# Copyright (c) 2016 by Mike Jarvis and the other collaborators on GitHub at
# https://github.com/rmjarvis/Piff All rights reserved.
# Piff is free software: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.. module:: twod_stats
import numpy as np
import warnings
import galsim
from .stats import Stats
[docs]class TwoDHistStats(Stats):
"""Statistics class that can make pretty colormaps where each bin has some
arbitrary function applied to it.
By default this will make a color map based on u and v coordinates of the
input stars. The color scale is based on (by default) the median value of
the objects in particular u-v voxel.
After a call to :func:`compute`, the following attributes are accessible:
:twodhists: A dictionary of two dimensional histograms, with keys
'u', 'v', 'T', 'g1', 'g2', 'T_model', 'g1_model', 'g2_model',
'dT', 'dg1', 'dg2'
These histograms are two dimensional masked arrays where the value of the
pixel corresponds to reducing_function([objects in u-v voxel])
:param nbins_u: Number of bins in u direction [default: 20]
:param nbins_v: Number of bins in v direction [default: 20]
:param reducing_function: Type of function to apply to grouped objects. numpy functions
are prefixed by np. [default: 'np.median']
:param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None]
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
[default: None]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
def __init__(self, nbins_u=20, nbins_v=20, reducing_function='np.median',
file_name=None, model_properties=None, logger=None):
self.nbins_u = nbins_u
self.nbins_v = nbins_v
self.reducing_function = eval(reducing_function)
self.file_name = file_name
self.model_properties = model_properties
self.skip = False
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
self.twodhists = {}
# get the shapes
logger.info("Measuring Star and Model Shapes")
positions, shapes_truth, shapes_model = self.measureShapes(
psf, stars, model_properties=self.model_properties, logger=logger)
# Only use stars for which hsm was successful
flag_truth = shapes_truth[:, 6]
flag_model = shapes_model[:, 6]
mask = (flag_truth == 0) & (flag_model == 0)
logger.info("%d/%d measurements were successful",np.sum(mask),len(mask))
if np.sum(mask) == 0:
logger.warning("All stars had hsm errors. TwoDHist plot will be empty.")
self.skip = True
# define terms for the catalogs
u = positions[mask, 0]
v = positions[mask, 1]
T = shapes_truth[mask, 3]
g1 = shapes_truth[mask, 4]
g2 = shapes_truth[mask, 5]
T_model = shapes_model[mask, 3]
g1_model = shapes_model[mask, 4]
g2_model = shapes_model[mask, 5]
dT = T - T_model
dg1 = g1 - g1_model
dg2 = g2 - g2_model
# compute the indices
logger.info("Computing TwoDHist indices")
self.bins_u = np.linspace(np.min(u), np.max(u), num=self.nbins_u + 1)
self.bins_v = np.linspace(np.min(v), np.max(v), num=self.nbins_v + 1)
# digitize u and v. No such thing as entries below their min, so -1 to index
indx_u = np.digitize(u, self.bins_u) - 1
indx_v = np.digitize(v, self.bins_v) - 1
# Make sure no points go one past the end (due to rounding when u=max(u), etc.
np.putmask(indx_u, indx_u >= self.nbins_u, self.nbins_u-1)
np.putmask(indx_v, indx_v >= self.nbins_v, self.nbins_v-1)
# get unique indices
unique_indx = np.vstack([tuple(row) for row in np.vstack((indx_u, indx_v)).T])
# compute the arrays
logger.info("Computing TwoDHist arrays")
# throw in coordinates for good measure
self.twodhists['u'] = self._array_to_2dhist(u, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
self.twodhists['v'] = self._array_to_2dhist(v, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# T
self.twodhists['T'] = self._array_to_2dhist(T, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# g1
self.twodhists['g1'] = self._array_to_2dhist(g1, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# g2
self.twodhists['g2'] = self._array_to_2dhist(g2, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# T_model
self.twodhists['T_model'] = self._array_to_2dhist(T, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# g1_model
self.twodhists['g1_model'] = self._array_to_2dhist(g1_model, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# g2_model
self.twodhists['g2_model'] = self._array_to_2dhist(g2_model, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# dT
self.twodhists['dT'] = self._array_to_2dhist(dT, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# dg1
self.twodhists['dg1'] = self._array_to_2dhist(dg1, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# dg2
self.twodhists['dg2'] = self._array_to_2dhist(dg2, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Make the plots.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:params \**kwargs: Any additional kwargs go into the matplotlib plot() function.
