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#  All rights reserved.
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.. module:: stardata

import numpy as np
import copy
import galsim

[docs]class Star(object): """Information about a "star", which may be either a real star or an interpolated star at some target location. The Star object is the fundamental way that Piff keeps track of information connected to a particular observation location. This includes both the input data (postage stamp image, position on the detector, position in the field of view, weight image, etc.) and derived information connected to whatever Model is being used Stars are not normally constructed directly by the user. They are built by various Piff functions such as: stars = input_handler.makeStars(logger) stars, wcs = piff.Input.process(config['input']) target_star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x, y=y, wcs=wcs, ...) However, a star can be constructed directly from a StarData instance and a StarFit instance. The former keeps track of the data about the star (either as observed or the model at a location) and the latter keeps track of fitted parameters related to fitting the data to a model. star = piff.Star(star_data, star_fit) Stars have an immutable design, so any functions that change either the data or the fitted parameters return a new object and don't change the original. e.g. star = psf.drawStar(star) star = star.reflux() star = star.addPoisson(gain=gain) Stars have the following attributes: The component StarData object The component StarFit object and the following read-only properties: star.image The image of the star star.weight The weight map connected to the image data star.image_pos The position of the star in image coordinates, aka (x,y) star.field_pos The position of the star in field coordinates, aka (u,v) star.x The x position of the star in image coordinates star.y The y position of the star in image coordinates star.u The u position of the star in field coordinates star.v The v position of the star in field coordinates star.chipnum The chip number where this star was observed (or would be observed) star.flux The flux of the object The nominal center of the object (not necessarily the centroid) star.is_reserve Whether the star is reserved from being used to fit the PSF star.hsm HSM measurements for this star as a tuple: (flux, cenu, cenv, sigma, g1, g2, flag) :param data: A StarData instance (invariant) :param fit: A StarFit instance (invariant) """ def __init__(self, data, fit): = data if fit is None: fit = StarFit(None, flux=1.0, center=(0.,0.)) = fit
[docs] def withFlux(self, flux=None, center=None): """Update the flux and/or center values :param flux: The new flux. [default: None, which means keep the existing value.] :param center: The new center. [default: None, which means keep the existing value.] """ fit = if flux is not None: fit.flux = flux if center is not None: = center return Star(, fit)
[docs] def withProperties(self, **kwargs): """Set or change any properties in the star. :param \*\*kwargs: Each named kwarg is taken to be a property to set in the returned star. :returns: a new Star with the given properties, but is otherwise the same as self. """ data = props = props.update(kwargs) = props return Star(data,
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a property of the star. This may be one of the values in the properties dict that was given when the data object was initialized, or one of 'x', 'y', 'u', 'v', where x,y are the position in image coordinates and u,v are the position in field coordinates. :param key: The name of the property to return :returns: the value of the given property. """ # This is a StarData method. Just pass the request on to it. return[key] # Some properties that pass through to the data attribute to make using them easier. @property def image(self): return @property def weight(self): return @property def image_pos(self): return @property def field_pos(self): return @property def x(self): return @property def y(self): return @property def u(self): return @property def v(self): return @property def chipnum(self): return'chipnum',0) @property def flux(self): return @property def center(self): return @property def is_reserve(self): return'is_reserve',False)
