Source code for piff.model

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.. module:: model

import numpy as np
import galsim

from .util import write_kwargs, read_kwargs
from .star import Star, StarData, StarFit

[docs]class Model(object): """The base class for modeling a single PSF (i.e. no interpolation yet) This is essentially an abstract base class intended to define the methods that should be implemented by any derived class. """
[docs] @classmethod def process(cls, config_model, logger=None): """Parse the model field of the config dict. :param config_model: The configuration dict for the model field. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a Model instance """ import piff if 'type' not in config_model: raise ValueError("config['model'] has no type field") # Get the class to use for the model # Not sure if this is what we'll always want, but it would be simple if we can make it work. model_class = getattr(piff, config_model['type']) # Read any other kwargs in the model field kwargs = model_class.parseKwargs(config_model, logger) # Build model object model = model_class(**kwargs) return model
[docs] @classmethod def parseKwargs(cls, config_model, logger=None): """Parse the model field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for initializing an instance of the class. The base class implementation just returns the kwargs as they are, but derived classes might want to override this if they need to do something more sophisticated with them. :param config_model: The model field of the configuration dict, config['model'] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer """ kwargs = {} kwargs.update(config_model) kwargs.pop('type', None) return kwargs
[docs] def initialize(self, star, logger=None): """Initialize a star to work with the current model. :param star: A Star instance with the raw data. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: Star instance with the appropriate initial fit values """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the initialize function")
[docs] def normalize(self, star): """Make sure are normalized properly. Note: This modifies the input star in place. """ # This is by default a no op. Some models may need to do something to noramlize the # parameter values in pass
[docs] def fit(self, star, convert_func=None): """Fit the Model to the star's data to yield iterative improvement on its PSF parameters, their uncertainties, and flux (and center, if free). The returned will be inverse covariance of solution if it is estimated, else is None. :param star: A Star instance :param convert_func: An optional function to apply to the profile being fit before drawing it onto the image. This is used by composite PSFs to isolate the effect of just this model component. [default: None] :returns: New Star instance with updated fit information """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must define the fit function")
[docs] def reflux(self, star, fit_center=True, logger=None): """Fit the Model to the star's data, varying only the flux (and center, if it is free). Flux and center are updated in the Star's attributes. This is a single-step solution if only solving for flux, otherwise an iterative operation. DOF in the result assume only flux (& center) are free parameters. :param star: A Star instance :param fit_center: If False, disable any motion of center :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: New Star instance, with updated flux, center, chisq, dof """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) logger.debug("Reflux for star:") logger.debug(" flux = %s", logger.debug(" center = %s", logger.debug(" props = %s", logger.debug(" image = %s", #logger.debug(" image = %s", #logger.debug(" weight = %s", logger.debug(" image center = %s", logger.debug(" weight center = %s", # Make sure input is properly normalized self.normalize(star) data, weight, u, v = psf_prof = self.getProfile( star_prof = psf_prof.shift( * model_image = star.image.copy() star_prof.drawImage(model_image, method=self._method, center=star.image_pos) model = model_image.array.ravel() # Weight by the current model to avoid being influenced by spurious pixels near the edge # of the stamp. # Also by the weight map to avoid bad pixels. W = weight * model WD = W * data WM = W * model f_data = np.sum(WD) f_model = np.sum(WM) or 1 # Don't let f_model = 0 flux_ratio = f_data / f_model new_flux = * flux_ratio logger.debug(' new flux = %s', new_flux) model *= flux_ratio resid = data - model if fit_center and self._centered: # Use finite different to approximate d(model)/duc, d(model)/dvc duv = 1.e-5 temp = star.image.copy() center = du_prof = psf_prof.shift(center[0] + duv, center[1]) * new_flux du_prof.drawImage(temp, method=self._method, center=star.image_pos) dmduc = (temp.array.ravel() - model) / duv dv_prof = psf_prof.shift(center[0], center[1] + duv) * new_flux dv_prof.drawImage(temp, method=self._method, center=star.image_pos) dmdvc = (temp.array.ravel() - model) / duv # Now construct the design matrix for this minimization # # A x = b # # where x = [ duc, dvc ]^T and b = resid. # # A[0] = dmduc # A[1] = dmdvc # # Solve: AT A