# Copyright (c) 2016 by Mike Jarvis and the other collaborators on GitHub at
# https://github.com/rmjarvis/Piff All rights reserved.
# Piff is free software: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.. module:: stats
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
import galsim
[docs]class Stats(object):
"""The base class for getting the statistics of a set of stars.
This is essentially an abstract base class intended to define the methods that should be
implemented by any derived class.
The usual code flow for using a Stats instance is:
>>> stats = SomeKindofStats(...)
>>> stats.compute(psf, stars, logger)
>>> stats.write(file_name=file_name)
There is also a ``plot`` method if you want to make the matplot lib fig, ax and do something
else with it besides just write it to a file.
[docs] @classmethod
def process(cls, config_stats, logger=None):
"""Parse the stats field of the config dict.
:param config_stats: The configuration dict for the stats field.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:returns: a Stats instance
import piff
# If it's not a list, make it one.
except KeyError:
config_stats = [config_stats]
stats = []
for cfg in config_stats:
if 'type' not in cfg:
raise ValueError("config['stats'] has no type field")
# Get the class to use for the stats
stats_class = getattr(piff, cfg['type'] + 'Stats')
# Read any other kwargs in the stats field
kwargs = stats_class.parseKwargs(cfg, logger)
return stats
[docs] @classmethod
def parseKwargs(cls, config_stats, logger=None):
"""Parse the stats field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for
initializing an instance of the class.
The base class implementation just returns the kwargs as they are, but derived classes
might want to override this if they need to do something more sophisticated with them.
:param config_stats: The stats field of the configuration dict, config['stats']
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer
kwargs = {}
return kwargs
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
"""Compute the given statistic for a PSF solution on a set of stars.
This needs to be done before the statistic is plotted or written to a file.
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the plot function")
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Make the plots for this statistic.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:param \**kwargs: Optionally, provide extra kwargs for the matplotlib plot command.
:returns: (fig, ax) The matplotlib figure and axis with the plot(s).
raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the plot function")
[docs] def write(self, file_name=None, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Write plots to a file.
:param file_name: The name of the file to write to. [default: Use self.file_name,
which is typically read from the config field.]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:param \**kwargs: Optionally, provide extra kwargs for the matplotlib plot command.
# Note: don't import matplotlib.pyplot, since that can mess around with the user's
# pyplot state. Better to do everything with the matplotlib object oriented API.
# cf. http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2005/04/23/matplotlib_without_gui.html
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
logger.info("Creating plot for %s", self.__class__.__name__)
fig, ax = self.plot(logger=logger, **kwargs)
if file_name is None:
file_name = self.file_name
if file_name is None:
raise ValueError("No file_name specified for %s"%self.__class__.__name__)
logger.warning("Writing %s plot to file %s",self.__class__.__name__,file_name)
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
# Do this after we've set the canvas to use Agg to avoid warning.
if matplotlib.__version__ >= "3.6":
else: # pragma: no cover
canvas.print_figure(file_name, dpi=100)
[docs] def measureShapes(self, psf, stars, model_properties=None, fourth_order=False,
raw_moments=False, logger=None):
"""Compare PSF and true star shapes with HSM algorithm
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
The default behavior is to use the properties of the star itself
for any properties that are not overridden by model_properties.
[default: None]
:param fourth_order: Whether to include the fourth-order quantities as well in columns
7 through 11 of the output array. [default: False]
:param raw_moments: Whether to include the complete set of raw moments as calculated
by `calculate_moments`. If requested, these come after the
fourth-order quantities if those are being returned or after the
regular quantities otherwise. Either way they are the last 18
columns in the output array. [default: False]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:returns: positions of stars, shapes of stars, and shapes of
models of stars (T, g1, g2)
from .util import calculate_moments
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
# measure moments with Gaussian on image
logger.debug("Measuring shapes of real stars")
shapes_data = [ list(star.hsm) for star in stars ]
nshapes = 7
if fourth_order or raw_moments:
if fourth_order:
kwargs = dict(fourth_order=True)
nshapes += 5
if raw_moments:
nshapes += 18
kwargs = dict(third_order=True, fourth_order=True, radial=True)
for i, star in enumerate(stars):
d = shapes_data[i]
m = calculate_moments(star, **kwargs)
except RuntimeError as e:
# Make sure the flag is set.
if 'HSM failed' in e.args[0]:
d[6] = int(e.args[0].split()[-1])
else: # pragma: no cover
# The HSM failed error is the only one we expect, but just in case...
d[6] = 1
d.extend([0] * (nshapes - 7))
if fourth_order:
m['M31']/m['M11']**2, m['M13']/m['M11']**2,
m['M40']/m['M11']**2, m['M04']/m['M11']**2])
# Subtract off 3e from the 4th order shapes to remove the leading order
# term from the overall ellipticity, which is already captured in the
# second order shape. (For a Gaussian, this makes g4 very close to 0.)
shape = galsim.Shear(g1=star.hsm[4], g2=star.hsm[5])
d[8] -= 3*shape.e1
d[9] -= 3*shape.e2
if raw_moments:
d.extend([m['M00'], m['M10'], m['M01'], m['M11'], m['M20'], m['M02'],
m['M21'], m['M12'], m['M30'], m['M03'],
m['M22'], m['M31'], m['M13'], m['M40'], m['M04'],
m['M22n'], m['M33n'], m['M44n']])
# Turn it into a proper numpy array.
shapes_data = np.array(shapes_data)
# If no stars, then shapes_data is the wrong shape. This line is normally a no op
# but makes things work right if len(stars)=0.
shapes_data = shapes_data.reshape((len(stars),nshapes))
for star, shape in zip(stars, shapes_data):
logger.debug("real shape for star at %s is %s",star.image_pos, shape)
# Convert from sigma to T
# Note: the hsm sigma is det(M)^1/4, not sqrt(T/2), so need to account for the effect
# of the ellipticity.
# If M = [ sigma^2 (1+e1) sigma^2 e2 ]
# [ sigma^2 e2 sigma^2 (1-e1) ]
# Then:
# det(M) = sigma^4 (1-|e|^2) = sigma_hsm^4
# T = tr(M) = 2 * sigma^2
# So:
# T = 2 * sigma_hsm^2 / sqrt(1-|e|^2)
# Using |e| = 2 |g| / (1+|g|^2), we obtain:
# T = 2 * sigma_hsm^2 * (1+|g|^2)/(1-|g|^2)
gsq = shapes_data[:,4]**2 + shapes_data[:,5]**2
shapes_data[:,3] = 2*shapes_data[:,3]**2 * (1+gsq)/(1-gsq)
# Pull out the positions to return
positions = np.array([ (star.data.properties['u'], star.data.properties['v'])
for star in stars ])
# generate the model stars and measure moments
if psf is None:
shapes_model = None
logger.debug("Generating and Measuring Model Stars")
if model_properties is not None:
stars = [star.withProperties(**model_properties) for star in stars]
stars = psf.interpolateStarList(stars)
model_stars = psf.drawStarList(stars)
shapes_model = [list(star.hsm) for star in model_stars]
if fourth_order or raw_moments:
for i, star in enumerate(model_stars):
d = shapes_model[i]
m = calculate_moments(star, **kwargs)
except RuntimeError as e:
if 'HSM failed' in e.args[0]:
d[6] = int(e.args[0].split()[-1])
else: # pragma: no cover
d[6] = 1
d.extend([0] * (nshapes - 7))
if fourth_order:
m['M31']/m['M11']**2, m['M13']/m['M11']**2,
m['M40']/m['M11']**2, m['M04']/m['M11']**2])
shape = galsim.Shear(g1=star.hsm[4], g2=star.hsm[5])
d[8] -= 3*shape.e1
d[9] -= 3*shape.e2
if raw_moments:
d.extend([m['M00'], m['M10'], m['M01'], m['M11'], m['M20'], m['M02'],
m['M21'], m['M12'], m['M30'], m['M03'],
m['M22'], m['M31'], m['M13'], m['M40'], m['M04'],
m['M22n'], m['M33n'], m['M44n']])
shapes_model = np.array(shapes_model)
shapes_model = shapes_model.reshape((len(model_stars),nshapes))
gsq = shapes_model[:,4]**2 + shapes_model[:,5]**2
shapes_model[:,3] = 2*shapes_model[:,3]**2 * (1+gsq)/(1-gsq)
for star, shape in zip(model_stars, shapes_model):
logger.debug("model shape for star at %s is %s",star.image_pos, shape)
return positions, shapes_data, shapes_model
[docs]class ShapeHistStats(Stats):
"""Stats class for calculating histograms of shape residuals
This will compute the size and shapes of the observed stars and the PSF models and
make histograms of both the values and the residuals.