[docs] def run_hsm(self): """Use HSM to measure moments of star image. This usually isn't called directly. The results are accessible as star.hsm, which caches the results, so repeated access is efficient. :returns: (flux, cenu, cenv, sigma, g1, g2, flag) """ image, weight, image_pos = # Note that FindAdaptiveMom only respects the weight function in a binary sense. # I.e., pixels with non-zero weight will be included in the moment measurement, those # with weight=0.0 will be excluded. mom = image.FindAdaptiveMom(weight=weight, strict=False) sigma = mom.moments_sigma shape = mom.observed_shape # These are in pixel coordinates. Need to convert to world coords. jac = image.wcs.jacobian(image_pos=image_pos) scale, shear, theta, flip = jac.getDecomposition() # Fix sigma sigma *= scale # Fix shear. First the flip, if any. if flip: shape = galsim.Shear(g1 = -shape.g1, g2 = shape.g2) # Next the rotation shape = galsim.Shear(g = shape.g, beta = shape.beta + theta) # Finally the shear shape = shear + shape flux = mom.moments_amp localwcs = image.wcs.local(image_pos) center = localwcs.toWorld(mom.moments_centroid) - localwcs.toWorld(image_pos) # Do a few sanity checks and flag likely bad fits. flag = mom.moments_status if flag != 0: flag = 1 if flux < 0: flag |= 2 if center.x**2 + center.y**2 > 1: flag |= 4 return flux, center.x, center.y, sigma, shape.g1, shape.g2, flag
@property def hsm(self): if not hasattr(self, '_hsm'): flux, cenu, cenv, size, g1, g2, flag = self.run_hsm() self._hsm = flux, cenu, cenv, size, g1, g2, flag return self._hsm
[docs] @classmethod def makeTarget(cls, x=None, y=None, u=None, v=None, properties={}, wcs=None, scale=None, stamp_size=48, image=None, weight=None, pointing=None, flux=1.0, **kwargs): r""" Make a target Star object with the requested properties. The image will be blank (all zeros), and the properties field will match the given input properties. The input properties must have either 'x' and 'y' or 'u' and 'v'. The other pair will be calculated from the wcs if one is provided, or you may pass in both sets of coordinates and leave out the wcs :param x: The image x position. [optional, see above; may also be given as part of the :properties: dict.] :param y: The image y position. [optional, see above; may also be given as part of the :properties: dict.] :param u: The image u position. [optional, see above; may also be given as part of the :properties: dict.] :param v: The image v position. [optional, see above; may also be given as part of the :properties: dict.] :param properties: The requested properties for the target star, including any other requested properties besides x,y,u,v. You may also provide x,y,u,v in this dict rather than explicitly as kwargs. [default: None] :param wcs: The requested WCS. [optional] :param scale: If wcs is None, you may instead provide a pixel scale. [default: None] :param stamp_size: The size in each direction of the (blank) image. [default: 48] :param image: An existing image to use instead of making a new one, if desired. [default: None; this overrides stamp_size] :param weight: An existing image to use for the weight. [default: None] :param pointing: The pointing direction to use. [default: None] :param flux: The flux of the target star. [default: 1] :param \*\*kwargs: Additional properties can also be given as keyword arguments if that is more convenient than populating the properties dict. :returns: A Star instance """ # Check that input parameters are valid for param in ['x', 'y', 'u', 'v']: if eval(param) is not None and param in properties: raise TypeError("%s may not be given both as a kwarg and in properties"%param) properties = properties.copy() # So we can modify it and not mess up the caller. x = properties.pop('x', x) y = properties.pop('y', y) u = properties.pop('u', u) v = properties.pop('v', v) properties.update(kwargs) # Add any extra kwargs into properties if (x is None) != (y is None): raise TypeError("Either x and y must both be given, or neither.") if (u is None) != (v is None): raise TypeError("Either u and v must both be given, or neither.") if x is None and u is None: raise TypeError("Some kind of position must be given.") if wcs is not None and scale is not None: raise TypeError("Scale is invalid when also providing wcs.") # Figure out what the wcs should be if not provided if wcs is None: if scale is None: scale = 1. wcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale) # Make field_pos if we have u,v if u is not None: field_pos = galsim.PositionD(float(u),float(v)) else: field_pos = None # Figure out the image_pos if x is None: image_pos = wcs.toImage(field_pos) x = image_pos.x y = image_pos.y else: image_pos = galsim.PositionD(float(x),float(y)) # Make the blank image if image is None: image = galsim.Image(stamp_size, stamp_size, dtype=float) # Make the center of the image (close to) the image_pos xcen = int(np.ceil(x - (0.5 if image.array.shape[1] % 2 == 1 else 0))) ycen = int(np.ceil(y - (0.5 if image.array.shape[0] % 2 == 1 else 0))) image.setCenter(xcen, ycen) if image.wcs is None: image.wcs = wcs if weight is not None: weight = galsim.Image(weight.array, wcs=image.wcs, copy=True, bounds=image.bounds) # Build the StarData instance data = StarData(image, image_pos, field_pos=field_pos, properties=properties, pointing=pointing, weight=weight) fit = StarFit(None, flux=flux, center=(0.,0.)) return cls(data, fit)
[docs] @classmethod def write(self, stars, fits, extname): """Write a list of stars to a FITS file. :param stars: A list of stars to write :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The name of the extension to write to """ # TODO This doesn't write everything out. Probably want image as an optional I/O. cols = [] dtypes = [] # Start with the data properties prop_keys = list(stars[0] # Do the position ones first for key in [ 'x', 'y', 'u', 'v' ]: dtypes.append( (key, float) ) cols.append( [[key] for s in stars ] ) prop_keys.remove(key) # Add any remaining properties for key in prop_keys: dtypes.append( (key, stars[0].data.property_types.get(key, float)) ) cols.append( [[key] for s in stars ] ) # Add the local WCS values dtypes.extend( [('dudx', float), ('dudy', float), ('dvdx', float), ('dvdy', float) ] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) # Add the bounds dtypes.extend( [('xmin', int), ('xmax', int), ('ymin', int), ('ymax', int) ] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars] ) # Now the easy parts of fit: dtypes.extend( [ ('flux', float), ('center', float, 2), ('chisq', float) ] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars ] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars ] ) cols.append( [ for s in stars ] ) # params might not be set, so check if it is None if stars[0].fit.params is not None: dtypes.append( ('params', float, len(stars[0].fit.params)) ) cols.append( [ for s in stars ] ) # params_var might not be set, so check if it is None if stars[0].fit.params_var is not None: dtypes.append( ('params_var', float, len(stars[0].fit.params_var)) ) cols.append( [ for s in stars ] ) # If pointing is set, write that if stars[0].data.pointing is not None: dtypes.extend( [('point_ra', float), ('point_dec', float)] ) cols.append( [ / galsim.degrees for s in stars ] ) cols.append( [ / galsim.degrees for s in stars ] ) data = np.array(list(zip(*cols)), dtype=dtypes) fits.write_table(data, extname=extname)
[docs] @classmethod def read_coords_params(cls, fits, extname): """Read only star fit parameters and coordinates from a FITS file. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The name of the extension to read from :returns: the arrays coords and params """ if extname not in fits: raise IOError('{0} not found in FITS object'.format(extname)) colnames = fits[extname].get_colnames() columns = ['u', 'v', 'params'] for key in columns: if key not in colnames: raise IOError('{0} not found in table'.format(key)) data = fits[extname].read(columns=columns) coords = np.array([data['u'], data['v']]).T params = data['params'] return coords, params
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, fits, extname): """Read stars from a FITS file. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The name of the extension to read from :returns: a list of Star instances """ assert extname in fits colnames = fits[extname].get_colnames() for key in ['x', 'y', 'u', 'v', 'dudx', 'dudy', 'dvdx', 'dvdy', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'flux', 'center', 'chisq']: assert key in colnames colnames.remove(key) data = fits[extname].read() x_list = data['x'] y_list = data['y'] u_list = data['u'] v_list = data['v'] dudx = data['dudx'] dudy = data['dudy'] dvdx = data['dvdx'] dvdy = data['dvdy'] xmin = data['xmin'] xmax = data['xmax'] ymin = data['ymin'] ymax = data['ymax'] flux = data['flux'] center = data['center'] chisq = data['chisq'] if 'params' in colnames: params = data['params'] colnames.remove('params') else: params = [ None ] * len(data) if 'params_var' in colnames: params_var = data['params_var'] colnames.remove('params_var') else: params_var = [ None ] * len(data) if 'point_ra' in colnames: pointing_list = [ galsim.CelestialCoord(row['point_ra'] * galsim.degrees, row['point_dec'] * galsim.degrees) for row in data ] colnames.remove('point_ra') colnames.remove('point_dec') else: pointing_list = [ None ] * len(data) fit_list = [ StarFit(p, flux=f, center=c, chisq=x, params_var=pv) for (p,f,c,x,pv) in zip(params, flux, center, chisq, params_var) ] # The rest of the columns are the data properties prop_list = [ { c : row[c] for c in colnames } for row in data ] wcs_list = [ galsim.JacobianWCS(*jac) for jac in zip(dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy) ] pos_list = [ galsim.PositionD(*pos) for pos in zip(x_list,y_list) ] wpos_list = [ galsim.PositionD(*pos) for pos in zip(u_list,v_list) ] wcs_list = [ w.withOrigin(p, wp) for w,p,wp in zip(wcs_list, pos_list, wpos_list) ] bounds_list = [ galsim.BoundsI(*b) for b in zip(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) ] image_list = [ galsim.Image(bounds=b, wcs=w) for b,w in zip(bounds_list, wcs_list) ] weight_list = [ galsim.Image(init_value=1.0, bounds=b, wcs=w) for b,w in zip(bounds_list, wcs_list) ] data_list = [ StarData(im, pos, weight=w, properties=prop, pointing=point) for im,pos,w,prop,point in zip(image_list, pos_list, weight_list, prop_list, pointing_list) ] stars = [ Star(d,f) for (d,f) in zip(data_list, fit_list) ] return stars
[docs] @staticmethod def load_images(stars, file_name, pointing=None, image_hdu=None, weight_hdu=None, badpix_hdu=None, noise=None, sky=None, logger=None): """Load the image data into a list of Stars. We don't store the image data for Stars when we write them to a file, since that would take up a lot of space and is usually not desired. However, we do store the bounds in the original image where the star was cutout, so if you want to load back in the original data from the image file, you can do so with this function. :param stars: A list of Star instances. :param file_name: The file with the image data for these stars. :param pointing: The pointing direction to use. [default: None] :param image_hdu: The hdu to use for the main image. [default: None, which means either 0 or 1 as appropriate according to the compression.] :param weight_hdu: The hdu to use for the weight image. [default: None] :param badpix_hdu: The hdu to use for the bad pixel mask. [default: None] :param noise: A constant noise value to use in lieu of a weight map [default: None] :param sky: Optional sky image or float value to subtract from the main image. [default: None] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a new list of Stars with the images information loaded. """ from .input import InputFiles logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) logger.error("WARNING: The Star.load_images function is deprecated." "Use InputFiles.load_images instead.")"Loading image information from file %s",file_name) config = { 'image_file_name': file_name, 'cat_file_name': None, # We don't need this, but it needs to be present. 'image_hdu': image_hdu, 'weight_hdu': weight_hdu, 'badpix_hdu': badpix_hdu, 'noise': noise, } if sky is not None: # This should have been set in the already, but in the old # API, it was allowed to set a value for sky that was not already in the stars. # So set the sky property in each star here. stars = [Star(StarData(,,,,, properties=dict(, sky=sky),, _xyuv_set = True), for s in stars] input_files = InputFiles(config, logger=logger) return input_files.load_images(stars)
[docs] def offset_to_center(self, offset): """A utility routine to convert from an offset in image coordinates to the corresponding center position in focal plane coordinates on the postage stamp image. :param offset: A tuple (dx,dy) in image coordinates :returns: The corresponding (du,dv) in focal plane coordinates. """ # The model is in sky coordinates, so figure out what (u,v) corresponds to this offset. jac = dx, dy = offset du = jac.dudx * dx + jac.dudy * dy dv = jac.dvdx * dx + jac.dvdy * dy return (du,dv)
