Two-point Correlation Functions =============================== TreeCorr can compute two- and three-point correlations for several different kinds of fields. For notational brevity in the various classes involved, we use a single letter to represent each kind of field as follows: * N represents simple counting statistics. The underlying field is a density of objects, which is manifested by objects appearing at specific locations. The assumption here is that the probability of an object occurring at a specific location is proportional to the underlying density field at that spot. * K represents a real, scalar field. Nominally, K is short for "kappa", since TreeCorr was originally written for weak lensing applications, and kappa is the name of the weak lensing convergence, a measure of the projected matter density along the line of sight. * Z represents a complex, spin-0 scalar field. This is mostly for API consistency, since we have several other complex fields with different spin properties. Spin-0 fields don't change their complex value when the orientation changes. * V represents a complex, spin-1 vector field. Spin-1 means that the complex value changes by :math:`\exp(i \phi)` when the orientation is rotated by an angle :math:`\phi`. This kind of field is appropriate for normal vectors with direction, like velocity fields. * G represents a complex, spin-2 shear field. Spin-2 means that the complex value changes by :math:`\exp(2i \phi)` when the orientation is rotated by an angle :math:`\phi`. The letter g is commonly used for reduced shear in the weak lensing context (and :math:`\gamma` is the unreduced shear), which is a spin-2 field, hence our use of G for spin-2 fields in Treecorr. * T represents a complex, spin-3 field. Spin-3 means that the complex value changes by :math:`\exp(3i \phi)` when the orientation is rotated by an angle :math:`\phi`. The letter T is short for trefoil, a shape with spin-3 rotational properties. * Q represents a complex, spin-4 field. Spin-4 means that the complex value changes by :math:`\exp(4i \phi)` when the orientation is rotated by an angle :math:`\phi`. The letter Q is short for quatrefoil, a shape with spin-4 rotational properties. Not all possible pairings of two fields are currently implemented. The following lists all the currently implemented classes for computing two-point correlations. If you have need of a pairing not listed here, please file in issue asking for it. It's not hard to add more, but I didn't want to implement a bunch of classes that no one will use. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 nn nk kk nz kz zz nv kv vv ng kg gg nt kt tt nq kq qq Each of the above classes is a sub-class of the base class Corr2, so they have a number of features in common about how they are constructed. The common features are documented here. .. autoclass:: treecorr.Corr2 :members: .. autofunction:: treecorr.estimate_multi_cov .. autofunction:: treecorr.build_multi_cov_design_matrix .. autofunction:: treecorr.set_max_omp_threads .. autofunction:: treecorr.set_omp_threads .. autofunction:: treecorr.get_omp_threads