The plot will have 6 axes. The top row will have histograms of T, g1, g2, with the model
and data color coded. The bottom row will have histograms of the differences.
After a call to :func:`compute`, the following attributes are accessible:
:u: The u positions in field coordinates.
:v: The v positions in field coordinates.
:T: The size (T = Iuu + Ivv) of the observed stars.
:g1: The g1 component of the shapes of the observed stars.
:g2: The g2 component of the shapes of the observed stars.
:T_model: The size of the PSF model at the same locations as the stars.
:g1_model: The g1 component of the PSF model at these locations.
:g2_model: The g2 component of the PSF model at these locations.
:dT: The size residual, T - T_model
:dg1: The g1 residual, g1 - g1_model
:dg2: The g2 residual, g2 - g2_model
:param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None]
:param nbins: Number of bins to use. [default: sqrt(n_stars)]
:param cut_frac: Fraction to cut off from histograms at the high and low ends.
[default: 0.01]
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
[default: None]
def __init__(self, file_name=None, nbins=None, cut_frac=0.01, model_properties=None,
self.file_name = file_name
self.nbins = nbins
self.cut_frac = cut_frac
self.model_properties = model_properties
self.skip = False
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
# get the shapes
logger.warning("Calculating shape histograms for %d stars",len(stars))
positions, shapes_data, shapes_model = self.measureShapes(
psf, stars, model_properties=self.model_properties, logger=logger)
# Only use stars for which hsm was successful
flag_data = shapes_data[:, 6]
flag_model = shapes_model[:, 6]
mask = (flag_data == 0) & (flag_model == 0)
if np.sum(mask) == 0:
logger.warning("All stars had hsm errors. ShapeHist plot will be empty.")
self.skip = True
# define terms for the catalogs
self.u = positions[mask, 0]
self.v = positions[mask, 1]
self.T = shapes_data[mask, 3]
self.g1 = shapes_data[mask, 4]
self.g2 = shapes_data[mask, 5]
self.T_model = shapes_model[mask, 3]
self.g1_model = shapes_model[mask, 4]
self.g2_model = shapes_model[mask, 5]
self.dT = self.T - self.T_model
self.dg1 = self.g1 - self.g1_model
self.dg2 = self.g2 - self.g2_model
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Make the plots.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:params \**kwargs: Any additional kwargs go into the matplotlib hist() function.