[docs] def center_to_offset(self, center): """A utility routine to convert from a center position in focal plane coordinates to the corresponding offset in image coordinates on the postage stamp image. :param center: A tuple (u,v) in focal plane coordinates :returns: The corresponding (dx,dy) in image coordinates. """ jac = du, dv = center # The names (u,v) and (x,y) are reversed for jac, since we've taken its inverse, # so this looks a little confusing. e.g. jac.dudx is really (dx/du), etc. dx = jac.dudx * du + jac.dudy * dv dy = jac.dvdx * du + jac.dvdy * dv return (dx,dy)
[docs] def addPoisson(self, signal=None, gain=None): """Return new Star with the weight values altered to reflect Poisson shot noise from a signal source, e.g. when the weight only contains variance from background and read noise. :param signal: The signal (as a Star instance) from which the Poisson variance is extracted. If None, the data image is used. All signals are clipped from below at zero. :param gain: The gain, in e per ADU, assumed in calculating new weights. If None is given, then the 'gain' property is used, else defaults to not adding any variance. :returns: a new Star instance with updated weight array. """ # The functionality is implemented as a StarData method. # So just pass this task on to that and recast the return value as a Star instance. return Star(, gain=gain),
[docs]class StarData(object): """A class that encapsulates all the relevant information about an observed star. **Class intended to be immutable once returned from the method that creates it.** This includes: - a postage stamp of the imaging data - the weight map for these pixels (zero weight means the pixel is masked or otherwise bad) - whether the pixel values represent flux or surface brightness - the pixel area on the sky - the position of the star on the image - the position of the star in the full field-of-view (local tangent plane projection) - possibly extra information, such as colors A StarData object can render the pixel data in one of two ways: - getImage() returns the pixels as a galsim.Image. - getDataVector() returns the pixels as a numpy array. Different use cases may prefer the data in one of these forms or the other. A StarData object also has this property: :property pixel_area: Solid angle on sky subtended by each pixel, in units of the uv system. The other information is stored in a dict. This dict will include at least the following items: - x - y - u - v And anything else you want to store. e.g. - chipnum - ra - dec - color_ri - color_iz - gain Any of these values may be used for interpolation. The most typical choices would be either (x,y) or (u,v). The choice of what values to use is made by the interpolator. All such values should be either int or float values. Note that the position given for the star does not have to be a proper centroid. It is rather just some position in image coordinates to use as the origin of the model. :param image: A postage stamp image that includes the star :param image_pos: The position in image coordinates to use as the "center" of the star. Note: this does not have to be the centroid or anything specific about the star. It is merely the image position of the (0,0) coordinate for the model's internal coordinate system. :param weight: The corresponding weight map for that image. [default: None] :param pointing: A galsim.CelestialCoord representing the pointing coordinate of the exposure. It does not have to be the exact center of the field of view. But it should be the same for all StarData objects in the exposure. This is required if image.wcs is a CelestialWCS, but should be None if image.wcs is a EuclideanWCS. [default: None] :param field_pos: Optionally provide the field_pos directly, rather than calculating it from the wcs and a pointing. [default: None] :param properties: A dict containing other properties about the star that might be of interest. [default: None] :param property_types: A dict containing the types to use for properties if we are eventually going to output them to a file. (Only really necessary for any that aren't float.) [default: None] :param orig_weight: The original weight map prior to any additional Poisson variance being added. [default: None, which means use orig_weight=weight] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ def __init__(self, image, image_pos, weight=None, pointing=None, field_pos=None, properties=None, property_types=None, orig_weight=None, logger=None, _xyuv_set=False): # Save all of these as attributes. self.image = image self.image_pos = image_pos # Make sure we have a local wcs in