Source code for piff.knn_interp

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.. module:: knn_interp

import numpy as np
import galsim

from .interp import Interp
from .star import Star, StarFit

[docs]class kNNInterp(Interp): """ An interpolator that uses sklearn KNeighborsRegressor to interpolate a single surface :param keys: A list of star attributes to interpolate from [default: ('u', 'v')] :param n_neighbors: Number of neighbors used for interpolation. [default: 15] :param weights: Weight function used in prediction. Possible values are 'uniform', 'distance', and a callable function which accepts an array of distances and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights. [default: 'uniform'] :param algorithm: Algorithm used to compute nearest neighbors. Possible values are 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute', and 'auto', which tries to determine the best choice. [default: 'auto'] :param p: Power parameter of distance metrice. p=2 is default euclidean distance, p=1 is manhattan. [default: 2] :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ def __init__(self, keys=('u','v'), n_neighbors=15, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', p=2,logger=None): self.kwargs = { 'keys': keys, } self.knr_kwargs = { 'n_neighbors': n_neighbors, 'weights': weights, 'algorithm': algorithm, 'p': p, } self.kwargs.update(self.knr_kwargs) self.keys = keys from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor self.knn = KNeighborsRegressor(**self.knr_kwargs) @property def property_names(self): """List of properties used by this interpolant. """ return self.keys def _fit(self, locations, targets, logger=None): """Update the Neighbors Regressor with data :param locations: The locations for interpolating. (n_samples, n_features). (In sklearn parlance, this is 'X'.) :param targets: The target values. (n_samples, n_targets). (In sklearn parlance, this is 'y'.) """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger), targets) self.locations = locations logger.debug('locations updated to shape: %s', self.locations.shape) self.targets = targets logger.debug('targets updated to shape: %s', self.targets.shape) def _predict(self, locations, logger=None): """Predict from knn. :param locations: The locations for interpolating. (n_samples, n_features). In sklearn parlance, this is 'X' :returns: Regressed parameters y (n_samples, n_targets) """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) regression = self.knn.predict(locations) logger.debug('Regression shape: %s', regression.shape) return regression
[docs] def getProperties(self, star, logger=None): """Extract the appropriate properties to use as the independent variables for the interpolation. Take self.keys from :param star: A Star instances from which to extract the properties to use. :returns: A np vector of these properties. """ return np.array([[key] for key in self.keys])
[docs] def initialize(self, stars, logger=None): """Initialize both the interpolator to some state prefatory to any solve iterations and initialize the stars for use with this interpolator. :param stars: A list of Star instances to interpolate between :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ return stars
[docs] def solve(self, star_list, logger=None): """Solve for the interpolation coefficients given stars and attributes :param star_list: A list of Star instances to interpolate between :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] """ locations = np.array([self.getProperties(star) for star in star_list]) targets = np.array([ for star in star_list]) self._fit(locations, targets)
[docs] def interpolate(self, star, logger=None): """Perform the interpolation to find the interpolated parameter vector at some position. Calls interpolateList because sklearn prefers list input anyways :param star: A Star instance to which one wants to interpolate :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a new Star instance with its StarFit member holding the interpolated parameters """ # because of sklearn formatting, call interpolateList and take 0th entry return self.interpolateList([star], logger=logger)[0]
[docs] def interpolateList(self, star_list, logger=None): """Perform the interpolation for a list of stars. :param star_list: A list of Star instances to which to interpolate. :param logger: A logger object for logging debug info. [default: None] :returns: a list of new Star instances with interpolated parameters """ logger = galsim.config.LoggerWrapper(logger) locations = np.array([self.getProperties(star) for star in star_list]) targets = self._predict(locations) star_list_fitted = [] for yi, star in zip(targets, star_list): if is None: fit = StarFit(yi) else: fit = star_list_fitted.append(Star(, fit)) return star_list_fitted
def _finish_write(self, fits, extname): """Write the solution to a FITS binary table. Save the knn params and the locations and targets arrays :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object. :param extname: The base name of the extension with the interp information. """ dtypes = [('LOCATIONS', self.locations.dtype, self.locations.shape), ('TARGETS', self.targets.dtype, self.targets.shape), ] data = np.empty(1, dtype=dtypes) # assign data['LOCATIONS'] = self.locations data['TARGETS'] = self.targets # write to fits fits.write_table(data, extname=extname + '_solution') def _finish_read(self, fits, extname): """Read the solution from a FITS binary table. :param fits: An open fitsio.FITS object. :param extname: The base name of the extension with the interp information. """ data = fits[extname + '_solution'].read() # self.locations and self.targets assigned in _fit self._fit(data['LOCATIONS'][0], data['TARGETS'][0])