Source code for piff.star_stats

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.. module:: star_stats


import numpy as np
import galsim

from .stats import Stats
from .star import Star, StarFit

[docs]class StarStats(Stats): """This Stats class can take stars and make a set of plots of them as well as their models and residuals. By default this will draw 5 random stars, make psf stars, and plot the residual of the two. After a call to :func:`compute`, the following attributes are accessible: :stars: List of stars used for plotting :models: List of models of stars used for plotting :indices: Indices of input stars that the plotting stars correspond to :param nplot: Number of stars we wish to plot. If 0 or nplot > nstars in PSF, then we plot all stars. Otherwise, we draw nplot stars at random (without replacement). [default: 10] :param adjust_stars: Boolean. If true, when computing, will also fit for best starfit center and flux to match observed star. [default: False] :param file_name: Name of the file to output to. [default: None] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ def __init__(self, nplot=10, adjust_stars=False, file_name=None, logger=None): self.nplot = nplot self.file_name = file_name self.adjust_stars = adjust_stars
[docs] def compute(self, psf, stars, logger=None): """ :param psf: A PSF Object :param stars: A list of Star instances. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) # get the shapes if self.nplot == 0 or self.nplot >= len(stars): # select all stars self.indices = np.arange(len(stars)) else: self.indices = np.random.choice(len(stars), self.nplot, replace=False)"Making {0} Model Stars".format(len(self.indices))) self.stars = [] for index in self.indices: star = stars[index] if self.adjust_stars: star = self.fit_star(star, psf=psf, logger=logger) self.stars.append(star) self.models = psf.drawStarList(self.stars)
[docs] def fit_star(self, star, psf, logger=None): """Adjust and :param star: Star we want to adjust :param psf: PSF with which we adjust :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: Star with modified fit and center """ import scipy # put in initial guesses for flux, du, dv if they exist flux = du, dv = params = np.array([flux, du, dv]) results = scipy.optimize.least_squares( fun = self._fit_residual, x0 = params, args=(star, psf, logger,), method='lm', ftol=1e-8, diff_step=1.e-4, max_nfev=500) # report results logger.debug('Adjusted Star Fit Results:') logger.debug(results) # create new star with new fit flux = results.x[0] du = results.x[1] dv = results.x[2] center = (du, dv) # also update the chisq, but keep the rest of the parameters from model fit chisq = results.cost*2 # Their cost is basically chisq / 2 fit = StarFit(,, flux=flux, center=center, chisq=chisq,,, star_fit = Star(, fit) return star_fit
def _fit_residual(self, params, star, psf, logger=None): # modify star's fit values flux, du, dv = params = flux = (du, dv) # draw star image_model = psf.drawStar(star).image # get chi image, weight, image_pos = chi = (np.sqrt(weight.array) * (image_model.array - image.array)).flatten() return chi
[docs] def plot(self, logger=None, **kwargs): r"""Make the plots. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :params \*\*kwargs: Any additional kwargs go into the matplotlib pcolor() function. :returns: fig, ax """ from matplotlib.figure import Figure if not hasattr(self, 'indices'): raise RuntimeError("Must call compute before calling plot or write") logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) # 6 x nplot/2 images, with each image (3.5 x 3) nplot = len(self.indices) nrows = (nplot+1)//2 fig = Figure(figsize = (21,3*nrows)) axs = fig.subplots(ncols=6, nrows=nrows, squeeze=False)"Creating %d Star plots", self.nplot) for i in range(len(self.indices)): star = self.stars[i] model = self.models[i] # get index, u, v coordinates to put in title u =['u'] v =['v'] index = self.indices[i] ii = i // 2 jj = (i % 2) * 3 axs[ii][jj+0].set_title('Star {0}'.format(index)) axs[ii][jj+1].set_title('PSF at (u,v) = \n ({0:+.02e}, {1:+.02e})'.format(u, v)) axs[ii][jj+2].set_title('Star - PSF') star_image = star.image model_image = model.image # share color range between star and model images vmin = np.percentile([star_image.array, model_image.array], q=10) vmax = np.percentile([star_image.array, model_image.array], q=90) axs[ii][jj+0].imshow(star_image.array, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) im = axs[ii][jj+1].imshow(model_image.array, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[ii][jj+1]) # plot shared colorbar after model # plot star - model with separate colorbar im = axs[ii][jj+2].imshow(star_image.array - model_image.array, **kwargs) fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[ii][jj+2]) return fig, axs