Source code for piff.util

# Copyright (c) 2016 by Mike Jarvis and the other collaborators on GitHub at
#  All rights reserved.
# Piff is free software: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
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.. module:: util

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import traceback
import galsim

# Courtesy of
[docs]def get_all_subclasses(cls): """Get all subclasses of an existing class. """ all_subclasses = [] for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): all_subclasses.append(subclass) all_subclasses.extend(get_all_subclasses(subclass)) return all_subclasses
[docs]def ensure_dir(target): """Ensure that the directory for a target output file exists. :param target: The file that you want to write to. """ d = os.path.dirname(target) if d != '' and not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d)
[docs]def make_dtype(key, value): """A helper function that makes a dtype appropriate for a given value :param key: The key to use for the column name in the dtype. :param value: The input value (just one item if using a column of multiple values) :returns: a numpy.dtype instance """ def make_dt_tuple(key, t, size): # If size == 0, then it's not an array, so return a 2 element tuple. # Otherwise, the size is the third item in the tuple. if size == 0: return (key, t) else: return (key, t, size) try: # Note: this works for either arrays or strings size = len(value) t = type(value[0]) except TypeError: size = 0 t = type(value) dt = np.dtype(t) # just used to categorize the type into int, float, str if dt.kind in np.typecodes['AllInteger']: t = int elif dt.kind in np.typecodes['AllFloat']: t = float elif dt.kind in ['S','U'] and not isinstance(value, str): # catch lists of strings t = np.array(value).dtype.str t = t.replace('U','S') elif dt.kind in ['S','U']: t = bytes else: # pragma: no cover # Other objects should be manually serialized by the initializer or the finish_read and # finish_write functions. # (We don't hit this in tests, so don't cover it, but if it happens in development, # this helps produce a more sensible error.) raise ValueError("Cannot serialize object of type %s"%t) dt = make_dt_tuple(key, t, size) return dt
[docs]def adjust_value(value, dtype): """Possibly adjust a value to match the type expected for the given dtype. e.g. change np.int16 -> int if dtype expects int. Or vice versa. :param value: The input value to possible adjust. :returns: the adjusted value to use for writing in a FITS table. """ t = dtype[1] if len(dtype) == 2 or dtype[2] == 0: # dtype is either (key, t) or (key, t, size) # if no size or size == 0, then just use t as the type. return t(value) elif t == bytes: # bytes need to be encoded. return value.encode() else: try: # Arrays of strings may need to be encoded. return np.array([v.encode() for v in value]) except AttributeError: # For other numpy arrays, we can use astype instead. return np.array(value).astype(t)
[docs]def write_kwargs(fits, extname, kwargs): """A helper function for writing a single row table into a fits file with the values and column names given by a kwargs dict. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS instance :param extname: The extension to write to :param kwargs: A kwargs dict to be written as a FITS binary table. """ from . import __version__ as piff_version cols = [] dtypes = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): # Don't add values that are None to the table. if value is None: continue dt = make_dtype(key, value) value = adjust_value(value,dt) cols.append([value]) dtypes.append(dt) data = np.array(list(zip(*cols)), dtype=dtypes) header = {'piff_version': piff_version} fits.write_table(data, extname=extname, header=header)
