorr.LogMultipole
if self.config.get('max_n', None) is None:
raise TypeError("Missing required parameter max_n")
self._ro.nubins = int(self.config['max_n'])
if self.max_n < 0:
raise ValueError("max_n must be non-negative")
self._ro.min_u = self._ro.max_u = self._ro.ubin_size = 0
self._ro.min_v = self._ro.max_v = self._ro.nvbins = self._ro.vbin_size = 0
else: # pragma: no cover (Already checked by config layer)
raise ValueError("Invalid bin_type %s"%self.bin_type)
self._ro.split_method = self.config.get('split_method','mean')
self.logger.debug("Using split_method = %s",self.split_method)
self._ro.min_top = get(self.config,'min_top',int,None)
self._ro.max_top = get(self.config,'max_top',int,10)
self._ro.bin_slop = get(self.config,'bin_slop',float,-1.0)
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
self._ro.angle_slop = get(self.config,'angle_slop',float,np.pi/(2*self.max_n+1))
self._ro.angle_slop = get(self.config,'angle_slop',float,self._default_angle_slop)
if self.bin_slop < 0.0:
if self.bin_size <= 0.1:
self._ro.bin_slop = 1.0
self._ro.b = self.bin_size
self._ro.bin_slop = 0.1/self.bin_size # The stored bin_slop corresponds to lnr bins.
self._ro.b = 0.1
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
if self.ubin_size <= 0.1:
self._ro.bu = self.ubin_size
self._ro.bu = 0.1
if self.vbin_size <= 0.1:
self._ro.bv = self.vbin_size
self._ro.bv = 0.1
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
if self._ro.ubin_size <= 0.1:
self._ro.bu = self._ro.ubin_size
self._ro.bu = 0.1
self._ro.bv = 0
# LogMultipole
self._ro.bu = self._ro.bv = 0
self._ro.b = self._bin_size * self.bin_slop
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self._ro.bu = self.ubin_size * self.bin_slop
self._ro.bv = self.vbin_size * self.bin_slop
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
self._ro.bu = self._ro.ubin_size * self.bin_slop
self._ro.bv = 0
# LogMultipole
self._ro.bu = self._ro.bv = 0
if self.b > 0.100001 and self.angle_slop > 0.1:
"Using bin_slop = %g, angle_slop = %g, bin_size = %g (b = %g)\n"%(
self.bin_slop, self.angle_slop, self.bin_size, self.b)+
"It is recommended to use either bin_slop <= %g or angle_slop <= 0.1.\n"%(
"Larger values of bin_slop/angle_slop may result in significant inaccuracies.")
self.logger.debug("Using bin_slop = %g, angle_slop = %g (b = %g, bu = %g, bv = %g)",
self.bin_slop, self.angle_slop, self.b, self.bu, self.bv)
# This makes nbins evenly spaced entries in log(r) starting with 0 with step bin_size
self._ro.logr1d = np.linspace(start=0, stop=self.nbins*self.bin_size,
num=self.nbins, endpoint=False)
# Offset by the position of the center of the first bin.
self._ro.logr1d += math.log(self.min_sep) + 0.5*self.bin_size
self._ro.rnom1d = np.exp(self.logr1d)
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self._ro.u1d = np.linspace(start=0, stop=self.nubins*self.ubin_size,
num=self.nubins, endpoint=False)
self._ro.u1d += self.min_u + 0.5*self.ubin_size
self._ro.v1d = np.linspace(start=0, stop=self.nvbins*self.vbin_size,
num=self.nvbins, endpoint=False)
self._ro.v1d += self.min_v + 0.5*self.vbin_size
self._ro.v1d = np.concatenate([-self.v1d[::-1],self.v1d])
self._ro.logr = np.tile(self.logr1d[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
(1, self.nubins, 2*self.nvbins))
self._ro.u = np.tile(self.u1d[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
(self.nbins, 1, 2*self.nvbins))
self._ro.v = np.tile(self.v1d[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],
(self.nbins, self.nubins, 1))
self._ro.rnom = np.exp(self.logr)
self._ro.rnom1d = np.exp(self.logr1d)
self._ro._nbins = len(self._ro.logr.ravel())
self.data_shape = self._ro.logr.shape
self.meanu = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanv = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
# LogSAS
self._ro.phi1d = np.linspace(start=0, stop=self.nphi_bins*self.phi_bin_size,
num=self.nphi_bins, endpoint=False)
self._ro.phi1d += self.min_phi + 0.5*self.phi_bin_size
self._ro.logd2 = np.tile(self.logr1d[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
(1, self.nbins, self.nphi_bins))
self._ro.logd3 = np.tile(self.logr1d[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
(self.nbins, 1, self.nphi_bins))
self._ro.phi = np.tile(self.phi1d[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],
(self.nbins, self.nbins, 1))
self._ro.d2nom = np.exp(self.logd2)
self._ro.d3nom = np.exp(self.logd3)
self._ro._nbins = len(self._ro.logd2.ravel())
self.data_shape = self._ro.logd2.shape
# Also name these with the same names as above to make them easier to use.
# We have properties to alias meanu as meanphi. meanv will remain all 0.
self.meanu = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanv = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
# LogMultipole
self._ro.logd2 = np.tile(self.logr1d[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
(1, self.nbins, 2*self.max_n+1))
self._ro.logd3 = np.tile(self.logr1d[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
(self.nbins, 1, 2*self.max_n+1))
self._ro.d2nom = np.exp(self.logd2)
self._ro.d3nom = np.exp(self.logd3)
self._ro._nbins = len(self._ro.logd2.ravel())
self._ro.n1d = np.arange(-self.max_n, self.max_n+1, dtype=int)
self._ro.n = np.tile(self.n1d[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],
(self.nbins, self.nbins, 1))
self.data_shape = self._ro.logd2.shape
# Also name these with the same names as above to make them easier to use.
# We won't use them for this bin type though.
self.meanu = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanv = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
# We always keep track of these.
self.meand1 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanlogd1 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meand2 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanlogd2 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meand3 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.meanlogd3 = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.weightr = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
self.weighti = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self.weighti = np.array([])
self.ntri = np.zeros(self.data_shape, dtype=float)
self._cov = None
self._var_num = 0
self._ro.brute = get(self.config,'brute',bool,False)
if self.brute:
self.logger.info("Doing brute force calculation.",)
self.coords = None
self.metric = None
period = get(self.config,'period',float,0)
self._ro.xperiod = get(self.config,'xperiod',float,period)
self._ro.yperiod = get(self.config,'yperiod',float,period)
self._ro.zperiod = get(self.config,'zperiod',float,period)
self._ro.var_method = get(self.config,'var_method',str,'shot')
self._ro.num_bootstrap = get(self.config,'num_bootstrap',int,500)
self.results = {} # for jackknife, etc. store the results of each pair of patches.
self.npatch1 = self.npatch2 = self.npatch3 = 1
self._rng = rng
def __init_subclass__(cls):
Corr3._lookup_dict[cls._letters] = cls
def rng(self):
if self._rng is None:
self._rng = np.random.default_rng()
return self._rng
# Properties for all the read-only attributes ("ro" stands for "read-only")
def output_dots(self): return self._ro.output_dots
def bin_type(self): return self._ro.bin_type
def sep_units(self): return self._ro.sep_units
def _sep_units(self): return self._ro._sep_units
def _log_sep_units(self): return self._ro._log_sep_units
def min_sep(self): return self._ro.min_sep
def max_sep(self): return self._ro.max_sep
def bin_size(self): return self._ro.bin_size
def nbins(self): return self._ro.nbins
def logr1d(self): return self._ro.logr1d
def rnom1d(self): return self._ro.rnom1d
def bu(self): return self._ro.bu
def bv(self): return self._ro.bv
# LogRUV:
def rnom(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.rnom
def logr(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.logr
def min_u(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.min_u
def max_u(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.max_u
def min_v(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.min_v
def max_v(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.max_v
def ubin_size(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.ubin_size
def vbin_size(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.vbin_size
def nubins(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.nubins
def nvbins(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.nvbins
def u1d(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.u1d
def v1d(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.v1d
def u(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.u
def v(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogRUV'
return self._ro.v
# LogSAS
def d2nom(self):
assert self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']
return self._ro.d2nom
def d3nom(self):
assert self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']
return self._ro.d3nom
def logd2(self):
assert self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']
return self._ro.logd2
def logd3(self):
assert self.bin_type in ['LogSAS', 'LogMultipole']
return self._ro.logd3
def min_phi(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.min_u
def max_phi(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.max_u
def phi_bin_size(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.ubin_size
def nphi_bins(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.nubins
def phi1d(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.phi1d
def phi(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self._ro.phi
def phi_units(self): return self._ro.phi_units
def _phi_units(self): return self._ro._phi_units
def meanphi(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogSAS'
return self.meanu
# LogMultipole:
def max_n(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole'
return self._ro.nubins
def n1d(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole'
return self._ro.n1d
def n(self):
assert self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole'
return self._ro.n
def _bintype(self): return self._ro._bintype
def _nbins(self): return self._ro._nbins
def _min_sep(self): return self._ro._min_sep
def _max_sep(self): return self._ro._max_sep
def _bin_size(self): return self._ro._bin_size
def split_method(self): return self._ro.split_method
def min_top(self): return self._ro.min_top
def max_top(self): return self._ro.max_top
def bin_slop(self): return self._ro.bin_slop
def angle_slop(self): return self._ro.angle_slop
def b(self): return self._ro.b
def brute(self): return self._ro.brute
def xperiod(self): return self._ro.xperiod
def yperiod(self): return self._ro.yperiod
def zperiod(self): return self._ro.zperiod
def var_method(self): return self._ro.var_method
def num_bootstrap(self): return self._ro.num_bootstrap
def weight(self):
if self.weighti.size:
return self.weightr + 1j * self.weighti
return self.weightr
def cov(self):
"""The estimated covariance matrix
if self._cov is None:
self._cov = self.estimate_cov(self.var_method)
if self._cov.ndim == 1:
return np.diag(self._cov)
return self._cov
def cov_diag(self):
"""A possibly more efficient way to access just the diagonal of the covariance matrix.