case the provided image is more complex. self.local_wcs = image.wcs.local(image_pos) self.pixel_area = self.local_wcs.pixelArea() if weight is None: self.weight = galsim.Image(image.bounds, init_value=1, wcs=image.wcs, dtype=float) elif type(weight) in [int, float]: self.weight = galsim.Image(image.bounds, init_value=weight, wcs=image.wcs, dtype=float) else: self.weight = galsim.Image(weight, dtype=float, wcs=weight.wcs) if orig_weight is None: self.orig_weight = self.weight else: self.orig_weight = orig_weight if properties is None: = {} else: = properties if property_types is None: self.property_types = {} else: self.property_types = property_types self.pointing = pointing if field_pos is None: self.field_pos = self.calculateFieldPos(image_pos, image.wcs, pointing, else: self.field_pos = field_pos self.pixel_area = self.local_wcs.pixelArea() # Make sure the user didn't provide their own x,y,u,v in properties. for key in ['x', 'y', 'u', 'v']: if properties is not None and key in properties and not _xyuv_set: raise TypeError("Cannot provide property %s in properties dict."%key)['x'] = self.image_pos.x['y'] = self.image_pos.y['u'] = self.field_pos.x['v'] = self.field_pos.y def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculateFieldPos(image_pos, wcs, pointing, properties=None): """ Convert from image coordinates to field coordinates. :param image_pos: The position in image coordinates, as a galsim.PositionD instance. :param wcs: The wcs to use to connect image coordinates with sky coordinates: :param pointing: A galsim.CelestialCoord representing the pointing coordinate of the exposure. This is required if image.wcs is a CelestialWCS, but should be None if image.wcs is a EuclideanWCS. [default: None] :param properties: If properties is provided, and the wcs is a CelestialWCS, then add 'ra', 'dec' properties (in hours, degrees respectively) based on the sky coordinates. [default: None] :returns: a galsim.PositionD instance representing the position in field coordinates. """ # Calculate the field_pos, the position in the fov coordinates if wcs.isCelestial(): if pointing is None: raise TypeError("If the image uses a CelestialWCS then pointing is required.") sky_pos = wcs.toWorld(image_pos) if properties is not None: if 'ra' not in properties: properties['ra'] = sky_pos.ra / galsim.hours if 'dec' not in properties: properties['dec'] = sky_pos.dec / galsim.degrees u, v = pointing.project(sky_pos) return galsim.PositionD(u/galsim.arcsec, v/galsim.arcsec) else: return wcs.toWorld(image_pos)
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a property of the star. This may be one of the values in the properties dict that was given when the object was initialized, or one of 'x', 'y', 'u', 'v', where x,y are the position in image coordinates and u,v are the position in field coordinates. :param key: The name of the property to return :returns: the value of the given property. """ return[key]
[docs] def getImage(self): """Get the pixel data as a galsim.Image. Also returns the weight image and the origin position (the position in x,y coordinates to use as the origin of the PSF model). :returns: image, weight, image_pos """ return self.image, self.weight, self.image_pos
[docs] def getDataVector(self): """Get the pixel data as a numpy array. Also returns the weight values and the local u,v coordinates of the pixels. Any pixels with zero weight (e.g. from masking in the original image) will not be included in the returned arrays. :returns: data_vector, weight_vector, u_vector, v_vector """ # Remember that numpy arrays use y,x indexing. ny, nx = self.image.array.shape # Image coordinates of pixels relative to nominal center xvals = np.arange(self.image.bounds.xmin, self.image.bounds.xmax+1, dtype=float) yvals = np.arange(self.image.bounds.ymin, self.image.bounds.ymax+1, dtype=float) x,y = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals) x -= self.image_pos.x y -= self.image_pos.y # Convert to u,v coords u = self.local_wcs._u(x,y) v = self.local_wcs._v(x,y) # Get flat versions of everything u = u.flatten() v = v.flatten() pix = self.image.array.flatten() wt = self.weight.array.flatten() return pix, wt, u, v
