Source code for piff.output

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.. module:: output

import os
import galsim

from .util import ensure_dir

[docs]class Output(object): """The base class for handling the output for writing a Piff model. This is essentially an abstract base class intended to define the methods that should be implemented by any derived class. """
[docs] @classmethod def process(cls, config_output, logger=None): """Parse the output field of the config dict. :param config_output: The configuration dict for the output field. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: an Output handler """ import piff # Get the class to use for handling the output data # Default type is 'File' # Not sure if this is what we'll always want, but it would be simple if we can make it work. output_handler_class = getattr(piff, 'Output' + config_output.pop('type','File')) # Read any other kwargs in the output field kwargs = output_handler_class.parseKwargs(config_output,logger=logger) # Build handler object output_handler = output_handler_class(**kwargs) return output_handler
[docs] @classmethod def parseKwargs(cls, config_output, logger=None): """Parse the output field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for initializing an instance of the class. The base class implementation just returns the kwargs as they are, but derived classes might want to override this if they need to do something more sophisticated with them. :param config_output: The output field of the configuration dict, config['output'] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer """ kwargs = config_output.copy() return kwargs
[docs] def write(self, psf, logger=None): """Write a PSF object to the output file. :param psf: A piff.PSF instance :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the write function")
[docs] def read(self, logger=None): """Read a PSF object that was written to an output file back in. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a piff.PSF instance """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the read function")
# Note: I'm having a hard time imagining what other kinds of output handlers we'd want # here, so this whole idea of an Output base class might be overkill. For now, I'm # keeping the code for writing and reading PSF objects to a file in the PSF class, # so this class is really bare-bones, just farming out the work to PSF.
[docs]class OutputFile(Output): """An Output handler that just writes to a FITS file. This is the only Output handler we have, so it doesn't need to be specified by name with a ``type`` field. It includes specification of both the output file name as well as potentially some statistics to output as well. :param file_name: The file name to write the data to. :param dir: Optionally specify a directory for this file. [default: None] :param stats_list: Optionally a list of Stats instances to also output. [default: None] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ def __init__(self, file_name, dir=None, stats_list=None, logger=None): self.file_name = file_name if stats_list is not None: self.stats_list = stats_list else: # Make it an empty list if it was None to make some of the later code easier. self.stats_list = [] # Apply the directory name to all file names. if dir is not None: self.file_name = os.path.join(dir, self.file_name) for stats in self.stats_list: stats.file_name = os.path.join(dir, stats.file_name)
[docs] @classmethod def parseKwargs(cls, config_output, logger=None): """Parse the output field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for initializing an instance of the class. :param config_output: The output field of the configuration dict, config['output'] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer """ import piff kwargs = config_output.copy() if 'stats' in config_output: stats = piff.Stats.process(kwargs.pop('stats'), logger=logger) kwargs['stats_list'] = stats return kwargs
[docs] def write(self, psf, logger=None): """Write a PSF object to the output file. :param psf: A piff.PSF instance :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) ensure_dir(self.file_name) psf.write(self.file_name, logger=logger) logger.debug("stats_list = %s",self.stats_list) for stats in self.stats_list: stats.compute(psf,psf.stars,logger=logger) stats.write(logger=logger)