If var_method == 'shot', then this won't make the full covariance matrix, just to
then pull out the diagonal.
if self._cov is None:
self._cov = self.estimate_cov(self.var_method)
if self._cov.ndim == 1:
return self._cov
return self._cov.diagonal()
def corr(self):
if self._corr is None:
self._corr = self._builder(
self._min_sep, self._max_sep, self.nbins, self._bin_size, self.b,
self.xperiod, self.yperiod, self.zperiod,
self._z1, self._z2, self._z3, self._z4,
self._z5, self._z6, self._z7, self._z8,
self.meand1, self.meanlogd1, self.meand2, self.meanlogd2,
self.meand3, self.meanlogd3, self.meanu, self.meanv,
self.weightr, self.weighti, self.ntri)
return self._corr
def _equal_binning(self, other, brief=False):
# A helper function to test if two Corr3 objects have the same binning parameters
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
eq = (other.bin_type == 'LogRUV' and
self.min_sep == other.min_sep and
self.max_sep == other.max_sep and
self.nbins == other.nbins and
self.min_u == other.min_u and
self.max_u == other.max_u and
self.nubins == other.nubins and
self.min_v == other.min_v and
self.max_v == other.max_v and
self.nvbins == other.nvbins)
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
# LogSAS
eq = (other.bin_type == 'LogSAS' and
self.min_sep == other.min_sep and
self.max_sep == other.max_sep and
self.nbins == other.nbins and
self.min_phi == other.min_phi and
self.max_phi == other.max_phi and
self.nphi_bins == other.nphi_bins)
# LogMultipole
eq = (other.bin_type == 'LogMultipole' and
self.min_sep == other.min_sep and
self.max_sep == other.max_sep and
self.nbins == other.nbins and
self.max_n == other.max_n)
if brief or not eq:
return eq
return (self.sep_units == other.sep_units and
(self.bin_type != 'LogSAS' or self.phi_units == other.phi_units) and
self.coords == other.coords and
self.bin_slop == other.bin_slop and
self.angle_slop == other.angle_slop and
self.xperiod == other.xperiod and
self.yperiod == other.yperiod and
self.zperiod == other.zperiod)
def _equal_bin_data(self, other):
# A helper function to test if two Corr3 objects have the same measured bin values
equal_d = (np.array_equal(self.meand1, other.meand1) and
np.array_equal(self.meanlogd1, other.meanlogd1) and
np.array_equal(self.meand2, other.meand2) and
np.array_equal(self.meanlogd2, other.meanlogd2) and
np.array_equal(self.meand3, other.meand3) and
np.array_equal(self.meanlogd3, other.meanlogd3))
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
return (other.bin_type == 'LogRUV' and equal_d and
np.array_equal(self.meanu, other.meanu) and
np.array_equal(self.meanv, other.meanv))
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
return (other.bin_type == 'LogSAS' and equal_d and
np.array_equal(self.meanphi, other.meanphi))
# LogMultipole
return (other.bin_type == 'LogMultipole' and equal_d)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return whether two Correlation instances are equal"""
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
self._equal_binning(other) and
self._equal_bin_data(other) and
np.array_equal(self.weight, other.weight) and
np.array_equal(self.ntri, other.ntri) and
np.array_equal(self._z1, other._z1) and
np.array_equal(self._z2, other._z2) and
np.array_equal(self._z3, other._z3) and
np.array_equal(self._z4, other._z4) and
np.array_equal(self._z5, other._z5) and
np.array_equal(self._z6, other._z6) and
np.array_equal(self._z7, other._z7) and
np.array_equal(self._z8, other._z8))
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Make a copy"""
ret = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
for key, item in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(item, np.ndarray):
# Only items that might change need to by deep copied.
ret.__dict__[key] = item.copy()
# For everything else, shallow copy is fine.
# In particular don't deep copy config or logger
# Most of the rest are scalars, which copy fine this way.
ret.__dict__[key] = item
ret._corr = None # We'll want to make a new one of these if we need it.
return ret
def __repr__(self):
kwargs = make_minimal_config(self.config, Corr3._valid_params)
kwargs_str = ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k,v in kwargs.items())
return f'{self._cls}({kwargs_str})'
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
d.pop('_ok',None) # Remake this as needed.
d.pop('logger',None) # Oh well. This is just lost in the copy. Can't be pickled.
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
self._corr = None
if self._logger_name is not None:
self.logger = setup_logger(get(self.config,'verbose',int,1),
self.config.get('log_file',None), self._logger_name)
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Clear all data vectors, the results dict, and any related values.
self.results = {}
self.npatch1 = self.npatch2 = self.npatch3 = 1
def nonzero(self):
"""Return if there are any values accumulated yet. (i.e. ntri > 0)
return np.any(self.ntri)
def _add_tot(self, ijk, c1, c2, c3):
# No op for all but NNCorrelation, which needs to add the tot value
def _trivially_zero(self, c1, c2, c3):
# For now, ignore the metric. Just be conservative about how much space we need.
x1,y1,z1,s1 = c1._get_center_size()
x2,y2,z2,s2 = c2._get_center_size()
x3,y3,z3,s3 = c3._get_center_size()
d3 = ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2)**0.5
d1 = ((x2-x3)**2 + (y2-y3)**2 + (z2-z3)**2)**0.5
d2 = ((x3-x1)**2 + (y3-y1)**2 + (z3-z1)**2)**0.5
d3, d2, d1 = sorted([d1,d2,d3])
return (d2 > s1 + s2 + s3 + 2*self._max_sep) # The 2* is where we are being conservative.
_make_expanded_patch = Corr2._make_expanded_patch
def _single_process12(self, c1, c2, ijj, metric, ordered, num_threads, temp, force_write):
# Helper function for _process_all_auto, etc. for doing 12 cross pairs
if c2 is not None and not self._trivially_zero(c1,c2,c2):
self.logger.info('Process patches %s cross12',ijj)
temp.process_cross12(c1, c2, metric=metric, ordered=ordered, num_threads=num_threads)
self.logger.info('Skipping %s pair, which are too far apart ' +
'for this set of separations',ijj)
if temp.nonzero or force_write:
if ijj in self.results and self.results[ijj].nonzero:
self.results[ijj] += temp
self.results[ijj] = temp.copy()
self += temp
# NNNCorrelation needs to add the tot value
self._add_tot(ijj, c1, c2, c2)
def _single_process123(self, c1, c2, c3, ijk, metric, ordered, num_threads, temp, force_write):
# Helper function for _process_all_auto, etc. for doing 123 cross triples
if c2 is not None and c3 is not None and not self._trivially_zero(c1,c2,c3):
self.logger.info('Process patches %s cross',ijk)
temp.process_cross(c1, c2, c3, metric=metric, ordered=ordered, num_threads=num_threads)
self.logger.info('Skipping %s, which are too far apart ' +
'for this set of separations',ijk)
if temp.nonzero or force_write:
if ijk in self.results and self.results[ijk].nonzero:
self.results[ijk] += temp
self.results[ijk] = temp.copy()
self += temp
# NNNCorrelation needs to add the tot value
self._add_tot(ijk, c1, c2, c3)
def _process_all_auto(self, cat1, metric, num_threads, comm, low_mem, local):
def is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n):