:returns: fig, ax
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize = (15,10))
# In matplotlib 2.0, this will be
# axs = fig.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=2)
axs = [[ fig.add_subplot(2,3,1),
fig.add_subplot(2,3,3) ],
[ fig.add_subplot(2,3,4),
fig.add_subplot(2,3,6) ]]
axs = np.array(axs, dtype=object)
axs[0, 0].set_xlabel(r'$T$')
axs[1, 0].set_xlabel(r'$T_{data} - T_{model}$')
axs[0, 1].set_xlabel(r'$g_{1}$')
axs[1, 1].set_xlabel(r'$g_{1, data} - g_{1, model}$')
axs[0, 2].set_xlabel(r'$g_{2}$')
axs[1, 2].set_xlabel(r'$g_{2, data} - g_{2, model}$')
if self.skip:
return fig, axs
if not hasattr(self, 'T'):
raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling plot or write")
# some defaults for the kwargs
if 'histtype' not in kwargs:
kwargs['histtype'] = 'step'
nbins = self.nbins
if nbins is None:
nbins = int(np.sqrt(len(self.T))+1)
logger.info("nstars = %d, using %d bins for Shape Histograms",len(self.T),nbins)
if np.__version__ >= '1.23': # pragma: no branch
lower = dict(method='lower')
higher = dict(method='higher')
lower = dict(interpolation='lower')
higher = dict(interpolation='higher')
# axs[0,0] = size distributions
ax = axs[0, 0]
all_T = np.concatenate([self.T_model, self.T])
logger.info("nbins = %s",nbins)
logger.info("cut_frac = %s",self.cut_frac)
rng = (np.quantile(all_T, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(all_T, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("T_d: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.T),np.max(self.T))
logger.info("T_m: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.T_model),np.max(self.T_model))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist([self.T, self.T_model], bins=nbins, range=rng, label=['data', 'model'], **kwargs)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
# axs[0,1] = size difference
ax = axs[1, 0]
rng = (np.quantile(self.dT, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(self.dT, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("dT: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.dT),np.max(self.dT))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist(self.dT, bins=nbins, range=rng, **kwargs)
# axs[1,0] = g1 distribution
ax = axs[0, 1]
all_g1 = np.concatenate([self.g1_model, self.g1])
rng = (np.quantile(all_g1, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(all_g1, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("g1_d: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.g1),np.max(self.g1))
logger.info("g1_m: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.g1_model),np.max(self.g1_model))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist([self.g1, self.g1_model], bins=nbins, range=rng, label=['data', 'model'], **kwargs)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
# axs[1,0] = g1 difference
ax = axs[1, 1]
rng = (np.quantile(self.dg1, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(self.dg1, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("dg1: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.dg1),np.max(self.dg1))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist(self.dg1, bins=nbins, range=rng, **kwargs)
# axs[2,0] = g2 distribution
ax = axs[0, 2]
all_g2 = np.concatenate([self.g2_model, self.g2])
rng = (np.quantile(all_g2, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(all_g2, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("g2_d: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.g2),np.max(self.g2))
logger.info("g2_m: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.g2_model),np.max(self.g2_model))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist([self.g2, self.g2_model], bins=nbins, range=rng, label=['data', 'model'], **kwargs)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
# axs[2,0] = g2 difference
ax = axs[1, 2]
rng = (np.quantile(self.dg2, self.cut_frac, **lower),
np.quantile(self.dg2, 1-self.cut_frac, **higher))
logger.info("dg2: Full range = (%f, %f)",np.min(self.dg2),np.max(self.dg2))
logger.info("Display range = (%f, %f)",rng[0],rng[1])
ax.hist(self.dg2, bins=nbins, range=rng, **kwargs)
return fig, ax
[docs]class RhoStats(Stats):
r"""Stats class for calculating rho statistics.
This will plot the 5 rho statistics described in Jarvis et al, 2015, section 3.4.
e = e_psf; de = e_psf - e_model
T is size; dT = T_psf - T_model
rho1 = < de* de >
rho2 = < e* de > (in the rowe paper this is < e* de + de* e >
rho3 = < (e* dT / T) (e dT / T) >
rho4 = < de* (e dT / T) >
rho5 = < e* (e dT / T) >
The plots for rho1, rho3, and rho4 will all be on the same axis (left), and the plots for
rho2 and rho5 will be on the other axis (right).
Furthermore, these are technically complex quantities, but only the real parts are
plotted, since the imaginary parts are uninteresting.
After a call to :func:`compute`, the following attributes are accessible:
:rho1: A TreeCorr GGCorrelation instance with the rho1 statistic.
:rho2: A TreeCorr GGCorrelation instance with the rho2 statistic.
:rho3: A TreeCorr GGCorrelation instance with the rho3 statistic.
:rho4: A TreeCorr GGCorrelation instance with the rho4 statistic.
:rho5: A TreeCorr GGCorrelation instance with the rho5 statistic.
The value of the canonical rho statistic is in the ``xip`` attribute of each of the above
TreeCorr GGCorrelation instances. But there are other quantities that may be of interest
in some cases, so we provide access to the full object.