[ignored in this function]
:returns: fig, ax
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
fig = Figure(figsize=(12,9))
# In matplotlib 2.0, this will be
# axs = fig.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=3)
axs = [[ fig.add_subplot(3,3,1),
fig.add_subplot(3,3,3) ],
[ fig.add_subplot(3,3,4),
fig.add_subplot(3,3,6) ],
[ fig.add_subplot(3,3,7),
fig.add_subplot(3,3,9) ]]
axs = np.array(axs, dtype=object)
# left column gets the Y coordinate label
axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('v')
axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('v')
axs[2, 0].set_ylabel('v')
# bottom row gets the X coordinate label
axs[2, 0].set_xlabel('u')
axs[2, 1].set_xlabel('u')
axs[2, 2].set_xlabel('u')
axs[0, 0].set_title('T')
axs[1, 0].set_title('T Model')
axs[2, 0].set_title('dT')
axs[0, 1].set_title('g1')
axs[1, 1].set_title('g1 Model')
axs[2, 1].set_title('dg1')
axs[0, 2].set_title('g2')
axs[1, 2].set_title('g2 Model')
axs[2, 2].set_title('dg2')
if self.skip:
return fig, axs
if not hasattr(self, 'twodhists'):
raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling plot or write")
# make the colormaps
logger.info("Creating TwoDHist colormaps")
# T and T_model share colorbar
vmin__T = np.min([self.twodhists['T'], self.twodhists['T_model']])
vmax__T = np.max([self.twodhists['T'], self.twodhists['T_model']])
vcent__T = np.median([self.twodhists['T'], self.twodhists['T_model']])
cmap__T = self._shift_cmap(vmin__T, vmax__T, center=vcent__T)
# g1, g2, g1_model, g2_model share colorbar
vmin__g = np.min([self.twodhists['g1'], self.twodhists['g1_model'],
self.twodhists['g2'], self.twodhists['g2_model']])
vmax__g = np.max([self.twodhists['g1'], self.twodhists['g1_model'],
self.twodhists['g2'], self.twodhists['g2_model']])
cmap__g = self._shift_cmap(vmin__g, vmax__g)
# dT gets own colorbar
vmin__dT = np.min(self.twodhists['dT'])
vmax__dT = np.max(self.twodhists['dT'])
cmap__dT = self._shift_cmap(vmin__dT, vmax__dT)
# dg1 and dg2 share a colorbar
vmin__dg = np.min([self.twodhists['dg1'], self.twodhists['dg2']])
vmax__dg = np.max([self.twodhists['dg1'], self.twodhists['dg2']])
cmap__dg = self._shift_cmap(vmin__dg, vmax__dg)
# make the plots
logger.info("Creating TwoDHist plots")
ax = axs[0, 0]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['T'], cmap=cmap__T,
vmin=vmin__T, vmax=vmax__T)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[1, 0]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['T_model'], cmap=cmap__T,
vmin=vmin__T, vmax=vmax__T)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[2, 0]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['dT'], cmap=cmap__dT,
vmin=vmin__dT, vmax=vmax__dT)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[0, 1]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['g1'], cmap=cmap__g,
vmin=vmin__g, vmax=vmax__g)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[1, 1]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['g1_model'], cmap=cmap__g,
vmin=vmin__g, vmax=vmax__g)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[2, 1]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['dg1'], cmap=cmap__dg,
vmin=vmin__dg, vmax=vmax__dg)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[0, 2]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['g2'], cmap=cmap__g,
vmin=vmin__g, vmax=vmax__g)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[1, 2]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['g2_model'], cmap=cmap__g,
vmin=vmin__g, vmax=vmax__g)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
ax = axs[2, 2]
IM = ax.pcolor(self.bins_u, self.bins_v, self.twodhists['dg2'], cmap=cmap__dg,
vmin=vmin__dg, vmax=vmax__dg)
ax.set_xlim(min(self.bins_u), max(self.bins_u))
ax.set_ylim(min(self.bins_v), max(self.bins_v))
fig.colorbar(IM, ax=ax)
return fig, axs
def _array_to_2dhist(self, z, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx):
C = np.ma.zeros((self.nbins_v, self.nbins_u))
C.mask = np.ones((self.nbins_v, self.nbins_u))
for unique in unique_indx:
ui, vi = unique
sample = z[(indx_u == ui) & (indx_v == vi)]
assert len(sample) > 0 # This is ensured by how we calculate unique_indx
value = self.reducing_function(sample)
C[vi, ui] = value
C.mask[vi, ui] = 0
return C
def _shift_cmap(self, vmin, vmax, center=0):