# Helper function to figure out if a given (i,j,k) job should be done on the
# current process.
# Always my job if not using MPI.
if my_indices is None:
return True
# Now the tricky part. If using MPI, we need to divide up the jobs smartly.
# The first point is to divvy up the auto jobs evenly. This is where most of the
# work is done, so we want those to be spreads as evenly as possibly across procs.
# Therefore, if all indices are mine, then do the job.
# This reduces the number of catalogs this machine needs to load up.
n1 = np.sum([i in my_indices, j in my_indices, k in my_indices])
if n1 == 3:
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return True
# If none of the indices are mine, then it's not my job.
if n1 == 0:
return False
# When only one or two of the indices are mine, then we follow the same kind of
# procedure as we did in 2pt. There, we decided based on the parity of i.
# Here that turns into i mod 3.
if ( (i % 3 == 0 and i in my_indices) or
(i % 3 == 1 and j in my_indices) or
(i % 3 == 2 and k in my_indices) ):
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return True
return False
if len(cat1) == 1 and cat1[0].npatch == 1:
self.process_auto(cat1[0], metric=metric, num_threads=num_threads)
# When patch processing, keep track of the pair-wise results.
if self.npatch1 == 1:
self.npatch1 = cat1[0].npatch if cat1[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat1)
self.npatch2 = self.npatch3 = self.npatch1
n = self.npatch1
# Setup for deciding when this is my job.
if comm:
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
my_indices = np.arange(n * rank // size, n * (rank+1) // size)
self.logger.info("Rank %d: My indices are %s",rank,my_indices)
my_indices = None
self._set_metric(metric, cat1[0].coords)
temp = self.copy()
temp.results = {}
if local:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n):
c1e = self._make_expanded_patch(c1, cat1, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process12(c1, c1e, (i,i,i), metric, 1,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n):
self.logger.info('Process patch %d auto',i)
temp.process_auto(c1, metric=metric, num_threads=num_threads)
if (i,i,i) in self.results and self.results[(i,i,i)].nonzero:
self.results[(i,i,i)] += temp
self.results[(i,i,i)] = temp.copy()
self += temp
for jj,c2 in list(enumerate(cat1))[::-1]:
j = c2._single_patch if c2._single_patch is not None else jj
if i < j:
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, j, n):
# One point in c1, 2 in c2.
self._single_process12(c1, c2, (i,j,j), metric, 0,
num_threads, temp, False)
# One point in c2, 2 in c1.
self._single_process12(c2, c1, (i,i,j), metric, 0,
num_threads, temp, False)
# One point in each of c1, c2, c3
for kk,c3 in enumerate(cat1):
k = c3._single_patch if c3._single_patch is not None else kk
if j < k and is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n):
self._single_process123(c1, c2, c3, (i,j,k), metric, 0,
num_threads, temp, False)
if low_mem:
if low_mem and jj != ii+1:
# Don't unload i+1, since that's the next one we'll need.
if low_mem:
if comm is not None:
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Completed jobs %s",rank,list(self.results.keys()))
# Send all the results back to rank 0 process.
if rank > 0:
comm.send(self, dest=0)
for p in range(1,size):
temp = comm.recv(source=p)
self += temp
def _process_all_cross12(self, cat1, cat2, metric, ordered, num_threads, comm, low_mem, local):
def is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n1, n2):
# Helper function to figure out if a given (i,j,k) job should be done on the
# current process.
# Always my job if not using MPI.
if my_indices is None:
return True
# If n1 is n, then this can be simple. Just split according to i.
n = max(n1,n2)
if n1 == n:
if i in my_indices:
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return True
return False
# If not, then this looks like the decision for 2pt auto using j,k.
if j in my_indices and k in my_indices:
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return True
if j not in my_indices and k not in my_indices:
return False
if k-j < n//2:
ret = j % 2 == (0 if j in my_indices else 1)
ret = k % 2 == (0 if k in my_indices else 1)
if ret:
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return ret
if len(cat1) == 1 and len(cat2) == 1 and cat1[0].npatch == 1 and cat2[0].npatch == 1:
self.process_cross12(cat1[0], cat2[0], metric=metric, ordered=ordered,
# When patch processing, keep track of the pair-wise results.
if self.npatch1 == 1:
self.npatch1 = cat1[0].npatch if cat1[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat1)
if self.npatch2 == 1:
self.npatch2 = cat2[0].npatch if cat2[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat2)
self.npatch3 = self.npatch2
if self.npatch1 != self.npatch2 and self.npatch1 != 1 and self.npatch2 != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cross correlation requires both catalogs use the same patches.")
# Setup for deciding when this is my job.
n1 = self.npatch1
n2 = self.npatch2
if comm:
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
n = max(n1,n2)
my_indices = np.arange(n * rank // size, n * (rank+1) // size)
self.logger.info("Rank %d: My indices are %s",rank,my_indices)
my_indices = None
self._set_metric(metric, cat1[0].coords)
temp = self.copy()
temp.results = {}
ordered1 = 1 if ordered else 0
if local:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n1, n2):
c2e = self._make_expanded_patch(c1, cat2, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process12(c1, c2e, (i,i,i), metric, 1,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
if not ordered:
# local method doesn't do unordered properly as is.
# It can only handle ordered=1 (or 3).
# So in this case, we need to repeat with c2 in the first spot.
for ii,c2 in enumerate(cat2):
i = c2._single_patch if c2._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n1, n2):
c1e = self._make_expanded_patch(c2, cat1, metric, low_mem)
c2e = self._make_expanded_patch(c2, cat2, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d from cat2 with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process123(c2, c1e, c2e, (i,i,i), metric, 1,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
for jj,c2 in enumerate(cat2):
j = c2._single_patch if c2._single_patch is not None else jj
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, j, n1, n2):
self._single_process12(c1, c2, (i,j,j), metric, ordered,
num_threads, temp,
(i==j or n1==1 or n2==1))
# One point in each of c1, c2, c3
for kk,c3 in list(enumerate(cat2))[::-1]:
k = c3._single_patch if c3._single_patch is not None else kk
if j < k and is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n1, n2):
self._single_process123(c1, c2, c3, (i,j,k), metric, ordered1,
num_threads, temp, False)
if low_mem and kk != jj+1:
# Don't unload j+1, since that's the next one we'll need.
if low_mem:
if low_mem:
if comm is not None:
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Completed jobs %s",rank,list(self.results.keys()))
# Send all the results back to rank 0 process.
if rank > 0:
comm.send(self, dest=0)
for p in range(1,size):
temp = comm.recv(source=p)
self += temp
def _process_all_cross(self, cat1, cat2, cat3, metric, ordered, num_threads, comm, low_mem,
def is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n1, n2, n3):
# Helper function to figure out if a given (i,j,k) job should be done on the
# current process.
# Always my job if not using MPI.
if my_indices is None:
return True
# Just split up according to one of the catalogs.
n = max(n1,n2,n3)
if n1 == n:
m = i
elif n2 == n:
m = j
m = k
if m in my_indices:
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Job (%d,%d,%d) is mine.",rank,i,j,k)
return True
return False
if (len(cat1) == 1 and len(cat2) == 1 and len(cat3) == 1 and
cat1[0].npatch == 1 and cat2[0].npatch == 1 and cat3[0].npatch == 1):
self.process_cross(cat1[0], cat2[0], cat3[0], metric=metric, ordered=ordered,
# When patch processing, keep track of the pair-wise results.
if self.npatch1 == 1:
self.npatch1 = cat1[0].npatch if cat1[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat1)
if self.npatch2 == 1:
self.npatch2 = cat2[0].npatch if cat2[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat2)
if self.npatch3 == 1:
self.npatch3 = cat3[0].npatch if cat3[0].npatch != 1 else len(cat3)
if self.npatch1 != self.npatch2 and self.npatch1 != 1 and self.npatch2 != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cross correlation requires all catalogs use the same patches.")
if self.npatch1 != self.npatch3 and self.npatch1 != 1 and self.npatch3 != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cross correlation requires all catalogs use the same patches.")