x = AT b At = np.vstack((dmduc, dmdvc)) Atw = At * np.abs(W) # weighted least squares AtA = Atb = x = np.linalg.solve(AtA, Atb) logger.debug(' centroid shift = %s,%s', x[0], x[1]) duc = x[0] dvc = x[1] if self._model_can_be_offset: # In addition to shifting to the best fit center location, also shift # by the centroid of the model itself, so the next next pass through the # fit will be closer to centered. In practice, this converges pretty quickly. model_cenu = np.sum(WM * u) / f_model -[0] model_cenv = np.sum(WM * v) / f_model -[1] logger.debug(' model centroid = %s,%s', model_cenu, model_cenv) duc += model_cenu dvc += model_cenv new_center = ([0] + duc,[1] + dvc) logger.debug(' new center = %s', new_center) new_chisq = np.sum((**2 * weight) new_dof = np.count_nonzero(weight) - 3 else: new_center = new_chisq = np.sum(resid**2 * weight) new_dof = np.count_nonzero(weight) - 1 logger.debug(" new_chisq = %s",new_chisq) logger.debug(" new_dof = %s",new_dof) return Star(, StarFit(, flux = new_flux, center = new_center, chisq = new_chisq, dof = new_dof, params_var =
[docs] def draw(self, star, copy_image=True, center=None): """Draw the model on the given image. :param star: A Star instance with the fitted parameters to use for drawing and a data field that acts as a template image for the drawn model. :param copy_image: If False, will use the same image object. If True, will copy the image and then overwrite it. [default: True] :param center: An optional tuple (x,y) location for where to center the drawn profile in the image. [default: None, which draws at the star's location.] :returns: a new Star instance with the data field having an image of the drawn model. """ prof = self.getProfile( * if copy_image: image = star.image.copy() else: image = star.image if center is None: center = star.image_pos else: center = galsim.PositionD(*center) prof.drawImage(image, method=self._method, center=center) data = StarData(image, star.image_pos, star.weight, return Star(data,
[docs] def write(self, fits, extname): """Write a Model to a FITS file. Note: this only writes the initialization kwargs to the fits extension, not the parameters. The base class implemenation works if the class has a self.kwargs attribute and these are all simple values (str, float, or int) :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The name of the extension to write the model information. """ # First write the basic kwargs that works for all Model classes model_type = self.__class__.__name__ write_kwargs(fits, extname, dict(self.kwargs, type=model_type)) # Now do any class-specific steps. self._finish_write(fits, extname)
def _finish_write(self, fits, extname): """Finish the writing process with any class-specific steps. The base class implementation doesn't do anything, which is often appropriate, but this hook exists in case any Model classes need to write extra information to the fits file. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The base name of the extension """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, fits, extname): """Read a Model from a FITS file. Note: the returned Model will not have its parameters set. This just initializes a fresh model that can be used to interpret interpolated vectors. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The name of the extension with the model information. :returns: a model built with a information in the FITS file. """ import piff assert extname in fits assert 'type' in fits[extname].get_colnames() model_type = fits[extname].read()['type'] assert len(model_type) == 1 try: model_type = str(model_type[0].decode()) except AttributeError: # fitsio 1.0 returns strings model_type = model_type[0] # Check that model_type is a valid Model type. model_classes = piff.util.get_all_subclasses(piff.Model) valid_model_types = dict([ (c.__name__, c) for c in model_classes ]) if model_type not in valid_model_types: raise ValueError("model type %s is not a valid Piff Model"%model_type) model_cls = valid_model_types[model_type] kwargs = read_kwargs(fits, extname) kwargs.pop('type',None) if 'force_model_center' in kwargs: # pragma: no cover # old version of this parameter name. kwargs['centered'] = kwargs.pop('force_model_center') model_cls._fix_kwargs(kwargs) model = model_cls(**kwargs) model._finish_read(fits, extname) return model
@classmethod def _fix_kwargs(cls, kwargs): """Fix the kwargs read in from an input file. This is intended to make it easier to preserve backwards compatibility if a class has changed something about the kwargs, this provides a way for old parameter names or defaults to be updated for a newer version of Piff than the one that wrong them. Usually, this is a no op. :param kwargs: The old kwargs read in from a previous version Piff output file. """ pass def _finish_read(self, fits, extname): """Finish the reading process with any class-specific steps. The base class implementation doesn't do anything, which is often appropriate, but this hook exists in case any Model classes need to read extra information from the fits file. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object. :param extname: The base name of the extension. """ pass