from matplotlib import cm
# want midpoint to be a float!
midpoint = (center - vmin) * 1. / (vmax - vmin)
# if b <= 0, then we want Blues_r
if vmax <= center and vmin <= center:
return cm.Blues_r
# if a >= 0, then we want Reds
elif vmin >= center and vmax >= center:
return cm.Reds
# catch inverse
elif vmin >= center and vmax <= center:
return self._shiftedColorMap(cm.RdBu_r, start=1.0, midpoint=1 - midpoint, stop=0.0)
return self._shiftedColorMap(cm.RdBu_r, midpoint=midpoint)
def _shiftedColorMap(self, cmap, start=0, midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0,
Taken from
which makes beautiful plots by the way
Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for
data with a negative min and positive max and you want the
middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero
cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered
start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 0.0 (no lower ofset). Should be between
0.0 and `midpoint`.
midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to
0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In
general, this should be 1 - vmax/(vmax + abs(vmin))
For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and
you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, `midpoint`
should be set to 1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75
stop : Offset from highets point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 1.0 (no upper ofset). Should be between
`midpoint` and 1.0.
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
cdict = {
'red': [],
'green': [],
'blue': [],
'alpha': []
# regular index to compute the colors
reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)
# shifted index to match the data
shift_index = np.hstack([
np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, endpoint=False),
np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, endpoint=True)
for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):
r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)
cdict['red'].append((si, r, r))
cdict['green'].append((si, g, g))
cdict['blue'].append((si, b, b))
cdict['alpha'].append((si, a, a))
newcmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
# add some overunders
newcmap.set_bad(color='g', alpha=0.75)
newcmap.set_over(color='m', alpha=0.75)
newcmap.set_under(color='c', alpha=0.75)
return newcmap
[docs]class WhiskerStats(Stats):
"""Statistics class that can make whiskerplots.
By default this will make a whisker plot based on u and v coordinates of
the input stars. The whisker scale is based on (by default) the median
value of the objects in a particular u-v voxel.
After a call to :func:`compute`, the following attributes are accessible:
:twodhists: A dictionary of two dimensional histograms, with keys
'u', 'v', 'w1', 'w2', 'w1_model', 'w2_model', 'dw1', 'dw2'
These histograms are two dimensional masked arrays where the value of the
pixel corresponds to reducing_function([objects in u-v voxel])
.. note::
There are a couple different ways to define your whiskers. Here we
have taken the approach that the whisker represents the ellipticity as:
theta = arctan(e2, e1) / 2
r = sqrt(e1 ** 2 + e2 ** 2)
w1 = r cos(theta)
w2 = r sin(theta)
Because e1, e2 do not have units, w does not either.
:param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None]
:param nbins_u: Number of bins in u direction [default: 20]
:param nbins_v: Number of bins in v direction [default: 20]
:param reducing_function: Type of function to apply to grouped objects. numpy functions
are prefixed by np. [default: 'np.median']
:param scale: An overal scale factor by which to scale the size of the
all whiskers. [default: 1]
:param resid_scale: An additional factor for the scale size of the residual
whiskers only. [default: 2]
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
[default: None]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
def __init__(self, file_name=None, nbins_u=20, nbins_v=20, reducing_function='np.median',
scale=1, resid_scale=2, model_properties=None, logger=None):
self.file_name = file_name
self.nbins_u = nbins_u
self.nbins_v = nbins_v
self.reducing_function = eval(reducing_function)
self.scale = scale
self.resid_scale = resid_scale
self.model_properties = model_properties
self.skip = False
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
self.twodhists = {}
# get the shapes
logger.info("Measuring Star and Model Shapes")
positions, shapes_truth, shapes_model = self.measureShapes(
psf, stars, model_properties=self.model_properties, logger=logger)
# Only use stars for which hsm was successful
flag_truth = shapes_truth[:, 6]
flag_model = shapes_model[:, 6]
mask = (flag_truth == 0) & (flag_model == 0)
logger.info("%d/%d measurements were successful",np.sum(mask),len(mask))
if np.sum(mask) == 0:
logger.warning("All stars had hsm errors. Whisker plot will be empty.")
self.skip = True
# define terms for the catalogs
u = positions[mask, 0]
v = positions[mask, 1]
T = shapes_truth[mask, 3]
g1 = shapes_truth[mask, 4]
g2 = shapes_truth[mask, 5]
T_model = shapes_model[mask, 3]
g1_model = shapes_model[mask, 4]
g2_model = shapes_model[mask, 5]
dT = T - T_model
dg1 = g1 - g1_model
dg2 = g2 - g2_model
mag_w = np.sqrt(np.square(g1) + np.square(g2))
phi = np.arctan2(g2, g1) / 2.