# Setup for deciding when this is my job.
n1 = self.npatch1
n2 = self.npatch2
n3 = self.npatch3
if comm:
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
n = max(n1,n2,n3)
my_indices = np.arange(n * rank // size, n * (rank+1) // size)
self.logger.info("Rank %d: My indices are %s",rank,my_indices)
my_indices = None
self._set_metric(metric, cat1[0].coords)
temp = self.copy()
temp.results = {}
if local:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n1, n2, n3):
c2e = self._make_expanded_patch(c1, cat2, metric, low_mem)
c3e = self._make_expanded_patch(c1, cat3, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process123(c1, c2e, c3e, (i,i,i), metric,
1 if not ordered else ordered,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
if not ordered:
# local method doesn't do unordered properly as is.
# It can only handle ordered=1 or 3.
# So in this case, we need to repeat with c2 and c3 in the first spot.
for ii,c2 in enumerate(cat2):
i = c2._single_patch if c2._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n1, n2, n3):
c1e = self._make_expanded_patch(c2, cat1, metric, low_mem)
c3e = self._make_expanded_patch(c2, cat3, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d from cat2 with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process123(c2, c1e, c3e, (i,i,i), metric, 1,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
for ii,c3 in enumerate(cat3):
i = c3._single_patch if c3._single_patch is not None else ii
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, i, i, n1, n2, n3):
c1e = self._make_expanded_patch(c3, cat1, metric, low_mem)
c2e = self._make_expanded_patch(c3, cat2, metric, low_mem)
self.logger.info('Process patch %d from cat3 with surrounding local patches',i)
self._single_process123(c3, c1e, c2e, (i,i,i), metric, 1,
num_threads, temp, True)
if low_mem:
for ii,c1 in enumerate(cat1):
i = c1._single_patch if c1._single_patch is not None else ii
for jj,c2 in enumerate(cat2):
j = c2._single_patch if c2._single_patch is not None else jj
for kk,c3 in enumerate(cat3):
k = c3._single_patch if c3._single_patch is not None else kk
if is_my_job(my_indices, i, j, k, n1, n2, n3):
self._single_process123(c1, c2, c3, (i,j,k), metric, ordered,
num_threads, temp,
(i==j==k or n1==1 or n2==1 or n3==1))
if low_mem:
if low_mem and jj != ii+1:
# Don't unload i+1, since that's the next one we'll need.
if low_mem:
if comm is not None:
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
self.logger.info("Rank %d: Completed jobs %s",rank,list(self.results.keys()))
# Send all the results back to rank 0 process.
if rank > 0:
comm.send(self, dest=0)
for p in range(1,size):
temp = comm.recv(source=p)
self += temp
[docs] def getStat(self):
"""The standard statistic for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
Usually, this is just self.zeta. But in case we have a multi-dimensional array
at some point (like TwoD for 2pt), use self.zeta.ravel().
And for `GGGCorrelation`, it is the concatenation of the four different correlations
[gam0.ravel(), gam1.ravel(), gam2.ravel(), gam3.ravel()].
return self.zeta.ravel()
[docs] def getWeight(self):
"""The weight array for the current correlation object as a 1-d array.
This is the weight array corresponding to `getStat`. Usually just self.weight.ravel(),
but duplicated for GGGCorrelation to match what `getStat` does in that case.
# For most bin types, this is just the normal weight.
# but for LogMultipole, the absolute value is what we want.
return np.abs(self.weight.ravel())
def _process_auto(self, cat, metric=None, num_threads=None):
# The implementation is the same for all classes that can call this.
if cat.name == '':
self.logger.info(f'Starting process {self._letters} auto-correlations')
self.logger.info(f'Starting process {self._letters} auto-correlations for cat %s.',
self._set_metric(metric, cat.coords)
min_size, max_size = self._get_minmax_size()
getField = getattr(cat, f"get{self._letter1}Field")
field = getField(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
split_method=self.split_method, brute=bool(self.brute),
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
self.logger.info('Starting %d jobs.',field.nTopLevelNodes)
self.corr.processAuto(field.data, self.output_dots, self._metric)
def _process_cross12(self, cat1, cat2, metric=None, ordered=True, num_threads=None):
if cat1.name == '' and cat2.name == '':
self.logger.info('Starting process %s (1-2) cross-correlations', self._letters)
self.logger.info('Starting process %s (1-2) cross-correlations for cats %s, %s.',
self._letters, cat1.name, cat2.name)
self._set_metric(metric, cat1.coords, cat2.coords)
min_size, max_size = self._get_minmax_size()
getField1 = getattr(cat1, f"get{self._letter1}Field")
getField2 = getattr(cat2, f"get{self._letter2}Field")
f1 = getField1(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
brute=self.brute is True or self.brute == 1,
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
f2 = getField2(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
brute=self.brute is True or self.brute == 2,
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
self.logger.info('Starting %d jobs.',f1.nTopLevelNodes)
# Note: all 3 correlation objects are the same. Thus, all triangles will be placed
# into self.corr, whichever way the three catalogs are permuted for each triangle.
self.corr.processCross12(f1.data, f2.data, (1 if ordered else 0),
self.output_dots, self._metric)
[docs] def process_cross(self, cat1, cat2, cat3, *, metric=None, ordered=True, num_threads=None):
"""Process a set of three catalogs, accumulating the 3pt cross-correlation.
This accumulates the cross-correlation for the given catalogs as part of a larger
auto- or cross-correlation calculation. E.g. when splitting up a large catalog into
patches, this is appropriate to use for the cross correlation between different patches
as part of the complete auto-correlation of the full catalog.
cat1 (Catalog): The first catalog to process
cat2 (Catalog): The second catalog to process
cat3 (Catalog): The third catalog to process
metric (str): Which metric to use. See `Metrics` for details.
(default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
constructor in the config dict.)
ordered (bool): Whether to fix the order of the triangle vertices to match the
catalogs. (default: True)
num_threads (int): How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
(default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
in the constructor in the config dict.)
if cat1.name == '' and cat2.name == '' and cat3.name == '':
self.logger.info('Starting process %s cross-correlations', self._letters)
self.logger.info('Starting process %s cross-correlations for cats %s, %s, %s.',
self._letters, cat1.name, cat2.name, cat3.name)
self._set_metric(metric, cat1.coords, cat2.coords, cat3.coords)
min_size, max_size = self._get_minmax_size()
getField1 = getattr(cat1, f"get{self._letter1}Field")
getField2 = getattr(cat2, f"get{self._letter2}Field")
getField3 = getattr(cat3, f"get{self._letter3}Field")
f1 = getField1(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
brute=self.brute is True or self.brute == 1,
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
f2 = getField2(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
brute=self.brute is True or self.brute == 2,
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
f3 = getField3(min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
brute=self.brute is True or self.brute == 3,
min_top=self.min_top, max_top=self.max_top,
self.logger.info('Starting %d jobs.',f1.nTopLevelNodes)
# Note: all 6 correlation objects are the same. Thus, all triangles will be placed
# into self.corr, whichever way the three catalogs are permuted for each triangle.
self.corr.processCross(f1.data, f2.data, f3.data,
(3 if ordered is True else 1 if ordered == 1 else 0),
self.output_dots, self._metric)
[docs] def process(self, cat1, cat2=None, cat3=None, *, metric=None, ordered=True, num_threads=None,
comm=None, low_mem=False, initialize=True, finalize=True,
patch_method=None, algo=None, max_n=None):
"""Compute the 3pt correlation function.
- If only 1 argument is given, then compute an auto-correlation function.
- If 2 arguments are given, then compute a cross-correlation function with the
first catalog taking one corner of the triangles, and the second taking two corners.
- If 3 arguments are given, then compute a three-way cross-correlation function.
For cross correlations, the default behavior is to use cat1 for the first vertex (P1),
cat2 for the second vertex (P2), and cat3 for the third vertex (P3). If only two
catalogs are given, vertices P2 and P3 both come from cat2. The sides d1, d2, d3,
used to define the binning, are taken to be opposte P1, P2, P3 respectively.
However, if you want to accumulate triangles where objects from each catalog can take
any position in the triangles, you can set ``ordered=False``. In this case,
triangles will be formed where P1, P2 and P3 can come any input catalog, so long as there
is one from cat1, one from cat2, and one from cat3 (or two from cat2 if cat3 is None).
All arguments may be lists, in which case all items in the list are used
for that element of the correlation.
cat1 (Catalog): A catalog or list of catalogs for the first field.
cat2 (Catalog): A catalog or list of catalogs for the second field.
(default: None)
cat3 (Catalog): A catalog or list of catalogs for the third field.
(default: None)
metric (str): Which metric to use. See `Metrics` for details.
(default: 'Euclidean'; this value can also be given in the
constructor in the config dict.)
ordered (bool): Whether to fix the order of the triangle vertices to match the
catalogs. (see above; default: True)
num_threads (int): How many OpenMP threads to use during the calculation.