[docs] def addPoisson(self, signal=None, gain=None): """Return new StarData with the weight values altered to reflect Poisson shot noise from a signal source, e.g. when the weight only contains variance from background and read noise. :param signal: The signal (as a Star instance) from which the Poisson variance is extracted. If None, the data image is used. All signals are clipped from below at zero. :param gain: The gain, in e per ADU, assumed in calculating new weights. If None is given, then the 'gain' property is used, else defaults to not adding any variance. :returns: a new StarData instance with updated weight array. """ # Get the gain. None both here and in properties, means don't add any variance. if gain is None: gain ='gain',None) if gain is None: return self # Mark the pixels that are not already worthless use = self.orig_weight.array!=0. # Get the signal data if signal is None: signal = self variance = signal.image.array if variance.shape != self.orig_weight.array.shape: raise ValueError('In addPoisson, signal has wrong shape: %s != %s'%( variance.shape, self.orig_weight.array.shape)) # clip variance use &= (variance >= 0) # Add to weight # Note: use the original weight here, not the current weight, since this may have already # had some Poisson noise added to the weight. newweight = self.orig_weight.copy() newweight.array[use] = 1. / (1./self.orig_weight.array[use] + variance[use] / gain) # Return new object return StarData(image=self.image, image_pos=self.image_pos, weight=newweight, orig_weight=self.orig_weight, pointing=self.pointing, properties=dict(, gain=gain), property_types=self.property_types, _xyuv_set = True)
[docs]class StarFit(object): """Class to hold the results of fitting a Model to some StarData, or specify the PSF interpolated to an unmeasured location. **Class is intended to be invariant once created.** This class can be extended to carry information of use to a given Model instance (such as intermediate results), but interpolators will be looking for some subset of these properties: :params: numpy vector of parameters of the PSF that apply to this star :params_var: numpy array of variance error parameters of the PSF :flux: flux of the star :center: (u,v) tuple giving position of stellar center (relative to data.image_pos) :chisq: Chi-squared of fit to the data (if any) with current params :dof: Degrees of freedom in the fit (will depend on whether last fit had parameters free or just the flux/center). :A, b: matrix, vector, giving design matrix equation for the Taylor expansion of chisq wrt params about their current values. The alpha matrix, AT A, is also the inverse covariance matrix of the params. :param params: A 1d numpy array holding estimated PSF parameters :param params_var: A 1d numpy array holding estimates PSF variance error parameters :param flux: Estimated flux for this star :param center: Estimated or fixed center position (u,v) of this star relative to the StarData.image_pos reference point. :param A: Design matrix for the quadratic dependence of chi-squared on params about current values. Quatratic terms is dpT AT A dp. :param b: Vector portion of design equation. Linear term of chi-squared dependence on params about current values is -2 AT b. :param chisq: chi-squared value at current parameters. """ def __init__(self, params, flux=1., center=(0.,0.), params_var=None, A=None, b=None, chisq=None, dof=None): # center might be a galsim.PositionD. That's fine, but we'll convert to a tuple here. try: center = (center.x, center.y) except AttributeError: pass self.params = params self.params_var = params_var self.flux = flux = center self.A = A self.b = b self.chisq = chisq self.dof = dof @property def alpha(self): return @property def beta(self): return
[docs] def newParams(self, params, **kwargs): """Return new StarFit that has the array params installed as new parameters. :param params: A 1d array holding new parameters; must match size of current ones :param \*\*kwargs: Any other additional properties for the star. Takes current flux and center if not provided, and otherwise puts in None :returns: New StarFit object with altered parameters. All chisq-related parameters are set to None since they are no longer valid. """ npp = np.array(params) if self.params is not None and npp.shape != self.params.shape: raise ValueError('new StarFit parameters do not match dimensions of old ones') flux = kwargs.pop('flux', self.flux) center = kwargs.pop('center', return StarFit(npp, flux=flux, center=center, **kwargs)
def copy(self): return StarFit(self.params, self.flux,, self.A, self.b, self.chisq, self.dof)