[docs]def read_kwargs(fits, extname): """A helper function for reading a single row table from a fits file returning the values and column names as a kwargs dict. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS instance :param extname: The extension to read. :returns: A dict of the kwargs that were read from the file. """ cols = fits[extname].get_colnames() data = fits[extname].read() assert len(data) == 1 kwargs = dict([ (col, data[col][0]) for col in cols ]) return kwargs
[docs]def estimate_cov_from_jac(jac): """Estimate a covariance matrix from a jacobian as returned by scipy.optimize.least_squares .. math:: C = (J^T J)^{-1} This is computed using Moore-Penrose inversion to discard singular values. :param jac: The Jacobian as a 2d numpy array :returns: cov, a numpy array giving the estimated covariance. """ import scipy.linalg # Cribbed from implemenation in scipy.optimize.curve_fit # # Do Moore-Penrose inverse discarding zero singular values. try: _, s, VT = scipy.linalg.svd(jac, full_matrices=False) threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(jac.shape) * s[0] s = s[s > threshold] VT = VT[:s.size] cov = / s**2, VT) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: # pragma: no cover # If we get an error, set the variance to "infinity". # MJ: I'm not sure if this can happen. It shouldn't happen for singular matrices # or other kinds of normal ill conditions. But better safe than sorry. var = np.ones(jac.shape[1]) * 1.e100 cov = np.diag(var) return cov
def _run_multi_helper(func, i, args, kwargs, log_level): # pragma: no cover # Note: This is covered by, but for some reason it's not # showing up in codecov. It's supposed to get captured by the combination of # concurrency=multiprocessing and calling coverage combine before uploading. # We're doing both of those things, but it's still not showing up. from io import StringIO import logging # In multiprocessing, we cannot pass in the logger, so log to a string and then # return that back at the end to be logged by the parent process. logger = logging.getLogger('logtostring_%d'%i) buf = StringIO() handler = logging.StreamHandler(buf) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(log_level) # Input logger in this case is the level to use. try: out = func(*args, logger=logger, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # Exceptions don't propagate through multiprocessing. So best alternative # is to catch it and return it. We can deal with it somehow on the other end. # Also add more details here with verbose>=2 to help with debugging. tr = traceback.format_exc()"Caught exception:\n%s",tr) out = e handler.flush() buf.flush() return i, out, buf.getvalue()