(default: use the number of cpu cores; this value can also be given
in the constructor in the config dict.)
comm (mpi4py.Comm): If running MPI, an mpi4py Comm object to communicate between
processes. If used, the rank=0 process will have the final
computation. This only works if using patches. (default: None)
low_mem (bool): Whether to sacrifice a little speed to try to reduce memory usage.
This only works if using patches. (default: False)
initialize (bool): Whether to begin the calculation with a call to
`Corr3.clear`. (default: True)
finalize (bool): Whether to complete the calculation with a call to finalize.
(default: True)
patch_method (str): Which patch method to use. (default is to use 'local' if
bin_type=LogMultipole, and 'global' otherwise)
algo (str): Which accumulation algorithm to use. (options are 'triangle' or
'multipole'; default is 'multipole' unless bin_type is 'LogRUV',
which can only use 'triangle')
max_n (int): If using the multpole algorithm, and this is not directly using
bin_type='LogMultipole', then this is the value of max_n to use
for the multipole part of the calculation. (default is to use
2pi/phi_bin_size; this value can also be given in the constructor
in the config dict.)
import math
if algo is None:
multipole = (self.bin_type != 'LogRUV')
if algo not in ['triangle', 'multipole']:
raise ValueError("Invalid algo %s"%algo)
multipole = (algo == 'multipole')
if multipole and self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
raise ValueError("LogRUV binning cannot use algo='multipole'")
if multipole and self.bin_type != 'LogMultipole':
config = self.config.copy()
config['bin_type'] = 'LogMultipole'
if max_n is None:
max_n = 2.*np.pi / self.phi_bin_size
# If max_n was given in constructor, use that instead.
max_n = config.get('max_n', max_n)
for key in ['min_phi', 'max_phi', 'nphi_bins', 'phi_bin_size']:
config.pop(key, None)
corr = self.__class__(config, max_n=max_n)
corr.process(cat1, cat2, cat3,
metric=metric, ordered=ordered, num_threads=num_threads,
comm=comm, low_mem=low_mem, initialize=initialize, finalize=finalize,
patch_method=patch_method, algo='multipole')
if patch_method is None:
local = (self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole')
if patch_method not in ['local', 'global']:
raise ValueError("Invalid patch_method %s"%patch_method)
local = (patch_method == 'local')
if not local and self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
raise ValueError("LogMultipole binning cannot use patch_method='global'")
if not isinstance(cat1,list):
cat1 = cat1.get_patches(low_mem=low_mem)
if cat2 is not None and not isinstance(cat2,list):
cat2 = cat2.get_patches(low_mem=low_mem)
if cat3 is not None and not isinstance(cat3,list):
cat3 = cat3.get_patches(low_mem=low_mem)
if initialize:
if cat2 is None:
if cat3 is not None:
raise ValueError("For two catalog case, use cat1,cat2, not cat1,cat3")
self._process_all_auto(cat1, metric, num_threads, comm, low_mem, local)
elif cat3 is None:
self._process_all_cross12(cat1, cat2, metric, ordered, num_threads, comm, low_mem,
self._process_all_cross(cat1, cat2, cat3, metric, ordered, num_threads, comm, low_mem,
if finalize:
if cat2 is None:
var1 = var2 = var3 = self._calculateVar1(cat1, low_mem=low_mem)
if var1 is not None:
self.logger.info(f"var%s = %f: {self._sig1} = %f",
self._letter1.lower(), var1, math.sqrt(var1))
elif cat3 is None:
var1 = self._calculateVar1(cat1, low_mem=low_mem)
var2 = var3 = self._calculateVar2(cat2, low_mem=low_mem)
# For now, only the letter1 == letter2 case until we add cross type 3pt.
if var1 is not None:
self.logger.info(f"var%s1 = %f: {self._sig1} = %f",
self._letter1, var1, math.sqrt(var1))
self.logger.info(f"var%s2 = %f: {self._sig2} = %f",
self._letter2, var2, math.sqrt(var2))
var1 = self._calculateVar1(cat1, low_mem=low_mem)
var2 = self._calculateVar2(cat2, low_mem=low_mem)
var3 = self._calculateVar3(cat3, low_mem=low_mem)
if var1 is not None:
self.logger.info(f"var%s1 = %f: {self._sig1} = %f",
self._letter1, var1, math.sqrt(var1))
self.logger.info(f"var%s2 = %f: {self._sig2} = %f",
self._letter2, var2, math.sqrt(var2))
self.logger.info(f"var%s3 = %f: {self._sig3} = %f",
self._letter3, var3, math.sqrt(var3))
if var1 is None:
self.finalize(var1, var2, var3)
def _finalize(self):
mask1 = self.weightr != 0
mask2 = self.weightr == 0
self.meand2[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meanlogd2[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meand3[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meanlogd3[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
if self.bin_type != 'LogMultipole':
if len(self._z1) > 0:
self._z1[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
if len(self._z2) > 0:
self._z2[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
if len(self._z3) > 0:
self._z3[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self._z4[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self._z5[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self._z6[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self._z7[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self._z8[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meand1[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meanlogd1[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
self.meanu[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self.meanv[mask1] /= self.weightr[mask1]
# Update the units
# Set to nominal when no triangles in bin.
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self.meand2[mask2] = self.rnom[mask2]
self.meanlogd2[mask2] = self.logr[mask2]
self.meanu[mask2] = self.u[mask2]
self.meanv[mask2] = self.v[mask2]
self.meand3[mask2] = self.u[mask2] * self.meand2[mask2]
self.meanlogd3[mask2] = np.log(self.meand3[mask2])
self.meand1[mask2] = np.abs(self.v[mask2]) * self.meand3[mask2] + self.meand2[mask2]
self.meanlogd1[mask2] = np.log(self.meand1[mask2])
self.meand2[mask2] = self.d2nom[mask2]
self.meanlogd2[mask2] = self.logd2[mask2]
self.meand3[mask2] = self.d3nom[mask2]
self.meanlogd3[mask2] = self.logd3[mask2]
if self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
self.meanu[mask2] = self.phi[mask2]
self.meand1[mask2] = np.sqrt(self.d2nom[mask2]**2 + self.d3nom[mask2]**2
- 2*self.d2nom[mask2]*self.d3nom[mask2]*
self.meanlogd1[mask2] = np.log(self.meand1[mask2])
self.meanu[mask2] = 0
self.meand1[mask2] = 0
self.meanlogd1[mask2] = 0
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
# Multipole only sets the meand values at [i,j,max_n].
# (This is also where the complex weight is just a scalar = sum(www),
# so the above normalizations are correct.)
# Broadcast those to the rest of the values in the third dimension.
self.ntri[:,:,:] = self.ntri[:,:,self.max_n][:,:,np.newaxis]
self.meand2[:,:,:] = self.meand2[:,:,self.max_n][:,:,np.newaxis]
self.meanlogd2[:,:,:] = self.meanlogd2[:,:,self.max_n][:,:,np.newaxis]
self.meand3[:,:,:] = self.meand3[:,:,self.max_n][:,:,np.newaxis]
self.meanlogd3[:,:,:] = self.meanlogd3[:,:,self.max_n][:,:,np.newaxis]
def _clear(self):
"""Clear the data vectors
self._z1[:] = 0.
self._z2[:] = 0.
self._z3[:] = 0.
self._z4[:] = 0.
self._z5[:] = 0.
self._z6[:] = 0.
self._z7[:] = 0.
self._z8[:] = 0.
self.meand1[:] = 0.
self.meanlogd1[:] = 0.
self.meand2[:] = 0.
self.meanlogd2[:] = 0.
self.meand3[:] = 0.
self.meanlogd3[:] = 0.
self.meanu[:] = 0.
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self.meanv[:] = 0.
self.weightr[:] = 0.
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
self.weighti[:] = 0.
self.ntri[:] = 0.
self._cov = None
def __iadd__(self, other):
"""Add a second Correlation object's data to this one.
.. note::
For this to make sense, both objects should not have had ``finalize`` called yet.
Then, after adding them together, you should call ``finalize`` on the sum.