:param min_sep: Minimum separation (in arcmin) for pairs. [default: 0.5]
:param max_sep: Maximum separation (in arcmin) for pairs. [default: 300]
:param bin_size: Size of bins in log(sep). [default 0.1]
:param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None]
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
[default: None]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:param \**kwargs: Any additional kwargs are passed on to TreeCorr.
def __init__(self, min_sep=0.5, max_sep=300, bin_size=0.1, file_name=None,
model_properties=None, logger=None, **kwargs):
self.tckwargs = kwargs
self.tckwargs['min_sep'] = min_sep
self.tckwargs['max_sep'] = max_sep
self.tckwargs['bin_size'] = bin_size
if 'sep_units' not in self.tckwargs:
self.tckwargs['sep_units'] = 'arcmin'
self.file_name = file_name
self.model_properties = model_properties
self.skip = False # Set this to true if there is a problem and we need to skip plots.
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
import treecorr
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
# get the shapes
logger.warning("Calculating rho statistics for %d stars",len(stars))
positions, shapes_data, shapes_model = self.measureShapes(
psf, stars, model_properties=self.model_properties, logger=logger)
# Only use stars for which hsm was successful
flag_data = shapes_data[:, 6]
flag_model = shapes_model[:, 6]
mask = (flag_data == 0) & (flag_model == 0)
if np.sum(mask) == 0:
logger.warning("All stars had hsm errors. Rho plot will be empty.")
self.skip = True
# define terms for the catalogs
u = positions[mask, 0]
v = positions[mask, 1]
T = shapes_data[mask, 3]
g1 = shapes_data[mask, 4]
g2 = shapes_data[mask, 5]
dT = T - shapes_model[mask, 3]
dg1 = g1 - shapes_model[mask, 4]
dg2 = g2 - shapes_model[mask, 5]
# make the treecorr catalogs
logger.info("Creating Treecorr Catalogs")
cat_g = treecorr.Catalog(x=u, y=v, x_units='arcsec', y_units='arcsec',
g1=g1, g2=g2)
cat_dg = treecorr.Catalog(x=u, y=v, x_units='arcsec', y_units='arcsec',
g1=dg1, g2=dg2)
cat_gdTT = treecorr.Catalog(x=u, y=v, x_units='arcsec', y_units='arcsec',
g1=g1 * dT / T, g2=g2 * dT / T)
# setup and run the correlations
logger.info("Processing rho PSF statistics")
# save the rho objects
self.rho1 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.tckwargs)
self.rho2 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.tckwargs)
self.rho2.process(cat_g, cat_dg)
self.rho3 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.tckwargs)
self.rho4 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.tckwargs)
self.rho4.process(cat_dg, cat_gdTT)
self.rho5 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(self.tckwargs)
self.rho5.process(cat_g, cat_gdTT)
def alt_plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
# Leaving this version here in case useful, but I (MJ) have a new version of this
# below based on the figures I made for the DES SV shear catalog paper that I think
# looks a bit nicer.
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize = (10,5))
# In matplotlib 2.0, this will be
# axs = fig.subplots(ncols=2)
axs = [ fig.add_subplot(1,2,1),
fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) ]
axs = np.array(axs, dtype=object)
for ax in axs:
ax.set_xlabel('log $r$ [arcmin]')
if self.skip:
return fig,axs
# axs[0] gets rho1 rho3 and rho4
# axs[1] gets rho2 and rho5
for ax, rho_list, color_list, label_list in zip(
[[self.rho1, self.rho3, self.rho4], [self.rho2, self.rho5]],
[['k', 'r', 'b'], ['g', 'm']],
[[r'$\rho_{1}$', r'$\rho_{3}$', r'$\rho_{4}$'],
[r'$\rho_{2}$', r'$\rho_{5}$']]):
# put in some labels
# set the scale
ax.set_xscale("log", nonpositive='clip')
ax.set_yscale("log", nonpositive='clip')
for rho, color, label in zip(rho_list, color_list, label_list):
r = np.exp(rho.logr)
xi = rho.xip
# now separate the xi into positive and negative components
pos = xi > 0
neg = xi < 0
# catch linestyles, but otherwise default to - and -- for positive and negative
# values
if 'linestyle' in kwargs.keys():
linestyle_pos = kwargs.pop('linestyle')
linestyle_neg = linestyle_pos
linestyle_pos = '-'
linestyle_neg = '--'
# do the plots
ax.plot(r[pos], xi[pos], linestyle=linestyle_pos, color=color, label=label,
# no label for the negative values
ax.plot(r[neg], -xi[neg], linestyle=linestyle_neg, color=color, **kwargs)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
return fig, axs
def _plot_single(self, ax, rho, color, marker, offset=0.):
