Source code for piff.singlechip

# Copyright (c) 2016 by Mike Jarvis and the other collaborators on GitHub at
#  All rights reserved.
# Piff is free software: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
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# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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.. module:: psf

import numpy as np
import copy
import galsim

from .psf import PSF
from .util import write_kwargs, read_kwargs, make_dtype, adjust_value, run_multi

# Used by
def single_chip_run(chipnum, single_psf, stars, wcs, pointing, convert_func, logger):
    # Make a copy of single_psf for each chip
    psf_chip = copy.deepcopy(single_psf)

    # Break the list of stars up into a list for each chip
    stars_chip = [ s for s in stars if s['chipnum'] == chipnum ]
    wcs_chip = { chipnum : wcs[chipnum] }

    # Run the psf_chip fit function using this stars and wcs (and the same pointing)
    logger.warning("Building solution for chip %s with %d stars", chipnum, len(stars_chip)), wcs_chip, pointing, logger=logger, convert_func=convert_func)

    return psf_chip

[docs]class SingleChipPSF(PSF): """A PSF class that uses a separate PSF solution for each chip :param single_psf: A PSF instance to use for the PSF solution on each chip. (This will be turned into nchips copies of the provided object.) :param nproc: How many multiprocessing processes to use for running multiple chips at once. [default: 1] """ def __init__(self, single_psf, nproc=1): self.single_psf = single_psf self.nproc = nproc self.kwargs = { 'single_psf': 0, 'nproc' : nproc, } @property def interp_property_names(self): return self.single_psf.interp_property_names
[docs] @classmethod def parseKwargs(cls, config_psf, logger): """Parse the psf field of a configuration dict and return the kwargs to use for initializing an instance of the class. :param config_psf: The psf field of the configuration dict, config['psf'] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a kwargs dict to pass to the initializer """ import piff config_psf = config_psf.copy() # Don't alter the original dict. config_psf.pop('type', None) nproc = config_psf.pop('nproc', 1) # If there is a "single_type" specified, call that the type for now. config_psf['type'] = config_psf.pop('single_type', 'Simple') # Now the regular PSF process function can process the dict. single_psf = piff.PSF.process(config_psf, logger) return { 'single_psf' : single_psf, 'nproc' : nproc }
[docs] def fit(self, stars, wcs, pointing, logger=None, convert_func=None): """Fit interpolated PSF model to star data using standard sequence of operations. :param stars: A list of Star instances. :param wcs: A dict of WCS solutions indexed by chipnum. :param pointing: A galsim.CelestialCoord object giving the telescope pointing. [Note: pointing should be None if the WCS is not a CelestialWCS] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :param convert_func: An optional function to apply to the profile being fit before drawing it onto the image. This is used by composite PSFs to isolate the effect of just this model component. [default: None] """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) self.stars = stars self.wcs = wcs self.pointing = pointing self.psf_by_chip = {} chipnums = list(wcs.keys()) args = [(chipnum, self.single_psf, stars, wcs, pointing, convert_func) for chipnum in chipnums] output = run_multi(single_chip_run, self.nproc, raise_except=False, args=args, logger=logger) for chipnum, psf in zip(chipnums, output): self.psf_by_chip[chipnum] = psf # If any chips failed their solution, remove them. if any([self.psf_by_chip[c] is None for c in chipnums]): logger.warning("Solutions failed for chipnums: %s", [c for c in chipnums if self.psf_by_chip[c] is None]) logger.warning("Removing these chips from the output") chipnums = [c for c in chipnums if self.psf_by_chip[c] is not None] # update stars from psf outlier rejection self.stars = [ star for chipnum in chipnums for star in self.psf_by_chip[chipnum].stars ]
[docs] def interpolateStar(self, star): """Update the star to have the current interpolated fit parameters according to the current PSF model. :param star: Star instance to update. :returns: Star instance with its fit parameters updated. """ if 'chipnum' not in raise ValueError("SingleChip requires the star to have a chipnum property") chipnum = star['chipnum'] return self.psf_by_chip[chipnum].interpolateStar(star)
def _drawStar(self, star, copy_image=True, center=None): if 'chipnum' not in raise ValueError("SingleChip requires the star to have a chipnum property") chipnum = star['chipnum'] return self.psf_by_chip[chipnum].drawStar(star, copy_image=copy_image, center=center) def _getProfile(self, star): chipnum = star['chipnum'] return self.psf_by_chip[chipnum]._getProfile(star) def _finish_write(self, fits, extname, logger): """Finish the writing process with any class-specific steps. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The base name of the extension to write to. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. """ # Write the colnums to an extension. chipnums = list(self.psf_by_chip.keys()) chipnums = [c for c in chipnums if self.psf_by_chip[c] is not None] dt = make_dtype('chipnums', chipnums[0]) chipnums = [ adjust_value(c,dt) for c in chipnums ] cols = [ chipnums ] dtypes = [ dt ] data = np.array(list(zip(*cols)), dtype=dtypes) fits.write_table(data, extname=extname + '_chipnums') # Add _1, _2, etc. to the extname for the psf model of each chip. for chipnum in chipnums: self.psf_by_chip[chipnum]._write(fits, extname + '_%s'%chipnum, logger) def _finish_read(self, fits, extname, logger): """Finish the reading process with any class-specific steps. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object :param extname: The base name of the extension to write to. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. """ chipnums = fits[extname + '_chipnums'].read()['chipnums'] self.psf_by_chip = {} for chipnum in chipnums: self.psf_by_chip[chipnum] = PSF._read(fits, extname + '_%s'%chipnum, logger) self.single_psf = self.psf_by_chip[chipnums[0]]