[docs]def run_multi(func, nproc, raise_except, args, logger, kwargs=None): """Run a function possibly in multiprocessing mode. This is basically just doing a, but it handles the logger properly (which cannot be pickled, so it cannot be passed to the function being run by the workers). :param func: The function to run. Signature should be: func(\*args, logger=logger, \*\*kwargs) :param nproc: How many processes to run. If nproc=1, no multiprocessing is done. nproc <= 0 means use all the cores. :param raise_except: Whether to raise any exceptions that happen in individual jobs. :param args: a list of args for func for each job to run. :param logger: The logger you would pass to func in single-processor mode. :param kwargs: a list of kwargs for func for each job to run. May also be a single dict to use for all jobs. [default: None] :returns: The output of func(\*args[i], \*\*kwargs[i]) for each item in the args, kwargs lists. """ from multiprocessing import Pool if galsim.__version_info__ >= (2,4): from galsim.utilities import single_threaded else: # pragma: no cover from contextlib import nullcontext as single_threaded njobs = len(args) nproc = galsim.config.util.UpdateNProc(nproc, len(args), {}, logger) output_list = [None] * njobs err_list = [None] * njobs def log_output(result): # pragma: no cover (It is covered, but in an async process.) i, out, log = result if isinstance(out, Exception): logger.warning("Caught exception in multiprocessing job: %r",out) err_list[i] = out else: output_list[i] = out if nproc == 1: for i in range(njobs): if isinstance(kwargs, dict): k = kwargs elif kwargs is None: k = {} else: # pragma: no cover (We don't use this option currently) k = kwargs[i] try: out = func(*args[i], logger=logger, **k) except Exception as e: if raise_except: raise else: tr = traceback.format_exc() logger.warning("Caught exception:\n%s",tr) logger.warning("Ignoring this failure and continuing on.") else: output_list[i] = out else: with single_threaded(): pool = Pool(nproc) results = [] for i in range(njobs): if isinstance(kwargs, dict): k = kwargs elif kwargs is None: k = {} else: # pragma: no cover (We don't use this option currently) k = kwargs[i] result = pool.apply_async(_run_multi_helper, args=(func, i, args[i], k, logger.logger.level), callback=log_output) results.append(result) # Make sure we get all the results. Without this, it works fine on success, but # errors seems to be swallowed. [result.get() for result in results] # These are always necessary to close out the pool. pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() # Now we can raise an error if there was one. if raise_except: errs = [e for e in err_list if e is not None] if len(errs) > 0: raise errs[0] return output_list
[docs]def calculateSNR(image, weight): """Calculate the signal-to-noise of a given image. :param image: The stamp image for a star :param weight: The weight image for a star :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: the SNR value. """ # The S/N value that we use will be the weighted total flux where the weight function # is the star's profile itself. This is the maximum S/N value that any flux measurement # can possibly produce, which will be closer to an in-practice S/N than using all the # pixels equally. # # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2 # var(F) = Sum_i w_i^2 I_i^2 var(I_i) # = Sum_i w_i I_i^2 <--- Assumes var(I_i) = 1/w_i # # S/N = F / sqrt(var(F)) # # Note that if the image is pure noise, this will produce a "signal" of # # F_noise = Sum_i w_i 1/w_i = Npix # # So for a more accurate estimate of the S/N of the actual star itself, one should # subtract off Npix from the measured F. # # The final formula then is: # # F = Sum_i w_i I_i^2 # S/N = (F-Npix) / sqrt(F) I = image.array w = weight.array mask = np.isfinite(I) & np.isfinite(w) F = (w[mask]*I[mask]**2).sum(dtype=float) Npix = np.sum(mask) if F < Npix: return 0. else: return (F - Npix) / np.sqrt(F)