# Add a single rho stat to the plot.
meanr = rho.meanr * (1. + rho.bin_size * offset)
xip = rho.xip
sig = np.sqrt(rho.varxip)
ax.plot(meanr, xip, color=color)
ax.plot(meanr, -xip, color=color, ls=':')
ax.errorbar(meanr[xip>0], xip[xip>0], yerr=sig[xip>0], color=color, ls='', marker=marker)
ax.errorbar(meanr[xip<0], -xip[xip<0], yerr=sig[xip<0], color=color, ls='', marker=marker,
fillstyle='none', mfc='white')
return ax.errorbar(-meanr, xip, yerr=sig, color=color, marker=marker)
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs):
r"""Make the plots.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
:params \**kwargs: Any additional kwargs go into the matplotlib plot() function.
[ignored in this function]
:returns: fig, ax
# MJ: Based on the code I used for the plot in the DES SV paper:
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure(figsize = (10,5))
# In matplotlib 2.0, this will be
# axs = fig.subplots(ncols=2)
axs = [ fig.add_subplot(1,2,1),
fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) ]
axs = np.array(axs, dtype=object)
axs[0].set_xlim(self.tckwargs['min_sep'], self.tckwargs['max_sep'])
axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ (arcmin)')
axs[0].set_yscale('log', nonpositive='clip')
axs[1].set_xlim(self.tckwargs['min_sep'], self.tckwargs['max_sep'])
axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ (arcmin)')
axs[1].set_yscale('log', nonpositive='clip')
if self.skip:
# If we're skipping the plot, the auto ymax doesn't work well (it uses 1.0),
# so pick something reasonable here.
# Otherwise, do this at the end to fix just ymin, but still have an auto ymax.
axs[0].set_ylim(1.e-9, 1.e-4)
axs[1].set_ylim(1.e-9, 1.e-4)
return fig,axs
if not hasattr(self, 'rho1'):
raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling plot or write")
# Left plot is rho1,3,4
rho1 = self._plot_single(axs[0], self.rho1, 'blue', 'o')
rho3 = self._plot_single(axs[0], self.rho3, 'green', 's', 0.1)
rho4 = self._plot_single(axs[0], self.rho4, 'red', '^', 0.2)
axs[0].legend([rho1, rho3, rho4],
[r'$\rho_1(\theta)$', r'$\rho_3(\theta)$', r'$\rho_4(\theta)$'],
loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
# Right plot is rho2,5
rho2 = self._plot_single(axs[1], self.rho2, 'blue', 'o')
rho5 = self._plot_single(axs[1], self.rho5, 'green', 's', 0.1)
axs[1].legend([rho2, rho5],
[r'$\rho_2(\theta)$', r'$\rho_5(\theta)$'],
loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
axs[0].set_ylim(1.e-9, None)
axs[1].set_ylim(1.e-9, None)
return fig, axs
[docs]class HSMCatalogStats(Stats):
r"""Stats class for writing the shape information to an output file.
This will compute the size and shapes of the observed stars and the PSF models
and write these data to a file.
The HSM adaptive momemnt measurements sometimes fail in various ways. When it does,
we still output the information that we have for a star, but mark the failure with
a flag: flag_data for errors in the data measurement, flag_model for errors in the
model measurement. The meaning of these flags are (treated as a bit mask):
* 0 = Success
* 1 = HSM returned a non-zero moments_status.
* 2 = HSM returned a negative flux.