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
raise TypeError(f"Can only add another {self._cls} object")
if not self._equal_binning(other, brief=True):
raise ValueError(f"{self._cls} to be added is not compatible with this one.")
self._set_metric(other.metric, other.coords, other.coords, other.coords)
if not other.nonzero: return self
self._z1[:] += other._z1[:]
self._z2[:] += other._z2[:]
self._z3[:] += other._z3[:]
self._z4[:] += other._z4[:]
self._z5[:] += other._z5[:]
self._z6[:] += other._z6[:]
self._z7[:] += other._z7[:]
self._z8[:] += other._z8[:]
self.meand1[:] += other.meand1[:]
self.meanlogd1[:] += other.meanlogd1[:]
self.meand2[:] += other.meand2[:]
self.meanlogd2[:] += other.meanlogd2[:]
self.meand3[:] += other.meand3[:]
self.meanlogd3[:] += other.meanlogd3[:]
self.meanu[:] += other.meanu[:]
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self.meanv[:] += other.meanv[:]
self.weightr[:] += other.weightr[:]
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
self.weighti[:] += other.weighti[:]
self.ntri[:] += other.ntri[:]
return self
[docs] def toSAS(self, *, target=None, **kwargs):
"""Convert a multipole-binned correlation to the corresponding SAS binning.
This is only valid for bin_type == LogMultipole.
Keyword Arguments:
target: A target Correlation object with LogSAS binning to write to.
If this is not given, a new object will be created based on the
configuration paramters of the current object. (default: None)
**kwargs: Any kwargs that you want to use to configure the returned object.
Typically, might include min_phi, max_phi, nphi_bins, phi_bin_size.
The default phi binning is [0,pi] with nphi_bins = self.max_n.
An object with bin_type=LogSAS containing the same information as this object,
but with the SAS binning.
# Each class will add a bit to this. The implemenation here is the common code
# that applies to all the different classes.
if self.bin_type != 'LogMultipole':
raise TypeError("toSAS is invalid for bin_type = %s"%self.bin_type)
if target is None:
config = self.config.copy()
config['bin_type'] = 'LogSAS'
max_n = config.pop('max_n')
if 'nphi_bins' not in kwargs and 'phi_bin_size' not in kwargs:
config['nphi_bins'] = max_n
sas = self.__class__(config, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(target, self.__class__):
raise ValueError(f"target must be an instance of {self.__class__}")
sas = target
if not np.array_equal(sas.rnom1d, self.rnom1d):
raise ValueError("toSAS cannot change sep parameters")
# Copy these over
sas.meand2[:,:,:] = self.meand2[:,:,0][:,:,None]
sas.meanlogd2[:,:,:] = self.meanlogd2[:,:,0][:,:,None]
sas.meand3[:,:,:] = self.meand3[:,:,0][:,:,None]
sas.meanlogd3[:,:,:] = self.meanlogd3[:,:,0][:,:,None]
sas.npatch1 = self.npatch1
sas.npatch2 = self.npatch2
sas.npatch3 = self.npatch3
sas.coords = self.coords
sas.metric = self.metric
# Use nominal for meanphi
sas.meanu[:] = sas.phi / sas._phi_units
# Compute d1 from actual d2,d3 and nominal phi
sas.meand1[:] = np.sqrt(sas.meand2**2 + sas.meand3**2
- 2*sas.meand2 * sas.meand3 * np.cos(sas.phi))
sas.meanlogd1[:] = np.log(sas.meand1)
# Eqn 26 of Porth et al, 2023
# N(d2,d3,phi) = 1/2pi sum_n N_n(d2,d3) exp(i n phi)
expiphi = np.exp(1j * self.n1d[:,None] * sas.phi1d)
sas.weightr[:] = np.real(self.weight.dot(expiphi)) / (2*np.pi) * sas.phi_bin_size
# For ntri, we recorded the total ntri for each pair of d2,d3.
# Allocate those proportionally to the weights.
# Note: Multipole counts the weight for all 0 < phi < 2pi.
# We reduce this by the fraction of this covered by [min_phi, max_phi].
# (Typically 1/2, since usually [0,pi].)
phi_frac = (sas.max_phi - sas.min_phi) / (2*np.pi)
denom = np.sum(sas.weight, axis=2)
denom[denom==0] = 1 # Don't divide by 0
ratio = self.ntri[:,:,0] / denom * phi_frac
sas.ntri[:] = sas.weight * ratio[:,:,None]
for k,v in self.results.items():
temp = sas.copy()
temp.weightr[:] = np.real(v.weight.dot(expiphi)) / (2*np.pi) * sas.phi_bin_size
temp.ntri[:] = temp.weight * ratio[:,:,None]
# Undo the normalization of the d arrays.
temp.meand1 *= temp.weightr
temp.meand2 *= temp.weightr
temp.meand3 *= temp.weightr
temp.meanlogd1 *= temp.weightr
temp.meanlogd2 *= temp.weightr
temp.meanlogd3 *= temp.weightr
temp.meanu *= temp.weightr
sas.results[k] = temp
return sas
[docs] def estimate_cov(self, method, *, func=None, comm=None):
"""Estimate the covariance matrix based on the data
This function will calculate an estimate of the covariance matrix according to the
given method.
Options for ``method`` include:
- 'shot' = The variance based on "shot noise" only. This includes the Poisson
counts of points for N statistics, shape noise for G statistics, and the observed
scatter in the values for K statistics. In this case, the returned value will
only be the diagonal. Use np.diagonal(cov) if you actually want a full
matrix from this.
- 'jackknife' = A jackknife estimate of the covariance matrix based on the scatter
in the measurement when excluding one patch at a time.
- 'sample' = An estimate based on the sample covariance of a set of samples,
taken as the patches of the input catalog.
- 'bootstrap' = A bootstrap covariance estimate. It selects patches at random with
replacement and then generates the statistic using all the auto-correlations at
their selected repetition plus all the cross terms that aren't actually auto terms.
- 'marked_bootstrap' = An estimate based on a marked-point bootstrap resampling of the
patches. Similar to bootstrap, but only samples the patches of the first catalog and
uses all patches from the second catalog that correspond to each patch selection of
the first catalog. cf. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008ApJ...681..726L/
Both 'bootstrap' and 'marked_bootstrap' use the num_bootstrap parameter, which can be set on
.. note::
For most classes, there is only a single statistic, ``zeta``, so this calculates a
covariance matrix for that vector. `GGGCorrelation` has four: ``gam0``, ``gam1``,
``gam2``, and ``gam3``, so in this case the full data vector is ``gam0`` followed by
``gam1``, then ``gam2``, then ``gam3``, and this calculates the covariance matrix for
that full vector including both statistics. The helper function `getStat` returns the
relevant statistic in all cases.
In all cases, the relevant processing needs to already have been completed and finalized.
And for all methods other than 'shot', the processing should have involved an appropriate
number of patches -- preferably more patches than the length of the vector for your
statistic, although this is not checked.
The default data vector to use for the covariance matrix is given by the method
`getStat`. As noted above, this is usually just self.zeta. However, there is an option
to compute the covariance of some other function of the correlation object by providing
an arbitrary function, ``func``, which should act on the current correlation object
and return the data vector of interest.
For instance, for an `GGGCorrelation`, you might want to compute the covariance of just
gam0 and ignore the others. In this case you could use
>>> func = lambda ggg: ggg.gam0
The return value from this func should be a single numpy array. (This is not directly
checked, but you'll probably get some kind of exception if it doesn't behave as expected.)
.. note::
The optional ``func`` parameter is not valid in conjunction with ``method='shot'``.
It only works for the methods that are based on patch combinations.
This function can be parallelized by passing the comm argument as an mpi4py communicator
to parallelize using that. For MPI, all processes should have the same inputs.
If method == "shot" then parallelization has no effect.
method (str): Which method to use to estimate the covariance matrix.
func (function): A unary function that acts on the current correlation object and
returns the desired data vector. [default: None, which is
equivalent to ``lambda corr: corr.getStat()``.
comm (mpi comm) If not None, run under MPI
A numpy array with the estimated covariance matrix.
if func is not None:
# Need to convert it to a function of the first item in the list.
all_func = lambda corrs: func(corrs[0])
all_func = None
return estimate_multi_cov([self], method, func=all_func, comm=comm)
[docs] def build_cov_design_matrix(self, method, *, func=None, comm=None):
r"""Build the design matrix that is used for estimating the covariance matrix.
The design matrix for patch-based covariance estimates is a matrix where each row
corresponds to a different estimate of the data vector, :math:`\zeta_i` (or
:math:`f(\zeta_i)` if using the optional ``func`` parameter).
The different of rows in the matrix for each valid ``method`` are:
- 'shot': This method is not valid here.
- 'jackknife': The data vector when excluding a single patch.
- 'sample': The data vector using only a single patch for the first catalog.
- 'bootstrap': The data vector for a random resampling of the patches keeping the
sample total number, but allowing some to repeat. Cross terms from repeated patches
are excluded (since they are really auto terms).