[docs]def calculate_moments(star, third_order=False, fourth_order=False, radial=False, errors=False, logger=None): r"""Calculate a bunch of moments using HSM for the weight function. The flux, 1st, and 2nd order moments are always calculated: .. math:: M_{00} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) \\ M_{10} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) du \\ M_{01} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) dv \\ M_{11} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 + dv^2) \\ M_{20} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 - dv^2) \\ M_{02} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (2 du dv) where W(u,v) is the weight from the HSM fit and du,dv are the positions relative to the HSM measured centroid. If ``third_order`` is set to True, then 3rd order moments are also calculated and returned: .. math:: M_{21} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) du (du^2 + dv^2) \\ M_{12} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) dv (du^2 + dv^2) \\ M_{30} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) du (du^2 - 3 dv^2) \\ M_{03} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) dv (3 du^2 - dv^2) If ``fourth_order`` is set to True, then 4th order moments are also calculated and returned: .. math:: M_{22} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 + dv^2)^2 \\ M_{31} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 + dv^2) (du^2 - dv^2) \\ M_{13} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 + dv^2) (2 du dv) \\ M_{40} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^4 - 6 du^2 dv^2 + dv^4) \\ M_{04} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) (du^2 - dv^2) (4 du dv) Higher order normalized radial moments (4th through 8th, even) are calculated if ``radial`` is set to True: .. math:: r^2 &\equiv du^2 + dv^2 \\ M_{22} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) r^4 \\ M_{33} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) r^6 \\ M_{44} &= \sum W(u,v) I(u,v) r^8 \\ M_{22n} &= M_{22}/M_{11}^2 \\ M_{33n} &= M_{33}/M_{11}^3 \\ M_{44n} &= M_{44}/M_{11}^4 For all of these, one can also have error estimates returned if ``errors`` is set to True. :param star: Input star, with stamp, weight :param third_order: Return the 3rd order moments? [default: False] :param fourth_order: Return the 4th order moments? [default: False] :param radial: Return the higher order radial moments? [default: False] :param errors: Return the variance estimates of other returned values? [default: False] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: A dict of the calculated moments, with the following keys/values: * M00, M10, M01, M11, M20, M02 * M21, M12, M30, M03 if ``third_order`` = True * M22, M31, M13, M40, M04 if ``fourth_order`` = True * M22n, M33n, M44n if ``radial`` = True If ``errors`` = True, then also a second dict (with the same keys) giving the variances. """ # get vectors for data, weight and u, v data, weight, u, v = # also get the values for the HSM kernel, which is just the fitted hsm model f, u0, v0, sigma, g1, g2, flag = star.hsm if flag: raise RuntimeError("HSM failed with flag %s" % flag) # build the HSM weight, writing into image profile = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=sigma, flux=1.0).shear(g1=g1, g2=g2).shift(u0, v0) image = profile.drawImage(star.image.copy(), method='sb', center=star.image_pos) # convert image into kernel kernel = image.array.flatten() # Anywhere the data is masked, fill in with the hsm profile. mask = weight == 0. if np.any(mask): data[mask] = kernel[mask] * np.sum(data[~mask])/np.sum(kernel[~mask]) # Notation: # W = kernel # I = data # V = var(data) -- used below. WI = kernel * data M00 = np.sum(WI) WI /= M00 # M00 is the normalization for all other moments. So just divide once. # subtract off centroid u -= u0 v -= v0 # Store some quantities that we will use repeatedly below. # Note: This could still be sped up more by caching more combinations. usq = u*u vsq = v*v uv = u*v rsq = usq + vsq usqmvsq = usq - vsq WIu = WI * u WIv = WI * v WIrsq = WI * rsq WIuv = WI * uv # 1st moments, including the centroids M10 = np.sum(WIu) + u0 M01 = np.sum(WIv) + v0 # 2nd moments M11 = np.sum(WIrsq) M20 = np.sum(WI * usqmvsq) M02 = 2 * np.sum(WIuv) # Keep track of the dict to return. We may add more. ret = dict(M00=M00, M10=M10, M01=M01, M11=M11, M20=M20, M02=M02) # 3rd moments if third_order: M21 = np.sum(WIu * rsq) M12 = np.sum(WIv * rsq) M30 = np.sum(WIu * (usq-3*vsq)) M03 = np.sum(WIv * (3*usq-vsq)) ret.update(M21=M21, M12=M12, M30=M30, M03=M03) # 4th moments if fourth_order or radial or errors: rsq2 = rsq * rsq M22 = np.sum(WI * rsq2) if fourth_order: M31 = np.sum(WIrsq * usqmvsq) M13 = 2 * np.sum(WIrsq * uv) M40 = np.sum(WI * (usqmvsq**2 - 4*uv**2)) M04 = 4 * np.sum(WIuv * usqmvsq) ret.update(M22=M22, M31=M31, M13=M13, M40=M40, M04=M04) # normalized radial moments if radial or (fourth_order and errors): rsq3 = rsq2 * rsq M33 = np.sum(WI * rsq3) if radial: rsq4 = rsq3 * rsq M44 = np.sum(WI * rsq4) M22n = M22/(M11**2) M33n = M33/(M11**3) M44n = M44/(M11**4) ret.update(M22n=M22n, M33n=M33n, M44n=M44n) if errors: # # Consider M00 first. # # If we take W, w to be fixed and assume that var(I) = 1/w, then # # var(M00) = var(sum_k W_k I_k) # = sum_k W_k^2 var(I_k) # = sum W_k^2 (1/w_k) # # However, W is not actually noiseless, since it is estimated from the data. # In particular it is set to null 5 constraint equations, which are: # # sum_k W_k I_k (u-u0) = 0 # sum_k W_k I_k (v-v0) = 0 # sum_k W_k I_k (rsq - ssq) = 0 # sum_k W_k I_k (usqmvsq - e1 ssq) = 0 # sum_k W_k I_k (2 uv - e2 ssq) = 0 # # This means dW_i/dI_k != 0. So, # # var(M00) = sum_k (dM00/dI_k)^2 (1/w_k) # = sum_k (W_k + sum_i I_i dW_i/dI_k)^2 (1/w_k) # # dW_i/dI_k = (dW_i/du0) (du0/dI_k) # + (dW_i/dv0) (dv0/dI_k) # + (dW_i/dssq) (dssq/dI_k) # + (dW_i/de1) (de1/dI_k) # + (dW_i/de2) (de2/dI_k) # # The first factor in each term comes directly from the Gaussian form of W: # # dW_i/du0 = W_i (u_i - u0) / ssq # dW_i/du0 = W_i (v_i - v0) / ssq # dW_i/dssq = W_i (rsq_i - 2ssq) / (2ssq^2) # dW_i/de1 = W_i usqmvsq_i / (2ssq) # dW_i/de2 = W_i 2 uv_i / (2ssq) # # The second factors we can get from the three constraint equations by taking the # derivative of the whole equation with respect to I_k and then solving for the relevant # derivative (du0/dI_k, etc.) in each case. We show the work to derive these below, # but here are the results: # # du0/dI_k = 2 W_k (u_k - u0) / M00 # dv0/dI_k = 2 W_k (v_k - v0) / M00 # dssq/dI_k = 2 W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 / (3 - M22/ssq^2) # de1/dI_k = 2 W_k (usqmvsq_k / ssq) / M00 / (2 - M22/2ssq^2) # de2/dI_k = 2 W_k (2 uv_k / ssq) / M00 / (2 - M22/2ssq^2) # # Note: those final factors in the last 3 eqns are 1 for Gaussian profiles, but are not # in general. Including them makes a difference for highly non-Gaussian profiles, such as # low-beta Moffat profiles. # # To simplify the subsequent notation, we define: # # A = 1/(3-M22/ssq^2) # B = 1/(2-M22/2ssq^2) # # So, # # dssq/dI_k = 2A W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 # de1/dI_k = 2B W_k (usqmvsq_k / ssq) / M00 # de2/dI_k = 2B W_k (2 uv_k / ssq) / M00 # # Putting these together: # # dW_i/dI_k = (2 W_i W_k / ssq M00) [ (u_i - u0) (u_k - u0) # + (v_i - v0) (v_k - v0) # + A (rsq_i - 2ssq) (rsq_k - ssq) / 2 ssq # + B (usqmvsq_i / 2) (usqmvsq_k / ssq) # + 2B (uv_i) (uv_k / ssq) ] # # Note: For most of these calculations we'll ignore terms that are first order in e1 or e2, # since stars usually have fairly small ellitpicities, and including those factors # properly adds a lot of complication with little impact on accuracy. # # dM00/dI_k = W_k + A ([sum_i I_i W_i (rsq_i/ssq - 2)/M00] W_k (rsq_k/ssq - 1)) # Note: [..] = -1 (And the corresponding u0,v0,e1,e2 sums are all 0.) # = W_k (1 - A (rsq_k/ssq - 1)) # # So, finally, we have # # var(M00) = sum_k W_k^2/w_k (1 - A (rsq_k/ssq - 1))^2 # WV = W^2 1/w WV = kernel**2 WV[~mask] /= weight[~mask] # Only use 1/w where w != 0 WV[mask] /= np.mean(weight[~mask]) A = 1/(3-M22/M11**2) B = 2/(4-M22/M11**2) dM00 = 1 - A*(rsq/M11-1) # We'll need this combination a lot below, so save it. varM00 = np.sum(WV * dM00**2) # Set WV = W^2 1/w / M00^2 to incorporate the normalization into the weight for the rest. WV /= M00**2 # # First order moments: # # For these, we add on the hsm centroid estimate # # M10 = sum(WIu) / M00 + u0 # M01 = sum(WIv) / M00 + v0 # # So var(u0) and var(v0) need to be included in the variance of M10, M01. # But also, the first term is something that is designed to be essentially 0 in the # HSM solution. So the variances are really just var(u0), var(v0). # # var(u0) = sum_k (du0/dI_k)^2 var(I_k) # var(v0) = sum_k (dv0/dI_k)^2 var(I_k) # # We already gave these derivatives above, but we didn't really derive them. # We can do that here for du0/dI_k to show how that goes. # # We will need the relation: # # dW_i/du0 = W_i (u_i - u0) / ssq # # Start with # # sum_i W_i I_i (u_i-u0) = 0 # # and differentiate with respect to I_k (for some particular, but arbitrary, k): # # d/dI_k (sum_i W_i I_i (u_i-u0)) = 0 # # sum_i W_i I_i (-1) du0/dI_k + sum_i (dW_i/du0 du0/dI_k) I_i (u_i-u0) + W_k (u_k-u0) = 0 # # (du0/dI_k) [sum_i W_i I_i ((u_i-u0)^2/ssq - 1)] = -W_k (u_k-u0) # # The sum in bracets is basically (<(u-u0)^2>/ssq - 1) M00. # By symmetry considerations and the fact that <(u-u0)^2 + (v-v0)^2> = ssq, we know that # <(u-u0)^2>/ssq = 1/2. (This trick will show up a few times below too.) So, # # (du0/dI_k) (-1/2 M00) = -W_k (u_k-u0) # # du0/dI_k = 2 W_k (u_k-u0) / M00 # # var(u0) = sum (2 W (u-u0) / M00)^2 1/w # = 4 sum WV (u-u0)^2 # # Likewise, # # var(v0) = 4 sum WV (v-v0)^2 varM10 = 4 * np.sum(WV * usq) varM01 = 4 * np.sum(WV * vsq) # # Second order moments: # # M11 = ssq, so we already have what we need to calculate the variance from what we # derived above for varM00. # # dssq/dI_k = 2A W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 # # Again, we quoted this result above, but let's derive it here. # Note: sigma never appears unsquared, so