* 4 = HSM's centroid moved by more than 1 pixel from the input position.
The output file will include the following columns:
:ra: The RA of the star in degrees. (or 0 if the wcs is not a CelestialWCS)
:dec: The Declination of the star in degrees. (or 0 if the wcs is not a CelestialWCS)
:u: The u position in field coordinates.
:v: The v position in field coordinates.
:x: The x position in chip coordinates.
:y: The y position in chip coordinates.
:T_data: The size (T = Iuu + Ivv) of the observed star.
:g1_data: The g1 component of the shapes of the observed star.
:g2_data: The g2 component of the shapes of the observed star.
:T_model: The size of the PSF model at the same locations as the star.
:g1_model: The g1 component of the PSF model.
:g2_model: The g2 component of the PSF model.
:reserve: Whether the star was a reserve star.
:flag_data: 0 where HSM succeeded on the observed star, >0 where it failed (see above).
:flag_model: 0 where HSM succeeded on the PSF model, >0 where it failed (see above).
If fourth_order=True, then there are additional quantities calculated as well.
We define the following notation:
.. math::
T &= \int I(u,v) (u^2 + v^2) du dv \\
g &= \frac{\int I(u,v) (u + iv)^2 du dv}{T} \\
T^{(4)} &= \frac{\int I(u,v) (u^2 + v^2)^2 du dv}{T} \\
g^{(4)} &= \frac{\int I(u,v) (u^2 + v^2) (u + iv)^2 du dv}{T^2} - 3g \\
h^{(4)} &= \frac{\int I(u,v) (u + iv)^4 du dv}{T^2}
I.e. :math:`T^{(4)}` is a fourth-order spin-0 quantity, analogous to :math:`T` at second
order, :math:`g^{(4)}` is a fourth-order spin-2 quantity, analogous to :math:`g`, and
:math:`h^{(4)}` is a spin-4 quantity. The denominators ensure that the units of
:math:`T^{(4)}` is :math:`\mathrm{arcsec}^2`, just like :math:`T` and that :math:`g^{(4)}` and
:math:`h^{(4)}` are dimensionless. And the :math:`-3g` term for :math:`g^{(4)}` subtracts
off the dominant contribution to the fourth order quantity from the second order shape.
For a pure elliptical Gaussian, this makes :math:`g^{(4)}` come out very close to zero.
The output file contains the following additional columns:
:T4_data: The fourth-order "size", :math:`T^{(4)}`, of the observed star.
:g41_data: The real component of :math:`g^{(4)}` of the obserbed star.
:g42_data: The imaginary component of :math:`g^{(4)}` of the obserbed star.
:h41_data: The real component of :math:`h^{(4)}` of the obserbed star.
:h42_data: The imaginary component of :math:`h^{(4)}` of the obserbed star.
:T4_model: The fourth-order "size", :math:`T^{(4)}`, of the PSF model.
:g41_model: The real component of :math:`g^{(4)}` of the PSF model.
:g42_model: The imaginary component of :math:`g^{(4)}` of the PSF model.
:h41_model: The real component of :math:`h^{(4)}` of the PSF model.
:h42_model: The imaginary component of :math:`h^{(4)}` of the PSF model.
:param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None]
:param model_properties: Optionally a dict of properties to use for the model rendering.
The default behavior is to use the properties of the star itself
for any properties that are not overridden by model_properties.
[default: None]
:param fourth_order: Whether to include the additional fourth-order quantities described
above. [default: False]
:param raw_moments: Whether to include the complete set of raw moments as calculated
by piff.util.calculate_moments. [default: False]
def __init__(self, file_name=None, model_properties=None, fourth_order=False,
raw_moments=False, logger=None):
self.file_name = file_name
self.model_properties = model_properties
self.fourth_order = fourth_order
self.raw_moments = raw_moments
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None):
:param psf: A PSF Object
:param stars: A list of Star instances.