- 'marked_bootstrap': The data vector for a random resampling of patches in the first
catalog, using all patches for the second catalog. Based on the algorithm in
See `estimate_cov` for more details.
The return value includes both the design matrix and a vector of weights (the total weight
array in the computed correlation functions). The weights are used for the sample method
when estimating the covariance matrix. The other methods ignore them, but they are provided
here in case they are useful.
method (str): Which method to use to estimate the covariance matrix.
func (function): A unary function that takes the list ``corrs`` and returns the
desired full data vector. [default: None, which is equivalent to
``lambda corrs: np.concatenate([c.getStat() for c in corrs])``]
comm (mpi comm) If not None, run under MPI
A, w: numpy arrays with the design matrix and weights respectively.
if func is not None:
# Need to convert it to a function of the first item in the list.
all_func = lambda corrs: func(corrs[0])
all_func = None
return build_multi_cov_design_matrix([self], method=method, func=all_func, comm=comm)
def _set_num_threads(self, num_threads):
if num_threads is None:
num_threads = self.config.get('num_threads',None)
if num_threads is None:
self.logger.debug('Set num_threads automatically from ncpu')
self.logger.debug('Set num_threads = %d',num_threads)
set_omp_threads(num_threads, self.logger)
def _set_metric(self, metric, coords1, coords2=None, coords3=None):
if metric is None:
metric = get(self.config,'metric',str,'Euclidean')
coords, metric = parse_metric(metric, coords1, coords2, coords3)
if self.coords is not None or self.metric is not None:
if coords != self.coords:
self.logger.warning("Detected a change in catalog coordinate systems. "+
"This probably doesn't make sense!")
if metric != self.metric:
self.logger.warning("Detected a change in metric. "+
"This probably doesn't make sense!")
if metric == 'Periodic':
if self.xperiod == 0 or self.yperiod == 0 or (coords=='3d' and self.zperiod == 0):
raise ValueError("Periodic metric requires setting the period to use.")
if self.xperiod != 0 or self.yperiod != 0 or self.zperiod != 0:
raise ValueError("period options are not valid for %s metric."%metric)
self.coords = coords
self.metric = metric
self._coords = coord_enum(coords)
self._metric = metric_enum(metric)
def _zero_array(self):
# An array of all zeros with the same shape as the data arrays
z = np.zeros(self.data_shape)
#z.flags.writeable=False # Just to make sure we get an error if we try to change it.
return z
def _apply_units(self, mask):
if self.coords == 'spherical' and self.metric == 'Euclidean':
# Then we need to convert from the chord triangles to great circle triangles.
# If SAS, then first fix phi.
# The real spherical trig formula is:
# cos(c) = cos(a) cos(b) + sin(a) sin(b) cos(phi)
# Using d1 = 2 sin(c/2), d2 = 2 sin(a/2), d3 = 2 sin(b/2), this becomes:
# d1^2 = d2^2 + d3^2 - 2 d2 d3 [ 1/4 d2 d3 + cos(a/2) cos(b/2) cos(phi) ]
# The thing in [] is what we currently have for cos(phi).
if self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
cosphi = np.cos(self.meanphi[mask])
cosphi -= 0.25 * self.meand2[mask] * self.meand3[mask]
cosphi /= np.sqrt( (1 - self.meand2[mask]**2/4) * (1 - self.meand3[mask]**2/4) )
cosphi[cosphi < -1] = -1 # Just in case...
cosphi[cosphi > 1] = 1
self.meanphi[mask] = np.arccos(cosphi)
# Also convert the chord distance to a real angle.
# L = 2 sin(theta/2)
if self.bin_type != 'LogMultipole':
self.meand1[mask] = 2. * np.arcsin(self.meand1[mask]/2.)
self.meanlogd1[mask] = np.log(2.*np.arcsin(np.exp(self.meanlogd1[mask])/2.))
self.meand2[mask] = 2. * np.arcsin(self.meand2[mask]/2.)
self.meanlogd2[mask] = np.log(2.*np.arcsin(np.exp(self.meanlogd2[mask])/2.))
self.meand3[mask] = 2. * np.arcsin(self.meand3[mask]/2.)
self.meanlogd3[mask] = np.log(2.*np.arcsin(np.exp(self.meanlogd3[mask])/2.))
if self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
self.meanphi[mask] /= self._phi_units
if self.bin_type != 'LogMultipole':
self.meand1[mask] /= self._sep_units
self.meanlogd1[mask] -= self._log_sep_units
self.meand2[mask] /= self._sep_units
self.meanlogd2[mask] -= self._log_sep_units
self.meand3[mask] /= self._sep_units
self.meanlogd3[mask] -= self._log_sep_units
def _get_minmax_size(self):
if self.metric == 'Euclidean':
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
# The minimum separation we care about is that of the smallest size, which is
# min_sep * min_u. Do the same calculation as for 2pt to get to min_size.
b1 = min(self.angle_slop, self.b, self.bu, self.bv)
min_size = self._min_sep * self.min_u * b1 / (2.+3.*b1)
# This time, the maximum size is d1 * b. d1 can be as high as 2*max_sep.
b2 = min(self.angle_slop, self.b)
max_size = 2. * self._max_sep * b2
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
# LogSAS
b1 = min(self.angle_slop, self.b)
min_size1 = self._min_sep * b1 / (2.+3.*b1)
b2 = min(self.angle_slop, self.bu)
min_size2 = 2 * self._min_sep * np.tan(self.min_phi/2) * b2 / (2+3*b2)
min_size = min(min_size1, min_size2)
max_size = self._max_sep * b1
# LogMultipole
b1 = min(self.angle_slop, self.b)
min_size = 2 * self._min_sep * b1 / (2.+3*b1)
max_size = self._max_sep * b1
return min_size, max_size
return 0., 0.
# The three-point versions of the covariance helpers.
# Note: the word "pairs" in many of these was appropriate for 2pt, but in the 3pt case
# these actually refer to triples (i,j,k).
def _get_npatch(self):
return max(self.npatch1, self.npatch2, self.npatch3)
def _calculate_xi_from_pairs(self, pairs):
# Compute the xi data vector for the given list of pairs.
# "pairs" here are really triples, input as a list of (i,j,k) values.
# This is the normal calculation. It needs to be overridden when there are randoms.
self._sum([self.results[ijk] for ijk in pairs])
def _jackknife_pairs(self):
if self.npatch3 == 1:
if self.npatch2 == 1:
# k=m=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=m=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if k!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch2) ]
# m=0
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j!=i and k!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch2 == 1:
if self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=k=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if m!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch3) ]
# k=0
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j!=i and m!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=0
assert self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if k!=i and m!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch2) ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j!=i and k!=i and m!=i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
def _sample_pairs(self):
if self.npatch3 == 1:
if self.npatch2 == 1:
# k=m=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j==i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=m=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if k==i]
for i in range(self.npatch2) ]
# m=0
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j==i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch2 == 1:
if self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=k=0
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if m==i]
for i in range(self.npatch3) ]
# k=0
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j==i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
# j=0
assert self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if k==i]
for i in range(self.npatch2) ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return [ [(j,k,m) for j,k,m in self.results.keys() if j==i]
for i in range(self.npatch1) ]
def _ok(self):
ok = np.zeros((self.npatch1, self.npatch2, self.npatch3), dtype=bool)
for (i,j,k) in self.results:
ok[i,j,k] = True
return ok
def _marked_pairs(self, indx):
if self.npatch3 == 1:
if self.npatch2 == 1:
return [ (i,0,0) for i in indx if self._ok[i,0,0] ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
return [ (0,i,0) for i in indx if self._ok[0,i,0] ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2
# Select all pairs where first point is in indx (repeating i as appropriate)
return [ (i,j,0) for i in indx for j in range(self.npatch2) if self._ok[i,j,0] ]
elif self.npatch2 == 1:
if self.npatch1 == 1:
return [ (0,0,i) for i in indx if self._ok[0,0,i] ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch3
# Select all pairs where first point is in indx (repeating i as appropriate)
return [ (i,0,j) for i in indx for j in range(self.npatch3) if self._ok[i,0,j] ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
assert self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
# Select all pairs where first point is in indx (repeating i as appropriate)
return [ (0,i,j) for i in indx for j in range(self.npatch3) if self._ok[0,i,j] ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
# Select all pairs where first point is in indx (repeating i as appropriate)
return [ (i,j,k) for i in indx for j in range(self.npatch2)
for k in range(self.npatch3) if self._ok[i,j,k] ]
def _bootstrap_pairs(self, indx):
if self.npatch3 == 1:
if self.npatch2 == 1:
return [ (i,0,0) for i in indx if self._ok[i,0,0] ]
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
return [ (0,i,0) for i in indx if self._ok[0,i,0] ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2
return ([ (i,i,0) for i in indx if self._ok[i,i,0] ] +
[ (i,j,0) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[i,j,0] and i!=j ])
elif self.npatch2 == 1:
if self.npatch1 == 1:
return [ (0,0,i) for i in indx if self._ok[0,0,i] ]
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch3
return ([ (i,0,i) for i in indx if self._ok[i,0,i] ] +
[ (i,0,j) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[i,0,j] and i!=j ])
elif self.npatch1 == 1:
assert self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return ([ (0,i,i) for i in indx if self._ok[0,i,i] ] +
[ (0,i,j) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[0,i,j] and i!=j ])