we treat the squared value ssq = sigma^2 # as the relevant variable. # # d/dI_k (sum_i W_i I_i (rsq_i - ssq)) = 0 # # sum_i W_i I_i (-1) dssq/dI_k # + sum_i (dW_i/dssq dssq/dI_k) I_i (rsq_i-ssq) # + W_k (rsq_k-ssq) = 0 # # (dssq/dI_k) [sum_i W_i I_i ((rsq_i-2ssq)(rsq_i-ssq)/2ssq^2 - 1)] = -W_k (rsq_k - ssq) # (dssq/dI_k) [sum_i W_i I_i ((1/2 rsq_i^4/ssq^2 - 3/2 rsq_i/ssq)] = -W_k (rsq_k - ssq) # (dssq/dI_k) M00 (1/2 M22/M11^2 - 3/2) = -W_k (rsq_k - ssq) # # dssq/dI_k = 2 W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 / (3 - M22/M11^2) # = 2A W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 # # var(M11) = sum_k (dM11/dI_k)^2 var(I_k) # = sum_k (dssq/dI_k)^2 1/w # = sum_k (2A W_k/M00 (rsq-ssq))^2 1/w # = 4A^2 sum_k WV (rsq-ssq)**2 varM11 = 4 * A**2 * np.sum(WV * (rsq - M11)**2) # M20 = ssq e1 # M02 = ssq e2 # # de1/dI_k = 2B W_k (usqmvsq_k / ssq) / M00 # # Derivation: # # d/dI_k (sum_i W_i I_i (usq_i - vsq_i - e1 ssq)) = 0 # # sum_i W_i I_i (-ssq) de1/dI_k # + sum_i (dW_i/de1 de1/dI_k) I_i (usq_i - vsq_i - e1 ssq) # + W_k (usq_k - vsq_k - e1 ssq) = 0 # # (de1/dI_k) [sum_i W_i I_i ((usq_i - vsq_i)(usq_i - vsq_i - e1 ssq)/2ssq - ssq)] # = -W_k (usq_k - vsq_k - e1 ssq) # (de1/dI_k) [ sum_i W_i I_i (usq_i-vsq_i)^2/2ssq # - e1/2 sum_i W_i I_i (usq_i-vsq_i) # - ssq sum_i W_i I_i ] = -W_k (usq_k - vsq_k - e1 ssq) # Discard the terms linear in e1. # (de1/dI_k) M00 ssq (M22/4M11^2 - 1) = -W_k (usq_k - vsq_k) # # de1/dI_k = 2 W_k (usqmvsq_k / ssq) / M00 / (2 - M22/2M11^2) # = 2B W_k (rsq_k - ssq) / M00 # # dM20/dI_k = e1 dssq/dI_k + ssq de1/dI_k # = 2 W_k / M00 (e1 A (rsq_k-ssq) + B usqmvsq_k) # # var(M20) = sum_k (dM20/dI_k)^2 var(I_k) # = sum_k (2 W_k/M00 (B usqmvsq_k + e1 A (rsq_k - ssq)))^2 1/w # = 4 sum_k WV (B usqmvsq_k + A e1 (rsq_k - ssq))^2 # # Likewise, # # var(M02) = 4 sum_k WV (2B uv_k + A e2 (rsq_k - ssq))^2 varM20 = 4 * np.sum(WV * (B*usqmvsq + A*M20 * (rsq/M11 - 1))**2) varM02 = 4 * np.sum(WV * (2*B*uv + A*M02 * (rsq/M11 - 1))**2) # The dict to return for variance values. ret_var = dict(M00=varM00, M10=varM10, M01=varM01, M11=varM11, M20=varM20, M02=varM02) # # Third order moments: # # The third order moments M21 and M12 are strongly affected by the u0,v0 constraints, # so their variances are quite a bit lower than what you get from assuming W is constant. # # M21 = sum_k W_k I_k ((u-u0)^2 + (v-v0)^2) (u-u0) / M00 # # From above: # # du0/dI_k = 2 W_k (u_k - u0) / M00 # dM00/dI_k = W_k dM00 # dW_i/dI_k = (2 W_i W_k / ssq M00) [ (u_i - u0) (u_k - u0) # + (v_i - v0) (v_k - v0) # + A (rsq_i - 2ssq) (rsq_k - ssq) / 2ssq # + B (usqmvsq_i / 2) (usqmvsq_k / ssq) # + 2B (uv_i) (uv_k / ssq) ] # # (For dW_i/dI_k, only the u-u0 term is important.) # # dM21/dI_k = W_k rsq_k (u_k-u0) / M00 # + sum_i W_i I_i (-3(u-u0)^2 - (v-v0)^2)) du0/dI_k / M00 # + sum_i dW_i/dI_k I_i rsq_i (u_i-u0) / M00 # - M21/M00 dM00/dI_k # = W_k rsq_k (u_k-u0) / M00 # - 2 W_k (u_k-u0) / M00 [sum_i W_i I_i (rsq + 2(u-u0)^2)] / M00 # + 2 W_k (u_k-u0) / M00 [sum_i W_i I_i rsq_i/ssq (u_i-u0)^2] / M00 # - W_k M21/M00 dM00 # = W_k/M00 [(rsq - 4*M11 + M22/M11) (u-u0) - M21 dM00] # (where, as usual, we ignore terms related to e1,e2.) # # Similarly, # # dM12/dI_k = W_k/M00 [(rsq - 4*M11 + M22/M11) (v-v0) - M12 dM00] # # It turns out that M30 and M03 are not significantly affected by any of the constraint # equations. The result is what you would get by keeping W constant: # # M30 = sum_k W_k I_k ((u-u0)^2 - 3(v-v0)^2) (u-u0) / M00 # # dM30/dI_k = W_k (u_k-u0)^2 - 3(v_k-v0)^2) (u_k-u0) / M00 # + sum_i W_i I_i (-3(u-u0)^2 + 3(v-v0)^2)) du0/dI_k / M00 # + sum_i W_i I_i (6(v-v0)^2 (u-u0)) dv0/dI_k / M00 # + sum_i dW_i/dI_k I_i ((u_i-u0)^2 - 3(v-v0)^2) (u_i-u0) / M00 # - M30/M00 dM00/dI_k # = W_k/M00 [(u^2-3v^2) (u-u0) - M30 dM00] # # dM03/dI_k = W_k/M00 [(3u^2-v^2) (v-v0) - M13 dM00] if third_order: varM21 = np.sum(WV * (u*(rsq - 4*M11 + M22/M11) - M21 * dM00)**2) varM12 = np.sum(WV * (v*(rsq - 4*M11 + M22/M11) - M12 * dM00)**2) varM30 = np.sum(WV * (u*(usq-3*vsq) - M30 * dM00)**2) varM03 = np.sum(WV * (v*(3*usq-vsq) - M03 * dM00)**2) ret_var.update(M21=varM21, M12=varM12, M30=varM30, M03=varM03) # # Fourth order moments: # # M22 is primarily affected by the ssq constraint perturbing W: # # dW_i/dI_k = (2A W_i W_k / ssq M00) (rsq_i - 2ssq) (rsq_k - ssq) / 2ssq # # M22 = sum_k W_k I_k rsq^2 / M00 # # dM22/dI_k = W_k rsq_k^2 / M00 # + W_k A (rsq_k/ssq-1)/(ssq M00) sum_i W_i I_i rsq_i^2 (rsq_i-2ssq) / M00 # - M22/M00 dM00/dI_k # = W_k rsq_k^2 / M00 # + W_k A (rsq_k/ssq-1)/M00 (M33/ssq - 2M22) # - W_k M22/M00 dM00 # = W_k/M00 [rsq^2 + A*(rsq/ssq-1)*(M33/ssq - 2M22) - M22 dM00] # # M31 is affected by the e1 constraint equation: # # dW_i/dI_k = B (W_i W_k / ssq M00) usqmvsq_i usqmvsq_k / ssq # # M31 = sum_k W_k I_k rsq * ((u-u0)^2 - (v-v0)^2) / M00 # # dM31/dI_k = W_k rsq_k usqmvsq_k / M00 # + B W_k usqmvsq_k/(ssq^2 M00) sum_i W_i I_i rsq_i usqmvsq_i^2 / M00 # - M31/M00 dM00/dI_k # = W_k rsq_k usqmvsq_k / M00 # + B W_k usqmvsq_k/(ssq^2 M00) (M33/2) # - W_k M31/M00 dM00 # = W_k/M00 [usqmvsq (rsq + B M33/(2ssq^2)) - M31 dM00] # # Similarly (using the e2 constraint), # # dM13/dI_k = W_k/M00 [2*uv (rsq + M33/(2ssq^2)) - M13 dM00] # # M40 and M04 are essentialy unaffected by the constraints, so the naive calculation # is pretty accurate (just like M30 and M03). # # dM40/dI_k = W_k/M00 [(usq^2 - 6uv^2 + vsq^2) - M40 dM00] # dM04/dI_k = W_k/M00 [(usq - vsq)(4uv) - M40 dM00] if fourth_order or radial: varM22 = np.sum(WV * (rsq2 + A*(rsq/M11-1)*(M33/M11-2*M22) - M22 * dM00)**2) if fourth_order: varM31 = np.sum(WV * (usqmvsq * (rsq + B*M33/(2*M11**2)) - M31 * dM00)**2) varM13 = np.sum(WV * (2*uv * (rsq + B*M33/(2*M11**2)) - M13 * dM00)**2) varM40 = np.sum(WV * (usqmvsq**2 - 4*uv**2 - M40 * dM00)**2) varM04 = np.sum(WV * (4*usqmvsq*uv - M04 * dM00)**2) ret_var.update(M22=varM22, M31=varM31, M13=varM13, M40=varM40, M04=varM04) # # Normalized radial moments # # The normalized radial moment of degree d is # # Mddn = Mdd M11^-d # = sum_k W_k I_k (rsq/ssq)^d / M00 # # dMddn/dI_k = W_k (rsq_k/ssq)^d / M00 # + (1/M00) sum_i W_i I_i rsq_i^d (-d ssq^-(d+1)) dssq/dI_k # + W_k A (rsq/ssq-1)/(ssq M00) sum_i W_i I_i (rsq_i/ssq)^d (rsq_i-2ssq) / M00 # - W_k Mddn/M00 dM00 # = W_k (rsq_k/ssq)^d / M00 # - W_k/M00 A (rsq/ssq-1) (2d Mddn) # + W_k/M00 A (rsq/ssq-1) (Md+1,d+1n - 2 Mddn) # - W_k/M00 Mddn dM00 # = W_k/M00 [(rsq/ssq)^d + A (rsq/ssq - 1) (Md+1,d+1n - (2d+2) Mddn) - Mddn dM00] if radial: M55n = np.sum(WI * rsq4 * rsq) / M11**5 varM22n = np.sum(WV * (rsq2/M11**2 + A*(rsq/M11-1)*(M33n - 6*M22n) - M22n*dM00)**2) varM33n = np.sum(WV * (rsq3/M11**3 + A*(rsq/M11-1)*(M44n - 8*M33n) - M33n*dM00)**2) varM44n = np.sum(WV * (rsq4/M11**4 + A*(rsq/M11-1)*(M55n - 10*M44n) - M44n*dM00)**2) ret_var.update(M22n=varM22n, M33n=varM33n, M44n=varM44n) return ret, ret_var else: return ret