Source code for piff.simplepsf

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.. module:: psf

import numpy as np
import galsim

from .model import Model
from .interp import Interp
from .outliers import Outliers
from .psf import PSF
from .util import write_kwargs, read_kwargs

[docs]class SimplePSF(PSF): """A PSF class that uses a single model and interpolator. A SimplePSF is built from a Model and an Interp object. The model defines the functional form of the surface brightness profile, and the interpolator defines how the parameters of the model vary across the field of view. :param model: A Model instance used for modeling the surface brightness profile. :param interp: An Interp instance used to interpolate across the field of view. :param outliers: Optionally, an Outliers instance used to remove outliers. [default: None] :param chisq_thresh: Change in reduced chisq at which iteration will terminate. [default: 0.1] :param max_iter: Maximum number of iterations to try. [default: 30] """ def __init__(self, model, interp, outliers=None, chisq_thresh=0.1, max_iter=30): self.model = model self.interp = interp self.outliers = outliers self.chisq_thresh = chisq_thresh self.max_iter = max_iter self.kwargs = { # model and interp are junk entries that will be overwritten. # TODO: Come up with a nicer mechanism for specifying items that can be overwritten # in the _finish_read function. 'model': 0, 'interp': 0, 'outliers': 0, 'chisq_thresh': self.chisq_thresh, 'max_iter': self.max_iter, } self.chisq = 0. self.last_delta_chisq = 0. self.dof = 0 self.nremoved = 0 @property def interp_property_names(self): return self.interp.property_names
[docs] @classmethod def parseKwargs(cls, config_psf, logger): """Parse the psf field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for initializing an instance of the class. :param config_psf: The psf field of the configuration dict, config['psf'] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer """ import piff kwargs = {} kwargs.update(config_psf) kwargs.pop('type',None) for key in ['model', 'interp']: if key not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover # This actually is covered, but for some reason, codecov thinks it isn't. raise ValueError("%s field is required in psf field for type=Simple"%key) # make a Model object to use for the individual stellar fitting model = piff.Model.process(kwargs.pop('model'), logger=logger) kwargs['model'] = model # make an Interp object to use for the interpolation interp = piff.Interp.process(kwargs.pop('interp'), logger=logger) kwargs['interp'] = interp if 'outliers' in kwargs: outliers = piff.Outliers.process(kwargs.pop('outliers'), logger=logger) kwargs['outliers'] = outliers return kwargs
[docs] def fit(self, stars, wcs, pointing, logger=None, convert_func=None): """Fit interpolated PSF model to star data using standard sequence of operations. :param stars: A list of Star instances. :param wcs: A dict of WCS solutions indexed by chipnum. :param pointing: A galsim.CelestialCoord object giving the telescope pointing. [Note: pointing should be None if the WCS is not a CelestialWCS] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :param convert_func: An optional function to apply to the profile being fit before drawing it onto the image. This is used by composite PSFs to isolate the effect of just this model component. [default: None] """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) self.stars = stars self.wcs = wcs self.pointing = pointing if len(stars) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No stars. Cannot find PSF model.") logger.debug("Initializing models") # model.initialize may fail self.nremoved = 0 new_stars = [] for s in self.stars: try: new_star = self.model.initialize(s, logger=logger) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Failed initializing star at %s. Excluding it.", s.image_pos) logger.warning(" -- Caught exception: %s",e) self.nremoved += 1 else: new_stars.append(new_star) if self.nremoved == 0: logger.debug("No stars removed in initialize step") else:"Removed %d stars in initialize", self.nremoved) self.stars = new_stars logger.debug("Initializing interpolator") self.stars = self.interp.initialize(self.stars, logger=logger) # For basis models, we can compute a quadratic form for chisq, and if we are using # a basis interpolator, then we can use it. It's kind of ugly to query this, but # the double dispatch makes it tricky to implement this with class heirarchy, so for # now we just check if we have all the required parts to use the quadratic form if hasattr(self.interp, 'degenerate_points'): quadratic_chisq = hasattr(self.model, 'chisq') and self.interp.degenerate_points degenerate_points = self.interp.degenerate_points else: quadratic_chisq = False degenerate_points = False # Begin iterations. Very simple convergence criterion right now. oldchisq = 0. for iteration in range(self.max_iter): # Select the non-reserve stars for performing the fit use_stars = [star for star in self.stars if not star.is_reserve] if len(use_stars) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No stars. Cannot find PSF model.") logger.warning("Iteration %d: Fitting %d stars", iteration+1, len(use_stars)) if len(use_stars) != len(self.stars): logger.warning(" (%d stars are reserved)", len(self.stars)-len(use_stars)) # Perform the fit or compute design matrix as appropriate using just non-reserve stars fit_fn = self.model.chisq if quadratic_chisq else nremoved = 0 # For this iteration new_use_stars = [] for star in use_stars: try: star = fit_fn(star, logger=logger, convert_func=convert_func) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Failed fitting star at %s.", star.image_pos) logger.warning("Excluding it from this iteration.") logger.warning(" -- Caught exception: %s", e) nremoved += 1 else: new_use_stars.append(star) use_stars = new_use_stars # Perform the interpolation, again using just non-reserve stars logger.debug(" Calculating the interpolation") self.interp.solve(use_stars, logger=logger) # Note: From here forward, we are back to using self.stars, rather than use_stars. # We want to run the interpolation on everything and refit/recenter everything, # so reserve stars may get outlier rejected as well as non-reserve stars. self.stars = self.interp.interpolateList(self.stars) # Update estimated poisson noise signals = self.drawStarList(self.stars) self.stars = [s.addPoisson(signal) for s, signal in zip(self.stars, signals)] # Refit and recenter all stars, collect stats logger.debug(" Re-fluxing stars") new_stars = [] for s in self.stars: try: new_star = self.model.reflux(s, logger=logger) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Failed trying to reflux star at %s. Excluding it.", s.image_pos) logger.warning(" -- Caught exception: %s", e) nremoved += 1 else: new_stars.append(new_star) self.stars = new_stars # Perform outlier rejection, but not on first iteration for degenerate solvers. if self.outliers and (iteration > 0 or not degenerate_points): logger.debug(" Looking for outliers") self.stars, nremoved1 = self.outliers.removeOutliers(self.stars, logger=logger) if nremoved1 == 0: logger.debug(" No outliers found") else:" Removed %d outliers", nremoved1) nremoved += nremoved1 chisq = np.sum([ for s in self.stars if not s.is_reserve]) dof = np.sum([ for s in self.stars if not s.is_reserve]) logger.warning(" Total chisq = %.2f / %d dof", chisq, dof) # Save these so we can write them to the output file. self.chisq = chisq self.last_delta_chisq = oldchisq-chisq self.dof = dof self.nremoved += nremoved # Keep track of the total number removed in all iterations. # Very simple convergence test here: # Note, the lack of abs here means if chisq increases, we also stop. # Also, don't quit if we removed any outliers. if (nremoved == 0) and (oldchisq > 0) and (oldchisq-chisq < self.chisq_thresh*dof): return oldchisq = chisq logger.warning("PSF fit did not converge. Max iterations = %d reached.",self.max_iter)
[docs] def interpolateStarList(self, stars): """Update the stars to have the current interpolated fit parameters according to the current PSF model. :param stars: List of Star instances to update. :returns: List of Star instances with their fit parameters updated. """ stars = self.interp.interpolateList(stars) for star in stars: self.model.normalize(star) return stars
[docs] def interpolateStar(self, star): """Update the star to have the current interpolated fit parameters according to the current PSF model. :param star: Star instance to update. :returns: Star instance with its fit parameters updated. """ star = self.interp.interpolate(star) self.model.normalize(star) return star
def _drawStar(self, star, copy_image=True, center=None): return self.model.draw(star, copy_image=copy_image, center=center) def _getProfile(self, star, copy_image=True, center=None): prof = self.model.getProfile( * return prof, self.model._method def _finish_write(self, fits, extname, logger): """Finish the writing process with any class-specific steps. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The base name of the extension to write to. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) chisq_dict = { 'chisq' : self.chisq, 'last_delta_chisq' : self.last_delta_chisq, 'dof' : self.dof, 'nremoved' : self.nremoved, } write_kwargs(fits, extname + '_chisq', chisq_dict) logger.debug("Wrote the chisq info to extension %s",extname + '_chisq') self.model.write(fits, extname + '_model') logger.debug("Wrote the PSF model to extension %s",extname + '_model') self.interp.write(fits, extname + '_interp') logger.debug("Wrote the PSF interp to extension %s",extname + '_interp') if self.outliers: self.outliers.write(fits, extname + '_outliers') logger.debug("Wrote the PSF outliers to extension %s",extname + '_outliers') def _finish_read(self, fits, extname, logger): """Finish the reading process with any class-specific steps. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The base name of the extension to write to. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. """ chisq_dict = read_kwargs(fits, extname + '_chisq') for key in chisq_dict: setattr(self, key, chisq_dict[key]) self.model =, extname + '_model') self.interp =, extname + '_interp') if extname + '_outliers' in fits: self.outliers =, extname + '_outliers') else: self.outliers = None