# Like for 2pt we want to avoid getting extra copies of what are actually
# auto-correlations coming from two indices equalling each other in (i,j,k).
# This time, get each (i,i,i) once.
# Then get (i,i,j), (i,j,i), and (j,i,i) once per each (i,j) pair with i!=j
# repeated as often as they show up in the double for loop.
# Finally get all triples (i,j,k) where they are all different repeated as often
# as they show up in the triple for loop.
assert self.npatch1 == self.npatch2 == self.npatch3
return ([ (i,i,i) for i in indx if self._ok[i,i,i] ] +
[ (i,i,j) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[i,i,j] and i!=j ] +
[ (i,j,i) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[i,j,i] and i!=j ] +
[ (j,i,i) for i in indx for j in indx if self._ok[j,i,i] and i!=j ] +
[ (i,j,k) for i in indx for j in indx if i!=j
for k in indx if self._ok[i,j,k] and (i!=k and j!=k) ])
def _write_params(self):
params = make_minimal_config(self.config, Corr3._valid_params)
# Add in a couple other things we want to preserve that aren't construction kwargs.
params['coords'] = self.coords
params['metric'] = self.metric
params['corr'] = self._letters
return params
def _write(self, writer, name, write_patch_results, write_cov=False, zero_tot=False):
if name is None and (write_patch_results or write_cov):
name = 'main'
# These helper properties define what to write for each class.
col_names = self._write_col_names
data = self._write_data
params = self._write_params
if write_patch_results:
# Note: Only include npatch1, npatch2 in serialization if we are also serializing
# results. Otherwise, the corr that is read in will behave oddly.
params['npatch1'] = self.npatch1
params['npatch2'] = self.npatch2
params['npatch3'] = self.npatch3
params['num_rows'] = self._nbins
num_patch_tri = len(self.results)
if zero_tot:
i = 0
for key, corr in self.results.items():
if not corr._nonzero:
zp_name = name + '_zp_%d'%i
params[zp_name] = repr((key, corr.tot))
num_patch_tri -= 1
i += 1
params['num_zero_patch'] = i
params['num_patch_tri'] = num_patch_tri
if write_cov:
params['cov_shape'] = self.cov.shape
writer.write(col_names, data, params=params, ext=name)
if write_patch_results:
i = 0
for key, corr in self.results.items():
if zero_tot and not corr._nonzero: continue
col_names = corr._write_col_names
data = corr._write_data
params = corr._write_params
params['key'] = repr(key)
pp_name = name + '_pp_%d'%i
writer.write(col_names, data, params=params, ext=pp_name)
i += 1
assert i == num_patch_tri
if write_cov:
writer.write_array(self.cov, ext='cov')
def _read(self, reader, name=None, params=None):
name = 'main' if 'main' in reader and name is None else name
if params is None:
params = reader.read_params(ext=name)
num_rows = params.get('num_rows', None)
num_patch_tri = params.get('num_patch_tri', 0)
num_zero_patch = params.get('num_zero_patch', 0)
cov_shape = params.get('cov_shape', None)
name = 'main' if num_patch_tri and name is None else name
data = reader.read_data(max_rows=num_rows, ext=name)
# This helper function defines how to set the attributes for each class
# based on what was read in.
self._read_from_data(data, params)
self.results = {}
for i in range(num_zero_patch):
zp_name = name + '_zp_%d'%i
key, tot = eval(params[zp_name])
self.results[key] = self._zero_copy(tot)
for i in range(num_patch_tri):
pp_name = name + '_pp_%d'%i
corr = self.copy()
params = reader.read_params(ext=pp_name)
data = reader.read_data(max_rows=num_rows, ext=pp_name)
corr._read_from_data(data, params)
key = eval(params['key'])
self.results[key] = corr
if cov_shape is not None:
if isinstance(cov_shape, str):
cov_shape = eval(cov_shape)
self._cov = reader.read_array(cov_shape, ext='cov')
def _read_from_data(self, data, params):
s = self.data_shape
self.meand1 = data['meand1'].reshape(s)
self.meanlogd1 = data['meanlogd1'].reshape(s)
self.meand2 = data['meand2'].reshape(s)
self.meanlogd2 = data['meanlogd2'].reshape(s)
self.meand3 = data['meand3'].reshape(s)
self.meanlogd3 = data['meanlogd3'].reshape(s)
if self.bin_type == 'LogRUV':
self.meanu = data['meanu'].reshape(s)
self.meanv = data['meanv'].reshape(s)
elif self.bin_type == 'LogSAS':
self.meanu = data['meanphi'].reshape(s)
if self.bin_type == 'LogMultipole':
self.weightr = data['weight_re'].reshape(s)
self.weighti = data['weight_im'].reshape(s)
if 'weight' in data.dtype.names:
# NNN calls this DDD, rather than weight. Let that class handle it.
# But here, don't error if weight is missing.
self.weightr = data['weight'].reshape(s)
self.ntri = data['ntri'].reshape(s)
self.coords = params['coords'].strip()
self.metric = params['metric'].strip()
self.npatch1 = params.get('npatch1', 1)
self.npatch2 = params.get('npatch2', 1)
self.npatch3 = params.get('npatch3', 1)
[docs] def read(self, file_name, *, file_type=None):
"""Read in values from a file.
This should be a file that was written by TreeCorr, preferably a FITS or HDF5 file, so
there is no loss of information.
.. warning::
The current object should be constructed with the same configuration parameters as
the one being read. e.g. the same min_sep, max_sep, etc. This is not checked by
the read function.
file_name (str): The name of the file to read in.
file_type (str): The type of file ('ASCII' or 'FITS'). (default: determine the type
automatically from the extension of file_name.)
self.logger.info(f'Reading {self._letters} correlations from %s',file_name)
with make_reader(file_name, file_type, self.logger) as reader:
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, file_name, *, file_type=None, logger=None, rng=None):
"""Create a new instance from an output file.
This should be a file that was written by TreeCorr.
.. note::
This classmethod may be called either using the base class or the class type that
wrote the file. E.g. if the file was written by `GGGCorrelation`, then either
of the following would work and be equivalent:
>>> ggg = treecorr.GGGCorrelation.from_file(file_name)
>>> ggg = treecorr.Corr3.from_file(file_name)
file_name (str): The name of the file to read in.
file_type (str): The type of file ('ASCII', 'FITS', or 'HDF'). (default: determine
the type automatically from the extension of file_name.)
logger (Logger): If desired, a logger object to use for logging. (default: None)
rng (RandomState): If desired, a numpy.random.RandomState instance to use for bootstrap
random number generation. (default: None)
A Correlation object, constructed from the information in the file.
if cls is Corr3:
# Then need to figure out what class to make first.
with make_reader(file_name, file_type, logger) as reader:
name = 'main' if 'main' in reader else None
params = reader.read_params(ext=name)
letters = params.get('corr', None)
if letters not in Corr3._lookup_dict:
raise OSError("%s does not seem to be a valid treecorr output file."%file_name)
cls = Corr3._lookup_dict[letters]
return cls.from_file(file_name, file_type=file_type, logger=logger, rng=rng)
if logger:
logger.info(f'Building {cls._cls} from %s',file_name)
with make_reader(file_name, file_type, logger) as reader:
name = 'main' if 'main' in reader else None
params = reader.read_params(ext=name)
letters = params.get('corr', None)
if letters not in Corr3._lookup_dict:
raise OSError("%s does not seem to be a valid treecorr output file."%file_name)
if params['corr'] != cls._letters:
raise OSError("Trying to read a %sCorrelation output file with %s"%(
params['corr'], cls.__name__))
kwargs = make_minimal_config(params, Corr3._valid_params)
corr = cls(**kwargs, logger=logger, rng=rng)
corr.logger.info(f'Reading {cls._letters} correlations from %s', file_name)
corr._read(reader, name=name, params=params)
return corr