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
# get the shapes
logger.warning("Calculating shape histograms for %d stars",len(stars))
positions, shapes_data, shapes_model = self.measureShapes(
psf, stars, model_properties=self.model_properties,
fourth_order=self.fourth_order, raw_moments=self.raw_moments,
# Build the columns for the output catalog
if isinstance(stars[0].image.wcs, galsim.wcs.CelestialWCS):
ra = np.array([star.image.wcs.toWorld(star.image_pos).ra.deg for star in stars])
dec = np.array([star.image.wcs.toWorld(star.image_pos).dec.deg for star in stars])
ra = np.zeros(len(stars))
dec = np.zeros(len(stars))
self.cols = [
positions[:, 0], # u
positions[:, 1], # v
np.array([star.image_pos.x for star in stars]),
np.array([star.image_pos.y for star in stars]),
ra, dec,
shapes_data[:, 0], # flux
np.array([s.is_reserve for s in stars], dtype=bool), # reserve
shapes_data[:, 6], # flag_data
shapes_model[:, 6], # flag_model
shapes_data[:, 3], # T_data
shapes_data[:, 4], # g1_data
shapes_data[:, 5], # g2_data
shapes_model[:, 3], # T_model
shapes_model[:, 4], # g1_model
shapes_model[:, 5], # g2_model
self.dtypes = [('u', float), ('v', float),
('x', float), ('y', float),
('ra', float), ('dec', float),
('flux', float), ('reserve', bool),
('flag_data', int), ('flag_model', int),
('T_data', float), ('g1_data', float), ('g2_data', float),
('T_model', float), ('g1_model', float), ('g2_model', float)]
if self.fourth_order:
('T4_data', float), ('g41_data', float), ('g42_data', float),
('h41_data', float), ('h42_data', float),
('T4_model', float), ('g41_model', float), ('g42_model', float),
('h41_model', float), ('h42_model', float),
k = 12
k = 7
if self.raw_moments:
('M00_data', float), ('M10_data', float), ('M01_data', float),
('M11_data', float), ('M20_data', float), ('M02_data', float),
('M21_data', float), ('M12_data', float),
('M30_data', float), ('M03_data', float),
('M22_data', float), ('M31_data', float), ('M13_data', float),
('M40_data', float), ('M04_data', float),
('M22n_data', float), ('M33n_data', float), ('M44n_data', float),
('M00_model', float), ('M10_model', float), ('M01_model', float),
('M11_model', float), ('M20_model', float), ('M02_model', float),
('M21_model', float), ('M12_model', float),
('M30_model', float), ('M03_model', float),
('M22_model', float), ('M31_model', float), ('M13_model', float),
('M40_model', float), ('M04_model', float),
('M22n_model', float), ('M33n_model', float), ('M44n_model', float),
# Also write any other properties saved in the stars.
prop_keys = list(stars[0].data.properties)
# Remove all the position ones, which are handled above.
exclude_keys = ['x', 'y', 'u', 'v', 'ra', 'dec', 'is_reserve']
prop_keys = [key for key in prop_keys if key not in exclude_keys]
# Add any remaining properties
prop_types = stars[0].data.property_types
for key in prop_keys:
if not np.isscalar(stars[0].data.properties[key]): # pragma: no cover
# TODO: This will apply to wavefront, but we don't have any tests that do this yet.
# Once we have one, remove the no cover.
self.cols.append(np.array([ s.data.properties[key] for s in stars ]))
# Use the saved type if available, otherwise use float.
self.dtypes.append((key, prop_types.get(key, float)))
[docs] def write(self, file_name=None, logger=None):
"""Write catalog to file.
:param file_name: The name of the file to write to. [default: Use self.file_name,
which is typically read from the config field.]
:param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None]
from . import __version__ as piff_version
logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger)
import fitsio
if file_name is None:
file_name = self.file_name
if file_name is None:
raise ValueError("No file_name specified for %s"%self.__class__.__name__)
if not hasattr(self, 'cols'):
raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling write")
logger.warning("Writing HSM catalog to file %s",file_name)
data = np.array(list(zip(*self.cols)), dtype=self.dtypes)
header = {'piff_version': piff_version}
with fitsio.FITS(file_name, 'rw', clobber=True) as f:
f.write_table(data, header=header)