w1 = mag_w * np.cos(phi)
w2 = mag_w * np.sin(phi)
mag_w_model = np.sqrt(np.square(g1_model) + np.square(g2_model))
phi_model = np.arctan2(g2_model, g1_model) / 2.
w1_model = mag_w_model * np.cos(phi_model)
w2_model = mag_w_model * np.sin(phi_model)
dmag_w = np.sqrt(np.square(dg1) + np.square(dg2))
dphi = np.arctan2(dg2, dg1) / 2.
dw1 = dmag_w * np.cos(dphi)
dw2 = dmag_w * np.sin(dphi)
# compute the indices
logger.info("Computing Whisker indices")
self.bins_u = np.linspace(np.min(u), np.max(u), num=self.nbins_u + 1)
self.bins_v = np.linspace(np.min(v), np.max(v), num=self.nbins_v + 1)
# digitize u and v. No such thing as entries below their min, so -1 to index
indx_u = np.digitize(u, self.bins_u) - 1
indx_v = np.digitize(v, self.bins_v) - 1
# Make sure no points go one past the end (due to rounding when u=max(u), etc.
np.putmask(indx_u, indx_u >= self.nbins_u, self.nbins_u-1)
np.putmask(indx_v, indx_v >= self.nbins_v, self.nbins_v-1)
# get unique indices
unique_indx = np.vstack([tuple(row) for row in np.vstack((indx_u, indx_v)).T])
# compute the arrays
logger.info("Computing Whisker arrays")
self.twodhists['u'] = self._array_to_2dhist(u, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
self.twodhists['v'] = self._array_to_2dhist(v, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# w1
self.twodhists['w1'] = self._array_to_2dhist(w1, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# w2
self.twodhists['w2'] = self._array_to_2dhist(w2, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# w1_model
self.twodhists['w1_model'] = self._array_to_2dhist(w1_model, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# w2_model
self.twodhists['w2_model'] = self._array_to_2dhist(w2_model, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# dw1
self.twodhists['dw1'] = self._array_to_2dhist(dw1, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
# dw2
self.twodhists['dw2'] = self._array_to_2dhist(dw2, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx)
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Make the plots.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:params \**kwargs: Any additional kwargs go into the matplotlib plot() function.
[ignored in this function]
:returns: fig, ax
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
fig = Figure(figsize=(7.5,4))
ax0, ax1 = fig.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'aspect' : 'equal'})
ax0.set_title('Raw PSF')
ax1.set_title('PSF Residuals')
if self.skip:
return fig, [ax0, ax1]
if not hasattr(self, 'twodhists'):
raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling plot or write")
# make the plots
logger.info("Creating Whisker plots")
# configure to taste
# bigger scale = smaller whiskers
quiver_dict = dict(headlength=0,
# raw whiskers
u = self.twodhists['u']
v = self.twodhists['v']
w1 = self.twodhists['w1']
w2 = self.twodhists['w2']
dw1 = self.twodhists['dw1']
dw2 = self.twodhists['dw2']
use = u.mask == 0
# Note: the quiver "scale" is such that larger value = smaller whiskers.
# This is backwards of how I think of scale, which is why the / here, not *.
scale = 1.e-4 / self.scale
qv = ax0.quiver(u[use], v[use], w1[use], w2[use], scale=scale, **quiver_dict)
# quiverkey
ref = 0.03
ref_label = 'e = %s'%ref
ax0.quiverkey(qv, 0.15, 0.00, ref, ref_label,
coordinates='axes', color='darkred', labelcolor='darkred',
# residual whiskers
scale = 1.e-4 / self.scale / self.resid_scale
qv = ax1.quiver(u[use], v[use], dw1[use], dw2[use], scale=scale, **quiver_dict)
# quiverkey
ref = 0.03 / self.resid_scale
ref_label = 'e = %s'%ref
ax1.quiverkey(qv, 0.85, 0.00, ref, ref_label,
coordinates='axes', color='darkred', labelcolor='darkred',
return fig, [ax0, ax1]
def _array_to_2dhist(self, z, indx_u, indx_v, unique_indx):
C = np.ma.zeros((self.nbins_v, self.nbins_u))
C.mask = np.ones((self.nbins_v, self.nbins_u))
for unique in unique_indx:
ui, vi = unique
sample = z[(indx_u == ui) & (indx_v == vi)]
assert len(sample) > 0
value = self.reducing_function(sample)
C[vi, ui] = value
C.mask[vi, ui] = 0
return C